you're gonna get what you deserve
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dayo! the waste!

This area was one she rarely ventured too, finding Hailfax comfortable to her needs. It was a comfortable day, neither too hot or too cold, and the clouds above hid the sun. Rain constantly threatened her as she moved through the Wastes, but didn't fall. It was filthy, filthy like her city, but lacking in the architecture, the buildings, it was just desolate. Empty. Sabeen moved in lupus form, having felt the need to go back to her roots. Lately she had felt the need to remind herself that she had been more than just what everyone saw- an insane, evil woman. She had been a girl once, too.

Maybe things would have been better for her had she never allowed Drake to turn her. What good had shifting ever done her? It had cursed her. The only good thing that had come from it had been her new best friend. She sighed, feeling the familiar tugging at her corners to hit up fast and hard, but she was empty again today, and too tired from lack of sleep to venture all the way back to Hailfax until she had rested. So the lady moved blankly, her mind racing, feeling a desire to see the pied-marked male again, who had inspired her so. Corvus visited her thoughts every once and a while, as if he were controlling them, reminding her of who she was. She would probably seek him out again one day.


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