what do you do with the leftover you
character name + Tada'asana Calypso
character birthdate + january 7, 2005
luperci + yes, verto

character name2 + Tada'asana Sofia (NPC)
character birthdate2 + september 6, 2007
luperci + yes, ortus

email + frawlik@gmail.com
aim + irrelevant xx

Calypso could never shake off the guilt. None of it, not even the littlest scrap that had accumulated from his earliest days alive. But he had learned to live with it; he had learned to accept it, to accept himself. And in doing so, Calypso had allowed himself to love again. Not the twisted episodes of his past; dalliances and drunken, half-remembered passion. Something pure, clean and simple that cut to his core and vibrated so strongly that it hurt.

And both effects combined rendered a drastic change to his demeanor. Honey hued eyes were not wild and ghost-filled, but calm and appraising. No longer did he skulk, but walked with his head held high; not arrogantly, but as if he knew he was worth consideration, a moment of time. As if he had finally, finally done something he could be proud of.

And she was walking at his side now. Tumbling, more like; Sofia's paws had grown too big for her to easily place in their intended positions. She didn't mind, though. The world was too bright and new and fresh for any sort of frustration or fear. Sure, bad things had happened, but they were done and Daddy was here. He had protected her forever and in her limited aspect of reality she couldn't imagine that things would ever change.

Calypso could not go back to Storm. He had known it for a long time, even if he had not accepted it until actually revisiting the territory. There was too much of himself, as he used to be, invested into that pack. There was too much of a risk of stepping around a tree and colliding into a ghost of himself. Slipping back into old habits. And at the moment, the risk in that lay not only with harm to Calypso, but to Sofia. And he could never risk her.

There were more than enough people he cared for here, in Jaded Shadows. That is, assuming they had not all took up and left; Storm had certainly been through radical changes. He hardly knew the pack anymore. A good thing, really, as it had made the eventual decision not to rejoin easier. But no; Fatin's scent hung too heavy. Sofia would get the chance to meet her grandmother.

You can see her whenever it rains
___ Welcome back! <3

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ Subsequent to the birth of Fatin's puppies, and the disappearance of Ender, Tayui had found herself spending more and more time simply watching. She had begun to spend a large portion of her time watching the pack, interacting and writing her History of the lands. She could either be found in the Library nowadays, or somewhere near the pack den, other times, simply roaming the borders to be sure they were still in tact and obvious. Though she had spoken with the leader of the Inferni clan, she still doubted the coyotes' intentions, and saw no harm in protecting what land was hers and her pack's. No miscommunication would be made over hazy borders, and she would try her best (with the departure of all her Spaher's) to assume the role of the border guard, Alpha, Historian, Spiritualist, and secondary puppy-watcher. Within the course of a few days, her life had become much busier.
___ While she would have found it preferable to be out, roaming the lands of Bleeding Souls in search of new information for her book, she found herself making the trek around the pack lands. She moved at a comfortable gait, weaving in and out of the trees, ears flicking to catch many of the sounds, nose moving frantically to detect the many scents. It seemed as though a lone wolf had wandered past where she was, and Tayui found the scent vaguely recognizable. She quickened her pace, following the scent as it followed the edge of the territory. She slowed down as the other wolf came into view, stepping around a large oak tree to move closer. She cocked her head as she approached, frowning as she tried to place the name and the scent. It was all so familiar, and she knew she knew him. He had not been a member of Jaded Shadows, but... he had been a visitor there once. "Calypso?" She asked hesitantly, shuffling closer so she could see him better. If this were Calypso, then it would mean it was the same puppy she had met years ago, the same brother to the three sisters, son to the female she had known so long ago. The same Calypso she had neither seen of nor heard of in what felt like centuries. Oh, how times did change.

ty. Big Grin. i forgot how much fun it was to write postsss.

Since the horror that had befallen Lily and the rest of his children, Calypso had been very particular in instructing Sofia of the dangers present in wolves that she did not know. Although he had mentioned there would be friendlier faces here, she still instinctively hid behind him as the strange white wolf approached. She was not afraid, just wary, and preferred to remain out of sight where she could watch the strange female from a position of definite safety.

It took Calypso a moment to recognize Tayui, and when he did her name escaped him. Her scent was equally as heavy as Fatin's on the edges of the territory; both leaders, then? Familiarity did not excuse him from being polite, so he gently tilted his ears back and lowered his tail. No cowering child, but not quite insolent either. "The very same." He hesitated, then resumed speaking: "I'm sorry, though, but time has taken it's toll and I can't say I remember your name. You're one of the leaders now, though?" The last part was spoken most hesitantly, as it could be his nose was just honing in on the scents that were most familiar to him instead of her scent actually being especially prevalent.

You can see her whenever it rains
___ Eee c:

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ Time was a strange and fickle creature. It was one of the few constants in the world, always there, invisible and unseeing, but its influence could change everything. In time, the world had collapsed under the humans, and in time, the canines had evolved. Time itself was something Tayui still struggled to define, and it was the same thing that dictated the seasons, the years, the world's existence. Through time, Calypso had lived in the lands of Bleeding Souls, departed, and now returned. Though Tayui could not recall the exact amount of time that had passed, it had seemed long enough.
___ The fickle creature that was time might make her believe one thing, lead her on, and hide from her sight. It was strange to think of how long ago it had been that she had last seen Calypso, or any other wolf that had since left the lands. So many came and left, lived and died.
___ Tayui nodded quickly as Calypso spoke, lifting her tail, standing a little taller. Since Calypso had left, much had happened, and she supposed that her becoming one of the two Alpha's was an instance of how the pack had changed. "Yes, Fatin and I both are the Alpha's now." She paused, frowning slightly to herself as she deliberated the current situation. Calypso's presence, though potentially welcoming, was slightly puzzling. She was unsure what his purpose was, or, if she could even trust him now that he had been gone for such a time. Wolves changed, and Tayui could very well attest to that. She was more curious, now, than anything, which perhaps was not a good thing. "Are you visiting again?" Were it any other lone wolf, she would have demanded that they state their reason for lingering so close to the border, and if it were any member of another pack, such would be asked, again. She supposed that because she knew Calypso, the question was worded differently, but the intent was still the same.

She didn't refresh his memory of her name, but Calypso supposed that was her prerogative. He was the loner; the stranger, the uncertain factor. This was her land, and any previous familiarity did not change that. His nose wasn't wrong, either; they were both alphas. Lovers, too? It was almost embarrassing how little he really knew about Fatin's life. All that came to mind was a warm, motherly figure, but everyone has their dramas. He had never been there for her, not in the way that she had supported him. Through everything.

But as he had resolved to be less self-absorbed, as he had resolved to be a good father, so he would try to be a better son. Blood didn't matter; Tempest's face was not the image that flashed to mind when the word mother was spoken. The irony of his situation struck him; neither Fatin, the most important wolf left to him here, nor Sofia, the most important wolf left from his outside life were actually, technically related to him. Of course, Sofia didn't know, and it would only hurt her to do so; someday, maybe.

"Not.. visiting, really. I need a place to live again; a home." Sofia had made herself nearly invisible, pressing against her father and burying in his fur. But it was important for her to be seen; Calypso was not just requesting a single spot in the ranks. He shifted and nudged her forward. "Not just for myself, either." Sofia didn't like being so exposed; after hesitating what she judged was long enough, she edged backwards again. Still visible, just safe.

You can see her whenever it rains

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ The pause, though short, was evident enough. Tayui nodded once, twice, three times, as Calypso replied, and was left to wonder the reason for his visit only for a few moments before that detail was clarified. A home, something many lone wolves and newcomers alike sought out at the borders if they were not there to cause trouble. She smiled, relieved that he was not intending on running off in a few days, perhaps even trying to leave a puppy at their doorstep. She had known one wolf some time ago who had attempted to pawn off a puppy onto a wolf on border duty, which had turned into an interesting predicament for the Alpha to deal with.
___ She was relieved, again, when Calypso spoke for a second time. The puppy that had been hiding behind his bulk, though obscured from Tayui's sight, was finally mentioned. Tayui nodded in reply once more, mulling over his words. The pack had room for another able-bodied member, and while they already had four puppies to look after, if Calypso was willing to take part in looking after his own, it should work out well. In fact, it might be more beneficial to this puppy if it were to grow up with a few other companions its own age.
___ "Have you learned anything of use in your time away?" Again, it was the question always asked, but phrased differently for the sake of familiarity. She gave the puppy, now hiding behind Calypso, a small smile in exchange for her braveness in confronting her while her caretaker had introduced her.

The sum of his experiences seemed to stretch into infinity. Yes, he had learned something. More than just a something, really. Most of it, though, wasn't the kind easily put into words. A sort of acceptance of himself; he felt dozens of years older, and it was not an aging brought about only by hardship. But that wasn't what she wanted to hear. Calypso knew the way the process worked. He had surely been part of it often enough: both the greeting in Storm and the accepting in Meadows. "Some concretely useful skills. I've become quite proficient in tying knots of all sorts. Not to mention I did a lot of teaching, too. Mostly in the area of reading and writing, but also some other aspects of shifted life that the non-luperci wolves I associated with took interest in."

Lily had loved to read. She had treasured the two or three books Cal had brought with him, far more fascinated than any of the others. The memory, sudden and hard, caught him off balance and his breath stuck in his throat. He recovered smoothly; there was no raging self-loathing, no guilt bubbling up from his depths. Just a bittersweet tenderness, a renewed longing that never quite managed to disappear completely.

Sofia relaxed ever so slightly at Tayui's smile. It wasn't that she particularly didn't like this other wolf, it was just that her experiences with strangers had been so severely limited. At it's highest, the number of wolves she knew was seven. Then six, after mere mortality took two siblings. Then two, when one day Daddy and her had returned from a walk only to find Mommy hurt and the other puppies gone. And soon Mommy had gone too. Sofia did not really know where; Daddy had been very vague when answering that question. So she had asked every day, for a while; trying to find out when Mommy would come back. But the constant avoidance on his part had dulled her drive to do so, and only periodically did she bother to do so. In fact, she wanted to ask now, but stopped herself because she did not want to speak in front of the stranger. She didn't like how her voice sounded, so she assumed no one else did either. It was stupid and she could never manage to say the words the way she wanted to, so she avoided talking whenever possible.

You can see her whenever it rains

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ Again, the questions, and again, the answers. It was all one long, dreary process that was only made brighter with the presence of an old friend (did she even know Calypso well enough to consider him anything more than an acquaintance?) and a shy puppy. Many times, accepting members was just one long monotonous process, with the newcomer trying their best to look good, and the one greeting them hoping that they did not make a mistake. What if the wolf was horribly mean? What if they had some sort of chemical imbalance that made them extremely aggressive in all the wrong ways? There were so many things that could go wrong, so many strange wolves one could come across. It was a toss up, really, of what you were going to get. Sometimes it was a coyote looking for trouble, and other times it wasn't a wolf at all, but rather, a bear, or a cougar, or another creature of the sorts. Luckily for Tayui (and Calypso) neither was some sort of beast that could easily tear their limbs apart with a swipe of their claws (such as a bear).
___ Tayui nodded once more as Calypso spoke, listing his newly acquired skills. She was also fortunate that this entire process was not all that boring. Perhaps she had exaggerated, for she really did not mind checking the borders or accepting and denying newcomers. "I've began working on my writing as well," she replied, pausing for a moment. "If you're not just visiting, do you plan on staying? We've had so many come and go. Its starting to make me wonder." Again, she paused, eyeing Calypso curiously. "Your skills are useful to us only if you remain here long enough to be of service, to live in the pack, to be a member." Your answer, please, her eyes said. Your reply, please, her words demanded. But it's alright, her smile reassured.

"I cannot give a promise that I will stay a member forever, not with so many unpredictable variables out there. However, for the entirety of my visible future I am in the market for a home, not merely a place to stay. I have precedence of sticking around, anyway. Spent nearly 2 years in Storm, and about 7 months in Meadows." A comment on why he had left one or the other would have been appropriate to add, but the absense wasn't a gaping hole and Calypso would rather not discuss either. Loyalty was deeply ingrained within him and it took some serious uprooting to convince him to leave. In fact, in the second case he hadn't actually left Meadows until Lily's life had come into jeopardy.

Calypso forced himself to relax a little. Without even noticing he had been tensing his muscles; this was somewhat nerve-wracking, although he couldn't see any reason why he should be rejected. Maybe his crippled leg. But these were friends, and he was a competent enough hunter regardless. After his recent visit to Storm he had decided there was no way he could live there again, not at this point in his life. Jaded Shadows just made the most sense as a second choice; he even had a small den secreted somewhere from the times years ago when he would sneak onto the lands to visit Fatin. Assuming of course it wasn't currently being used by some other small animal it might be amusing to stop by. Maybe he had even left a thing or two there.

You can see her whenever it rains

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ And there it went. All the pressure was slowly beginning to ebb, for the whole ordeal was slowly coming to a definite close. At this point, it was only for her to judge whether this wolf should stay or go. It was not a difficult decision to make, for her past experience gave her enough knowledge to base part of the judgement on, and now, after speaking with him again, she knew for sure.
___ "I'm glad to hear that, Calypso, I am. You'll be ranked as a Subordinate, like all newcomers to the pack, until you can work your way up in the ranks." She lowered her head a little, peering at the puppy. "And you," she said, giving the puppy a friendly nod of the head, "will find that there are a few other puppies to play with." She paused once more, straightening up to face Calypso. "Would you like to come with me so I can show you the pack dens? Or would you prefer to explore the pack lands on your own for now?" Now that she was past the point of forced formality, she could more easily converse with Calypso. Though many had commented on her unusual speech patterns (some mistaking her for the Alpha version of a 'Queen' in past times), she felt more at ease, and hoped that Calypso would feel such too.

Welcome to Bleeding Souls!

_ Hey, welcome to Bleeding Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the RP Guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

_ Now that you're accepted, you need to do two things:
___ 1. Make your first IC post within five days.
___ 2. Make a post in your pack's tally? within seven days.. Let the Alpha or Administrator who accepted you know you've done this, and provide a link to your first post.

_ You can also start saving up Word of the Day points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.

_ In essence, welcome to Bleeding Souls!

Subordinate. It had been a while since Calypso had had that rank. He didn't particularly mind, though. In fact it would be nice to be responsible for nothing beyond himself and his child, for a while at least. Cal nudged Sofia, and grinned at her: "You're a member of a pack now, sweetie." She perked her ears at grinned at her dad, and risked a hesitant smile in the direction of the Alpha. "Jaded Shadowth." She said, trying to make Daddy proud by having remembered this fact that he had told her many hours ago.

Glancing back up at Tayui, Calypso bowed his thanks: "I'd love to take you up on your offer. A pack den sounds interesting, I don't think it was like that back when I was visiting often." Oh, and introductions. "This is Sofia, by the way. And, I'm sorry, but your name again was?" He hated how he couldn't remember, the question had been pestering him since she had first shown up to question him.

You can see her whenever it rains
___ Thaaaaanks for reposting this <3

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ The entire process of greeting, questioning, and accepting was over so that they could now begin a new process. Tayui wasn't sure if was so much a 'process' as anything else, as this would only involve showing Calypso around, and perhaps getting his friend acquainted with Fatin's litter. She laughed as the puppy attempted to pronounce the name, knowing that it was quite a mouthful. Aside from Clouded Tears, this was the only pack that had a long name. She chuckled quietly as she realized this, shaking her head a few times for good measure. As Calypso spoke, she nodded once more, taking a few steps in the direction of the pack den. She gestured towards the direction they would be heading with a slow turn of her head, pausing to regard the other two wolves with a small smile.
___ "I'm Tayui L'leh. Since you left, Jaded Shadows has changed quite a bit. Fatin and I are the two residing Alpha's - Mordulin left some time ago. Fatin has four puppies now, all about Sofia's age. The pack den was discovered a while back. It's a ways off, on the other side of the territory on the Eastern side of the mountain. We'll have to head South for a little while now." Again, she smiled, overjoyed that Calypso had returned. And with a puppy! Fatin's puppies would be delighted to have someone new to play with, and she could not wait to show them around. It was always exciting seeing old faces return, recalling whatever memories they had once had.
sorry for delay Sad. had a bad week.

Calypso was glad to hear about Fatin's litter, both for his mother's sake and Sofia's. It would be good for his daughter to be around puppies her own age; he had been worried that she wouldn't adapt properly socially otherwise. His thoughts undirected wandered back to Sofia's brothers; there had been four. Two had died to natural causes early on, but Tomas and Lukas had stuck around long enough to worm their ways securely into his heart. But now, along with so many that were important to him, they rested in his personal graveyard. And while they were dead, Calypso was alive. Sofia was alive. That was what mattered. He had to be able to touch the past without letting it consume him; he had to loosen his grip on it, not hold it with a fist clenched so tightly.

"I'm glad to hear that, congratulations to both you and Fatin." A smile. A genuine one, too, no matter the undercurrents of his mind. Calypso really was improving. "Did Mordulin leave for any particular reason?" Curiousity demanded he ask the questions. In his day he had seen the departure of many alphas, but Mordulin had always been a fixed factor in regards to Jaded Shadows. At one point it would have been hard to imagine the pack without her, but he had been gone so long that everything was fresh and new and anything seemed possible.

Calypso kept pace easily with Tayui as they walked, glancing back at Sofia every once in a while. She was able to keep up well enough: panting, but obstinately continuing to trot instead of simply requesting to be carried. She was still light enough that even though Daddy was a cripple he had absolutely no issue with carrying her.
You can see her whenever it rains

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ Again, it was all smiles, happiness and cheer. Tayui nodded as they set off in the direction of the pack den, keeping at an even pace that would be slow enough for Sofia to keep up with. There was no pause in the conversation as they continued toward the pack den, and Tayui trotted alongside Calypso so they could converse more easily.
___ "It was her time. She has been with the pack since its change in leadership from Omoi, so she is not as young as she once was." Although she had her suspicions, she knew it had come for Mordulin to take her leave. She had been more and more scarce in the recent months, and Tayui suspected that her age had finally caught up to her. Being the founding Alpha of the pack, and still residing as such, was certainly something to brag about. The only catch was the time it implied, that it was a medal of honour declaring her time in the pack. Indeed, this time had finally found the female, and the flecks of white scattered throughout her fur only confirmed it for Tayui. She would have thought that Mordulin would stay to offer her guidance, but it was not her way. It was just how it was.


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