Walls for colder seasons

;_; forgive?
Word Count: --

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

His eyes sometimes looked at Belle, sometimes looked at the position of the log as it slowly crept towards their goal. He smiled, and his hands tightened the ropes to maintain a balance. If gravity worked against them, it should not fall on either of them, but the other ropes should tighten and make sure it remained in place. Slowly and carefully, Belle made sure that the log changed from a horizontal to a vertical state, and as gravity took hold of the heavy log and finally pulled it fully into the hole, it gave a soft 'thud'. Dawali uttered sounds to make Belle stop moving, and she halted; the log now stood perfectly upwards, but of course they would have to make sure it wouldn't just fall again. Smiling eagerly, Dawali looked to Hemming and made some random exclamations, before lowering his rope to the ground and pinning it into the mud with a hammer and a sharp piece of metal. "Like a charm!" Moving over to help Hemming pin his rope, Dawali passed the hole and took a second or two to look into it and see if it looked ok. "Looks just perfect, too. That was easy!" As soon as the ropes were fastened they could pack stone and dirt around the base of the log, but it was probably best to let Belle stand where she was for the time being, to make sure it didn't just topple over. If the rest of the building went as easily as this they might just have a town hall before winter after all!

forgive me too? :__; <3

The success of their endeavour brought an unshakable grin to Hemming's face. He peered at the pole, now vertical, with pride, and grinned at Belle, who had performed her task so perfectly. As Dawali neared, he grinned at him too. The gray wolf held the rope to the ground as his Kalona secured it, the elation caused by the beauty and efficacy of their method not wearing thin. It hadn't taken that long, either, and surely with a few days of work they could get the thing done. Their accomplishment was inspiring.

"Beautiful!" Hemming exclaimed as he moved closer to the pole, clasping his hands together. The dirt they had pulled out of the ground was sitting in a distended pile around the hole, and the wolf was almost immediately kneeling and pushing the soil back towards the hole to fill in the little gaps and stabilize their contraption. He didn't know how much work Belle was still doing, or if there was any tension in the ropes at all, but he didn't want her holding it up all day! The Gatlvska shoved soil hurriedly; he was eager to start digging more holes and erecting more poles.

james made this

This kinda sucks. I am sorry. Also, do we fade now, or continue? I am fine either way :3

Word Count: --

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

The two friends admired their work, and as they did their faces split in two. A row of teeth shot across their masks as they grinned at their work and each other. After the ropes were fastened they packed the earth back into the hole, around the log. Dawali gestured towards the hole and wordlessly signalized that he wanted the bigger stones to circle the log's end, instead of just dirt. Stone was more compact and stable than earth, and would probably better survive rainfall and moist weather. This log would be part of the outer wall, and it was crucial that it could be trusted. Once finished, Dawali took some steps back and admired their work yet again, now noticing how several of the ropes were slack; it proved them right. Their plan had worked! He looked from the log to his friend with a truly enthusiastic grin before he moved to Belle and loosened her ropes. As the Kalona realized the log would stay upright, and steadily, he uttered a loud exclamation; a primal cry of victory, but subdued compared to an actual warcry. "Yeah!" Belle jumped slightly, surprised at the sound which bellowed out of her master. Now with in a calmer way, but still heroically, he continued; "It works like a charm, Hemming! We're gonna actually build this thing!" He could not believe it. He knew his father would have been proud to see this.


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