If only if only...

Svara lifted one paw after the other. Her wolf form tight as her muscles streched over a lean and no longer perfect body. She wore old scars and new ones, some she found interesting, others from a past that held little to no interest to her. The she wolf walked on long legs and was all but skin and bones, there was enough meat on her to show she was far from death, but it was obvious she had lived with scares food conditions for some time. Her yellow eyes were deadly as she scanned over familiar terrain. It was of no concern why she had left to begin with, her return had only been because of simple curiousity.

There was a cruelty to the she wolfs features, where once youth had hung to an unscarred complexion. One yellow eye was slightly duller then the other, only proving it's less the useful capablities. Prowling with her head low she stalked cour des miracles lands with a seductive smile. Home was always a good place to escape to. This was the place of hell, where only complications could arise. The red she wolf couldn't wait to see the king, and what had once been her mate. Svara knew for damn sure that they would not recognize the new her.


Firefly had taken to lurking along the borders of the lands when she wasn't harassing the stubborn mare in the paddock, and it just so happened that today she had grown tired of chasing the horse about and had decided to once more take up the chore of wandering the long edge of land that they claimed as their border. She had stopped to sniff at some lingering odor for a moment before passing it on and marking the trees, rubbing along the rough bark as she passed them. The Sadira woman's pelt had began to fade to a soft silver with stray hints of gold. She still hadn't come to decide if she liked the new look or not but it was growing on her. She preferred her golden bronze pelt, but this would do if she was stuck with it. She gave a bored yawn before galloping down the small trail that had just begun to show wear from the pack's use of it.

The Sadira woman probably wouldn't have slowed down except a scent she knew too well had crossed her trail and brought her to a stop. She felt the fur along her neck bristle as she inhaled deeply. Firefly frowned, she knew that Svara had left and if the girl had indeed tried to follow her she hadn't expected to see her around anytime before the first snow. This scent did belong to the young woman who had once been a leader of the pack she now seemed to stalk. Firefly scowled and shook her head as she moved on, knowing that she would find the girl before too long.

If Svara had thought that the wolves of the pack wouldn't have been able to recognize her she had clearly forgotten one member who would have never forgotten Svara, no matter how much she changed. Firefly wasn't suppose to be in Cour des Miracles though so perhaps Svara's plan would have worked.. if Firefly hadn't come up behind the stubby gnawed off tail of Svara. "See anything that interests you?" She asked, wondering why Svara was sneaking about the edges of the packlands so quietly.


Prowling further into the known territory she didn't have any intention of stopping. She had come back for a reason, and it was her own and she planned to fufill it. The smell of family was choking her sense to an almost gagging point. How she hadn't missed this feeling of being surrounded. She didn't know how to deal with it, and unlike them she had lost all sense of compassion for the bull shit. The sound of another approaching her made her stop in her tracks. Long legs held up a lean and a body that was almost to skinny, but wasn't.

The words stretched out amoung them like an unseen sheild. The she wolf wasn't supposed to be here, she had left. It didn't matter, it wouldn't mess up her goals any. With out turning to look at the gold she wolf svara gave her an empty response. "Not really." If she had she wouldn't be lurking around. Of course she had her reasons for lingering in certian places. Pierced ears swiveled on her skull as she started moving forwards again not even looking back at the she wolf. Firefly had made it very clear what she meant to her the day she had left with no goodbye. Their score board was even, she had never went looking for the women.


She hadn't expected a very pleasant reaction from Svara bout she hadn't expected the girl to not even face her when she spoke. Once more the hair on her back rose as a soft growl escaped from Firefly's throat as the younger female began to walk away, further into the lands that she too had left behind. "Then what are you doing here?" Firefly asked, her voice dropping, the disapproval of Svara's actions ringing clear as she took the opportunity to quickly move around the girl and place herself in the middle of her tracks.

Firefly glared at the once leader as she blocked her path, making it perfectly clear that she wasn't going to just let the girl go by. She wanted to know what was going on in the sharp mind of the youth and she would find out one way or another. Firefly didn't want to deal with anything right now and she wasn't about to start playing some little game with Svara again, she thought the younger woman was over games but it seemed like she was wrong.

"What the hell is your problem Svara?" She growled as those stony emerald orbs glared at her one time friend. If Svara wanted to play at being a bitch again Firefly was well up to doing the same.


.......ooc Big Grin

.......The black and white male took this path almost every other day, strong thick body bounced with each step from his large paws on the ground. Thick coat was well groomed his his red eyes pulled away from the trail while his nose sniffed at the scents, the hybird had been letting the thought as well the fact he was going to be a father. Being a father meant provideing food an at this moment he was also hungry, the small growl pulled from his gut with a flicker of his ear.

Chamberlain's body trotted with eased through the small wooded area, scenting the food supply was very easy for this part of the pack lands. Leroy's body paused for a moment as his black and white body was surrounded by the green of the trees, red eyes searching for nothing as he moved around the useless bushes to the creak. Yes this hunting spot was still good, deer still came here for water an the few beding areas was clue enough.

Leaving the checked hunting grounds behind Leroy quitely moved back towards the border, though the wind brought a pair of scents that he knew all to well before. Tail high a low growl rose in the bottom of his throat as he trotted towards the source, his ears pricked slightly as his black and white body slowed as he avoided a tree in the middle of his path. Hearing Firefly an seeing her body pose to Svara. Svara. Leroy only a small part of Leroy was happy she was back, a rough snort emitted as his ears flickered on his head before walking towards Firefly. Red eyes locked at Svara as his hair rose with his tail high, they might have been mates an in love at one point but right now she is trespassing. "Firefly" Speaking a short greeting before his rough voice spoke again. "Why are you back."



As she moved on she hadn't expected anyless then for firefly to jump into her path. If eyebrows had been part of the she wolfs features one would have been risen in a sarcastic gesture to the other womens actions. The she wolf had little to no intelligance if she thought that she was exzempt from the red she wolfs fangs. Seeing the she wolf face to face didn't faze svara much. Firefly had been more then a friend to her, and that didn't matter cause that was part of the past she no longer looked back at.

Yellow eyes stared at the other she wolf with a bored outlook. Over looking the first question the red she wolf asked and moved past her with no pause. Her movements were quick and smooth as if she had become acustom to other wolves getting in her way. The new scars only told the new stories. "Your my problem." She replied cooly, her voice revealing only the hard shell of a women she had become. The svara thames firefly had known was no longer, she had vanished with what had happened since the red she wolf had been gone.

Her luck wasn't getting any better as she moved to pass the golden she wolf the husky found them. His manner of greating her set off a spark in the she wolfs body. Her own well defined body took a tense position. Fur lifted along her spine and yellow eyes narrowed a cunning smile on her maw. "You didn't look for me leroy. I can see where your heart lies." Letting her fur relax along her spine she kept her head lowered and her third of a tail jerked up in the air. She knew him, he would always love her, always. Svara refused to fall into the past, she couldn't look there for comfort anymore.


Firefly was use to the childish antics of Svara, even when the woman has grown some she still had never been able to put away childish things and it seemed that still today she was holding onto the past. Firefly narrowed her eyes at the woman when Svara's cool words met her ears. She had been about to take a step forward, closer to the other when Leroy's voice spoke up. In that second Svara had quickly moved around Firefly and a threatening snarled broke lose from the Sadira woman's throat

Glancing towards Leroy Firefly quickly placed herself in Svara's way once more as she growled, "If you want something Svara just say it, otherwise leave." She pushed herself closer to the younger woman as she left her sharp remarks for Leroy. Firefly's ears flicked back as she hissed. "We all made our own choices Svara, Leroy stayed loyal to our pack, I chose to come home.. what did you chose?" she asked as she waited for the bitch to speak. She was trespassing, if the woman wanted to call the lands home she'd better speak up sooner than later or find herself in trouble.



.......Leroy wasn't bothered by Svara's reaction towards him, if she was angered by her body pose then so be it. He was of the pack, an at the moment the only one present who could accept her while his former lover didn't seem to like how he held himself. Tough luck. Red eyes glared down at Svara as his own body moved slightly closer to Firefly's side, faceing the once leader that walked right in.

A low rumble held itself in his throat as his muscles appeared calm under his coat, why Svara came back was beyond him an why she left was just as clear. Standing tall the husky narrowed his own eyes at her words, though Firefly seemed to strick back with her own words.

"I" His deep voice rose loudly with a growl rattleing his throat at Svara, a slight pause his rough and unpleased voice finished."I no reason to follow after you. You made your own intentions clear." Ignoreing the topic it had nothing to do with why Svara was here. If she was returning to home the husky wanted an answer. "Why are you here? If you wanted to come back drop the nonsense." Leroy wasn't the mood for games of any kind, voice rattling his maw twitched barely.





She gave them both a seething look. Her yellow gaze deadly she had lost all empathy, and compassion it had litterally been raped out of her. Stolen with everything else she had gained with the love she had found in these two a the rest of her pack. To love them was pointless, it had done nothing but break her heart more in the end. Her seething glance became cold and lost a blank expression of someone who had just lived through hell and had come looking for heaven.

Firefly's words made svara's eye lids flutter so delicatly as if she was lost to them already. "So is that your way of saying I'm not worthy?" The words flowed off her tounge with a lifeless drawl. She wanted many things, like redemption, but that was only for fools, that and a positive out look. Her time away had changed her, she had no intention of ever healing someone again, ever. Hardening her features again she lifted her head with dignity. "What is your judgment." It was not a question, but a demand on Leroy's part. If he turned her away she would leave and seek her goals somewhere else. it was little to her, everything seemed little to her now.


.......ooc sorry to skip you shannon, i just wanted to get the joining part over.

....... Breathing Leroy looked at Svara for a moment, red eyes and body unmoving as his mind went else where considering the current problem. Ignoring her words the husky let his face relaxe, only his face an just barely while a breath drew into his lung before he spoke. Voice deep, sharp and to the point,"I will assume you know the laws. I advise you visit Jac at once..he will like to hear from you.. " Pausing slightly his red eyes moved towards the area, he had things to do though he was aware this is one of them. How others feel about her return he will deal with that later, but until she gives me a reason otherwise he sees no harm.





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