Bittersweet the memories

OOC: Only for Miyu/Slay. When you are ready. Like my new table? I made it myself.

Flayra was somehow not herself today. She wanted to be alone for a while while she cleared her head up. She had been thinking about a lot of things recently, which a female her age would normally think about. There some things that she was thinking about that had something to do with being with a certain wolf in her life. She had always wondered if she would find someone who fit that spot. Then there was the one thing that she didn't even want to think about. Haku. What the monster said to her about the Dahlians only tolerating her stay and that they didn't really want her. She first didn't believe him, but soon she became to think that he was telling the truth. She did try to block it out, but then I came back to her. She was really believing him.

Flayra was trying to shake it out of her head. She just doesn't want to actually believe the monster. It was then that she picked up the scent of a pack, which she wasn't expecting. Dahlia. She paused for the moment, considering if she sould avoid them, or ask them herself if didn't really want her at all and they were only tolerating her. She made a decision. She would stay for now. She waited along the border line for someone to find her. She didn't want to announce herself because she didn't Haku to come by.

ooc: Yes, it's pretty! And I like the lyrics. :>

Slay jogged along the border, the crisp fall air materializing his breath in foggy clouds. He felt oddly energetic, his ice-pale eyes scanning the familiar borders of his packland as his broad footpaws rustled through the dead leaves. Life was finally good for him. His mate's happiness buoyed him up, helped chase away the thoughts of inadequacy. As long as he didn't take her for granted or shirk his responsibilities too much, she wouldn't be going anywhere... and that stability brought warmth to his commitment-fearing heart.

The tall shaggy werewolf slowed his pace, brushing his wild mane from his face. He was starting to feel a rumble of hunger, and as Dahlia's Head Hunter, it was his duty - nay, his calling! - to keep the prey around here in check. It was an entirely different experience to hunt on two legs, as he had learned in the past month or two since his first shift. It was easier to catch fish, at least. His wet nose scented the air, jaws parted as he focused on the chilly October air.

It was not the scent of a stray hare or wild hart that drifted on the wind, but rather, the scent of a strange wolf... Slay's eyebrows furrowed, pacing forward through the rustling leaves as he followed the trail. He was more curious than defensive, since the smell was vaguely familiar, and the female had not yet crossed their borders anyway. When he caught a glimpse of pale grey nestled amidst the vivid reds and oranges of the fall foliage, he remembered his encounter with Pendzez - and how he had last spoken with the little flower on the day of her exodus, when snows had blanketed the ground and she was still a young pup.

"Is that you, Flayra?" he called out, tilting his head with a quizzical smile. Since he was a runaway himself, he never took offense to those wolves who deserted their pack. Some might find it insulting, but he was always friendly to his former packmates. It was nice of them to visit.


Flayra stood there looking up at the color changed leaves of the autumn foliage. Some fell upon the earth as the sun shone through the leaves. She felt calm from all her thoughts, even the one about Haku. She was lost from reality, almost hypnotized. She felt like she was in a world where she alone wondered. A world which flowers covered the entire land, with butterflies playing with each other. A perfect world, almost like a dream. A dream that she wished would come true eventually.

Her mind returned when she heard of voice. A familiar voice, which, somehow, she was glad to hear. Her eyes looked over to find someone she was happy to see. Slayer, Cercelee's mate. He has changed a little since the last time she saw him. She changed a lot, but she still remembers what it was like to be a pup again. "Slay," she said, smiling. "Yes, it is me."

ooc talk

Slay lumbered forward, taking a seat atop a decaying tree stump. Even sitting, he was taller than Flayra; she was small for a werewolf, and he was notably large. He smiled disarmingly, hoping he didn't appear threatening in any way. He held a high rank in their pack now, not far below his mate herself. If any other border patrol came along, his presence would protect her from any sort of scrutiny. His pale gaze lingered for a moment on her bare arm - as a pup, she had concealed it beneath a sleeve of fabric, and he had never known why. Now she disguised it no longer, and he could see the cruel scars that mutilated her skin. How unfortunate, for pretty young girl to have sustained such an injury...

"It's good to see you again," he said simply, meeting her eyes again. He had always felt protective over the younger pack members, especially those without parents of their own. Flayra and Svara had both been orphaned at their doorstep, and he had extended his kindness to both girls, even though they had both deserted Dahlia de Mai as they grew up. Now that he was planning to become a parent himself, he found himself reflecting on such events; would either of them have stayed if he put forth a greater effort? Would his adopted pups have stayed longer, if he was a more active father?

It weighed heavily on him, the self-doubt. His earlier flippant mood had already been chased away by somber thoughts. Resting his chin in his wide palm, Slay spoke again. "What brings you here today? Did you need to see anyone?" His shaggy tail stirred the leaves below his tree stump, waving a lazy rhythm.

Flayra watched as the male sat upon a decaying tree. It has been a long time since he saw the tall male last. It was before she left that she last saw him. However, she knew his kindness that he gave her. Cercelee was the same. It was the female that gave her a home in Dhalia de Mai. Flayra was thankful for that. She still did today. She never forgot the kindness from Slay and Cercelee when she was here. Haku was a liar.

Flayra approached the male just a little closer, stopping closer to the tree stump. "I wanted to see you guys again, except Haku." Flayra admitted that she didn't want to see the demon that shouldn't even exist.

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