brand new day

Elroy had woken her early by walking across her face and rasping his tongue across her nose. She had growled at the monster and opened one eye to see the runt batting at her muzzle once more. She opened her maw and nipped at his paws before grumbling and laying one large pawpad ontop of the kitten's head so she could roll over and lay back down again. She knew that the little runt was going to just crawl up on her again and start bothering her once more until she picked up her paws and fed him.

As soon as she started to drift once more she felt the pat of little silky paws about her face and ears again as she groaned and rolled over, trying to squish the little creature she'd been saddled with. When she felt the bite of his tiny teeth in her foreleg she lifted herself up off the ground and shook out her pelt before glaring down at the critter that pestered her day in and day out. The tiny icy blue eyes gazed up at her a moment before darting through the tunnel and out the entrance to her den. She chased after the feline into the bright sunlight, wondering if she could drown the cat without anyone noticing.


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