monsters come out at night
Jon had fallen asleep upon the porch again, she had been woken by the chilly air and had sat there staring out at the stars that flickered above the night sky. She had been chilly and cold and yet she didn't feel like going back inside yet and snuggling up to Ruri. She had been sulking that evening when she'd fallen asleep in the mess of blankets upon the porch. A small yawn brought out her tiny fangs and exposed her little pink tongue before she shook out the cold from her pelt and stepped off the steps.

The young girl had little care for the cold beneith her paws but she knew that she had to keep moving or it would cause her pads to go numb. There was little wind that night and yet she could still smell the scent of the sea on the air. She had no way of telling if anyone in the pack was still awake but she didn't mind. The little girl set off for the beaches to see just what she could find to play with.

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