When I fall asleep leave my door open just a crack


Quietly her finger reached out and took hold of the door handle. The knob was chill to the touch as she rested her hands upon it. She pushed open the door slowly, as she poked her head into the house. There was something about it, it was warm and inviting but had a bit of mystery to it. She sniffed the air as her tan ears flicked around hunting for a sound other then the soft scurry of a mouse, and the sounds of sleeping beings. The female pushed the dory fully open. Her ears flicked back to lay flat against her head as the door squeaked.
”Shoot...!” Pontiac hissed softly as she looked be hide her, the silver moon hung high within the chilly night sky as the rain came down feeling like needle pricks upon her back. She sucked in her top lip as she bit down upon it, lowering her head back down as she pushed her way further into the door the female sighed as she walked in, as she looked down to the floor on which she now stood, a puddle of water was forming and it was all thanks to her and the water dripping off her coat. Her sky colored eyes shifted around looking as she tip-toed towards where the heat was. Pontiac found the main living room with in the house. The female placed a hand upon the door as she looked around the room, blankets, pillows and even a lit fire. She sat down near the fire as she shook her coat flinging the water off her pelt. She took a blanket as she sat back, taking hold of the blanket as she wrapped it around her, she curled up as she rested her head upon the couch as she watched the flames flicker, dancing around within its self contained prison. With a yawn she clutched the blanket closer around her as she moved her body down a bit as she smacked her lips and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth.

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