Walk Like You
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... yu/new.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">


The expanse of the territory never ceased to amaze her. Nigh a week she had travelled the width of the Valley and still, she was finding things to have her standing in awe. It was to be expected, given she hadn’t been among the clan for a while, and still her mind was broadened by what she saw. The day found her far from the fields she had been accustomed to, and into the beginnings of the woods. Fine trees were littered about, scattering leaves with the slightly breath of wind. A trademark of autumn and the promise of a hard winter to come. None the less, it was peaceful.

The sky was red, or so was it through her eyes. This result by the vivid foliage hanging limply over head, casting a bloody hue by the strike of the sun through the thin leaves. Quite romantic to the eye, she would say, smiling to none but herself and she continued in a light step. The floor was soft beneath her paws giving her a lush cushion to thread upon as she embarked on the pathless excursion. Crystalline eyes were ever vigilant for the strange and interesting she was sure to encounter, and hoped she would as well. Never had she seen such diverse color and climate in a single territory.

Excited but careful steps lead her further through the red scene, a perceptive muzzle remained high on her shoulders turning slightly with each display that caught the peripheral. And as she say something of interest, her steps halted and eyes drew wider with awe. A stone structure stood in the distance covered in an eerie red weed alone and fragile, but just the same strong in its solitude. It beaconed her with its many leaves, begging to be noticed, to be explored. Who was she to deny its heart-filled call? Eagerly she advanced, near prancing like a newborn fawn in delight, her nose already quivering with the new scent this structure produced. She hurried to the angle of its walls, dipping her nose close to the ground and pawing lightly at the stone. It seemed fitted to the earth, perhaps buried beneath it a little. Clearly nothing of this magnitude could be made by lupine paws. This must have been a human structure! Her tail fanned the air happily. She had discovered her first remnant! Her and her alone!

She yipped excitedly, batting her paws against the ground then sped the perimeter of the abandoned home. She looked not more than a child, and acted the part without shame.

Word Count: 430


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