flesh and blood

private. <3

      Out of sight, out of mind—that was the best way for Samael to be, and so he made himself scarce enough that he could barely be considered an active member of Inferni. He didn’t want to play nice with others, rather only joining Inferni to be close to Kaena and nothing more. But he found himself distancing himself from her regardless, torn by her rejection of his utmost affection and so avoiding the clan in its entirety. Yet his tone was uncharacteristically content, going about business as usual despite the scent brand faintly peppering his darkened coat. During a particular bout of intoxication—the name or type of the original drug long forgotten and hardly important—he’d come to an immediate realization. It was one that he’d known for a long time now, yet had not put into conscious thought, and he could only laugh at the sheer simplicity.

      There was no Angel other than himself—the vision he’d encountered as a child had been nothing more than a projection of himself, and Samael Lykoi loved himself most of all. He was the devil—the demonic king of hell with wings of black and eyes of murder. Life was about knowledge and reason, coming to terms with reality throughout the course of time. The forbidden fruit was the symbolic opening of one’s mind and eyes, indulged into by the coaxing of the Tempter—the black serpent entwined within the boughs of the tree of knowledge. So many wished to live in ignorance, enslaved by vigorous routine, shunning their natural desires and following the whims of others blindly without regard for their own well-fair or being, yet Samael knew better. He was looking out for himself first, and others only second.

      Even Kaena, his dearly beloved, was cared for out of consideration for his own emotions as he knew seeing her in pain would only inadvertently bring pain to himself. No others held his affection and loyalty so strongly—he was the Prince of Fear, the King of Hell, and no earthly beast could win his adoration so easily. Amusement, perhaps, but not undying, unwavering love as Kaena had done. The scent of blood and sex perpetually interwoven into his coat—like the heavy perfume of a rich woman—Samael made his rounds of Inferni, showing at least partially that it still mattered to him whether or not he was ranked amongst them.

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Thanks for starting, lovebucket :3

Who was he now, after all these years? As a child, he'd been what he now assumed a "typical" Lykoi; some sort of event he could now barely care to remember had centered around Ahemait and birthed the Lykoi monster within him; even in his youngest days, the boiling blood of a Lykoi was unstoppable within him. He'd been angry, dark; Kaena had loved him then as she loved him now, but as a child he was nothing more than another Lykoi whelp. He stood no different from his littermates and his other dozens of half-siblings; he and his brother had then followed the same path. Somewhere along the line, Razekiel had been fortunate to break off from it. Little did he know that Samael had not done the same in Razekiel's absence, despite the coyote's optimism that he had.

This Inferni was the same in feel and personality as the Inferni he'd been born into. The setting, the views were much different; his mother had returned shortly before he himself had. As far as Razekiel was concerned, Inferni was not Inferni without Kaena's presence, though Gabriel had led it well. It was his brothers and sisters that made up the population -- together they were a formidable force, the unbreakable Lykois.

And then there was Razekiel.

He moved with a perpetual skip in his wobbling step, head spinning pleasantly as always. The white stick in his mouth jiggled up and down as he moved along; where was he going? He didn't have a clue he was even in motion. "Go west, go west," he sang at the top of his voice, somehow managing to keep the smoking cigarette balanced on his tongue, "go west, young love; the sun's love nest--" It was then that he opened his eyes some and saw a hellbent creature creeping along Inferni's borders. He wore a familiar color of sorts, a strange, yellowish shade Razekiel had rarely seen elsewhere. He knew that demon.

"Sam-man!" The prince exclaimed, waving his arms drastically as his brother crept on by at a short distance. "Samael, Samael, Samael! My dear brother!" That said, as he began to move forward, the hippie tripped and stumbled a few feet before barely regaining his brother and reassuming his stance. "Sam-man, wait for Razie! It has been so long, man!"

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      The voice broke through his thoughts, informing him that he was no longer alone. Pausing, his head turned and he peered at the coyote that was fast approaching, calling out his name and the nickname to a title he hadn’t heard in years. Crimson eyes narrowing, he couldn’t quite believe that this was the sibling long since lost and nearly forgotten. The only brother he possessed that shared full, unadulterated blood with him, born to the same mother and father on a date considered evil with a dark prophecy hanging over their heads. He had changed, if this was indeed him, reeking of marijuana and tobacco and bearing clouded, distant eyes beneath rose-tinted glasses. Of course, his first impression lasted only the expanse of a few moments, but there was something blatantly different about this coyote from the last time they’d laid eyes on each other.

      One hand sought his hip, resting on the jean-clothed pelvis as he silently regarded the male, peering at him up and down and taking in this new Razekiel. He’d yet to learn of his pacifistic nature, and would only become more and more intrigued as to what had become of his hellish brother, the prince of lies. “Where have you been?” he asked, skipping pleasantries and getting straight to the point. It was the main question probing his mind at this revelation, and catching up could wait until later.

table by sie!

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ohay, I'm slow. Sad

He and Samael had never been exactly "typical" siblings; in name only, they shared a common mother and father, blood type perhaps, and they had also known a sister that was now unfortunately absent. They had been born in the same place, though not at the same time; Razekiel could not, for the life of he, remember who was eldest and youngest, but the hippie could only assume he was the middle child. He might've asked Kaena if he'd thought of it formerly, but it was nothing urgent.

Samael got straight to the point: There were no greetings, no smiles, no excitement. After what Gabriel had spoken about -- disease and whatnot -- the hippie had not been expecting too much more than what he received. Regardless, however, he was looking his brother in the eyes for the first time in ages, and that was enough for the grinning coyote.

"Where have I been? You know where I haven't been, man?!" Razekiel didn't think twice about nearly tackling his brother in a friendly, brotherly embrace and squeezing tight. It didn't occur to him that Samael might not have enjoyed it, nor that it could have been potentially embarrassing. The hippie squeezed and shook his brother in his embrace a little before suddenly releasing him and beginning to emphasize dramatically with extravagant waving of the arms. "I been walkin' Mother Earth for years, Sam-man! Saw some things, learned some shit, smoked some weed, made a lot of looove--" a statement accompanied by a hip-thrusting motion, "--and now I'm back, man! You haven't changed a bit!" In actuality, he could barely remember the Samael of his childhood. He hadn't been too different then as he was now, with the exception of the fire in his eyes and scars that marked his body. Clearly, the years had pulled them apart more than Razekiel had tried to argue against.

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