Give [M]e One Good Reason Why.

WC 829.
I hope it's ok! :]

Obsidian paws fell in unison, crushing shrubbery and stalking the shadows. Oak trees wrapped the terrain, lifting their branches high into the sky, blocking out the rays of the pregnant moon; the world now seemingly colorless and bland. Stars glimmered through the breaks of dark clouds, almost harmonious and dancing to a silent song. A song which soon rang out through the treetops and mountains in the form of a wolf's howl, a female loner who was looking for some company.

Her ebony fur blended well with the midnight cover, her appearance shadow-like and seemingly transparent. Viridian eyes glared expressionlessly toward the horizon, searching for some sign of life. A travelers life often became a lonely one, and as such, many had gained company and social requirements in the most vicious of ways – Lucia, though she had not sought such things, had often been the victim, yet with her past alcohol and drug abuse, it was often a blur at whether it had been consensual or not. As such, Lucia always asked for company via her howls, and if answered, she would trek to the respondent – weary, though more trusting than if they had not replied at all. Paranoia was a crippling thing, however she did as much as possible to fight it, and more often than not, she succeeded.

With her auds perked high atop her crown, she listened patiently; muscles rippling under her pelt as she paced carefully through the trees and bushes of the mountainside. Her heart pounded in her chest, pulse raising. There was a mild hunger in her stomach, for she had not eaten in days, yet without proper knowledge of her surroundings, Lucia found it difficult getting in the mindset for a hunt. It was difficult being a loner, often troublesome in fact, yet she just about got by – and if desperate, had often scavenged. Though she would never reveal this, as it would deem her unworthy of her species, and that, in all honesty, could be the worse thing of all.

Growling quietly, Lucia soon halted in her step. She could taste something in the air – something that did not quite belong with the scent of birthing trees and fresh water. Yet, the wind was opposing her instincts this night, thus she could not tell the species – nor gender – of what, or whom, she had possibly caught in the hours before midnight. Weary, she dared not venture forward – instead, she sat atop her haunches, her tassel wrapped around her paws, and her malachite orbs staring intensely at the horizon. Her hackles rose and fell with her breaths, plumes of frozen carbon dioxide floated from her maw. Spittle lined her lips, though it quickly vanished as her tongue passed over her jaw and cleaned it away.

After moments of silence, the femme rose again; half tempted to shift to her more facile two legs than her current four. If a fight were in order, she would be forced now to use tooth and claw, which presented a small problem, as her odds were better with the daggers which remained hidden in her backpack – a possession which lay against an oak not far from her position. Yet, if there was in fact a new enemy in her midst, changing would show weakness, thus a perfect time to attack for the opposing creature. Deciding against this, she growled sharply – a lot louder than before, yet quiet enough to show that she was, at the current moment in time, not a threat to whomever lingered nearby.

Digging her claws into the dirt, muscles tensing and olive eyes dancing wildly like a fire that spread through a forest overwhelmed by drought, Lucia's hackles stood upright; a tactic used by many to make themselves appear bigger than they actually are. Standing her ground, she waited – her pulse raising, and her heart drilling into her skull like a drum in a marching band. Time seemed to pass in slow motion, and as her breaths floated away from her mouth like a strange fog, Lucia's patience began to falter. Her kindness began to flake away, leaving room for anger, rage – something vicious that could rear its ugly head at any given moment; any sign of weakness and the body which Lucia owned could become home to something that even she did not recognize – a deep dark secret which she had yet to discover, an illness that ate away at the corridors of her brain, and tore at memories she longed to remember. Schizophrenia was a bitch, and though Lucia was not known to be placed in such a category, the one who stalked the remote wrinkles of her brain, was capable of such things – and probably a whole lot more. It was only a matter of time, and with this stranger still lurking in the shadowy horizon, it seemed that such a time was drawing ever closer.


An unfamiliar howl rose from the north of Inferni, and Gabriel’s ears rose to a black crown atop his head. He stood still, one foot in the air, attempting to identify the source. Several wolves had come to Inferni in the past weeks, but his paranoia and doubt now drove him to extremes. The burial of the dead had only furthered this, and strengthened the need to drive the blue eyed demon from his forest. Once he had done so, this war would end—Haku was his goal, but no part of Gabriel considered mercy for those who stood by the beast’s side. So driven, Gabriel trotted off quickly towards the source of the call. His breath quickened as he advanced towards the mountain, finding it peculiar that a wolf would be this far north.

It did not take him long to locate the source, a black wolf sitting and staring ahead blankly. She seemed perturbed, with the way her hair was all on end. A growl carried from her body, and though it might not have been intentionally aggressive, Gabriel’s own hackles rose along his spine. Though he did not return the audible warning, his stiff-legged approach and crinkled muzzle were enough to show he was not intimidated. As large as any male wolf, the hybrid looked himself a brute—though Gabriel believed he was far less cruel then many wolves in the world. “What are you doing?” He asked, deep voice rumbling. Even though these mountains did not belong to Inferni, she was close enough to his home to worry him. Especially given he had just buried three coyotes.

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table by sie

WC 325.
Sorry for the long wait Sad & the terrible, terrible reply.

He strolled into her line of sight; strong, confident. Lucia's malachite orbs traveled across him, studying carefully. He seemed to be a hybrid, something which she had rarely come across on her travels – and although it didn't bother her much, it was a curious thing. Especially considering how wolf and coyote seemed to tear one another apart on a daily basis these days. He was like the ultimate sign of peace, in a strange ironic sort of way.

As his masculine tone reached her auds, her muscles began to relax, folding in on themselves and allowing her pulse to slow. Her eyes cooled from their fiery twinkle, and her hackles slipped softly back into place.
“Forgive me,” she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, as though she was almost losing her voice in his presence. “I thought you were someone else.” That was a lie. She hardly knew anyone else. Who else could it of been? She prayed he did not ask her whom she had mistaken him for, she didn't have a clue. Would a fake name help? She doubted it. “I was merely looking around. Getting to know my surroundings and the wonders of this land,” she continued, much calmer than before, though still nervous. It was hidden well beneath her skin, buried beneath a calm, collected, almost innocent exterior – this male seemed to have a powerful aura around him. He made her feel uncomfortable. She hoped he couldn't tell.

“I'm kind of new here,”
she admitted, “I'm just looking for a place to rest and regain strength--” she tried to smile, although it was twisted and merely looked out of place. Her eyes stared intently on the hybrid, unsure of how to act. A scar wrinkled over one of her beautiful coals. He was closed, she couldn't read him. It was unusual. “The name is Lucia. Lucia Cabriel... And you are?”


I fail so much. :[ Sorry!

He watched her body change, watched her relax and settle as if his presence did not perturb her. This was curious, but it told him she was not a spy. A spy would have panicked. A Dahlian wolf would have recognized him and fled. Yet she thought he was someone else; Gabriel’s ears twitched at this. In his entire life, he had only ever met two people who had resembled him. One was his daughter. The other was long gone, left with the humans who had come and abandoned their city once again. It was right they did so. This world was not for them.

Exploring. He lifted his nose and took in her scent. There was no pack on her coat, telling him she was either foreign or lived alone. Either way, it did not matter to him. Inferni was at war, and the enemy wore many faces. Yet his body remained still, hiding the tension in his muscles, hiding the fact that if she said the wrong thing he would attack her. He was calm. He was stone. “Gabriel,” he said flatly, a living gargoyle perched atop the mountain. “Go east when you go down the mountain,” the scarred hybrid continued. “The lands below here are Inferni territory.”

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Quick reply for you whilst I'm at work just to keep things moving - my apologies for the crapness of it! xD

His words grated against her skull, auds twitching as his tongue spat out instructions – or perhaps simply demands. She smiled slightly, perhaps even just a small smirk, as her mind spilled over where she had heard that name before. Inferni – it rang a bell, but why? That was the question. It bugged her, yet she nodded at the hybrid and understood. “Inferni,” she whispered, her voice respectful and her eyes down toward the ground, although still aware of her surroundings. “Rumour says that wolves and Inferni don’t get on? Mind if I ask why?” She was genuinely curious, but then her thoughts skipped back to why she had heard the pack name before. Snake. It bit her like a viper in the grass, a bullet through the skull – it was a sniper shot. “I understand that a friend of mine is in your pack?” She smiled slightly, butterflies attacking her organs, and the image of his face glued to her eyelids every time she blinked. “Snake?? You know him?”

“I take it I would not be welcome to visit Inferni?” she asked quietly, guessing the answer, but figured she would ask anyway. It never hurt. “I mean no harm, I just like to explore. That and I may be of use to the pack one day? I’m a good ally.” As a matter of fact, she just wanted to see Snake again – but she wouldn’t tell him that. It could get him dishonoured if rumours about the coyote-wolf feud were true, and that was the last thing she wanted. She just prayed they were just lies, and that one-day; she could perhaps be with the beautiful coyote of this Alpha’s pack.

“I’m assuming you lead the Inferni pack, right?”

He studied her, amber eyes following the slight motion of her lips, the way her muscles betrayed her emotion as she spoke. It was not as if she was attempting to hide them, from what he could tell—the girl was still young, and still did not know her place in the world. She spoke more then he did, but most folks tended to. Gabriel was not a man of many words. Yet he listened with the quiet intensity of a predator and took in her words with each breath.

The girl was ignorant (or playing him). He frowned, opened his mouth to speak, and found it filled by one of his Hydra’s names. Then just as quickly she was off again, babbling on again. Finally she seemed to finish, and the dark faced coy-wolf spoke up. “We don’t get along with people who try and kill us,” the Aquila explained. It was as simple as that in his eyes. “I am,” he answered her other question, stepping forward to study the girl. “How do you know Snake?”

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WC: 590.


He was a silent witness. Statuesque as she spoke, he seemingly watched her every movement. Lucia pondered on this momentarily, placing this behaviour to some underlying trust issues or something – though, from the rumours that travelled over the landscapes, it was understandable why he kept his guard up. There was little emotion in his face; a blank canvass of power and control. There was something tedious about being in the presence of Snake’s superior – the watcher of the flock, whom she figured could quite easily cut down her soldier if she mentioned the myriad of things they had done in the sands of the Quart’s Shoreline. A small smile twitched across her obsidian maw, the flicker of memories passing through the dark corridors of her mind. However, it quickly passed. She remembered in whom she stood before, and given the lack of trust she had from the coyote hybrid, it seemed best to keep those memories locked away – trust worked both ways.

Glancing up at him, she shifted slightly. Posture changed, slightly more relaxed as his words seemed to calm her. It was a blessing that he did not treat her like some of the past powers of the land. Haku’s face came to mind – he was beyond rude, and she never had responded well to such behaviour. Lucia gave as well as she got – and even though it often gave her one of those troublesome reputations, it meant she kept to her word. It was her bond – and loyalty was one of those traits she valued above all else.

“Try and kill you?” Her head tilted curiously to the left, auds perked atop her crown. Those viridian coals shone with some sort of lust to acquire knowledge. She wanted to know, she wanted to figure out the ways of the creatures that shared the land. It was a strange thing – contact. It was weird how one being could interact with someone in one way, then be completely different with another. She supposed it had something to do with vibes and first impressions, but being one of those not-so-skilled people-persons, she passed on the thought and simply waited for some kind of insight to the statement that this higher rank had made.

Finally, the subject shifted. He asked about the solider as though there was distaste on his tongue. Perhaps it was the idea of her and him mingling – the different species bonding as one - or maybe he had some kind of inkling of what they had shared. She had her doubts though. Surely, if that was the case, he would ask her about it? That or tell her not to speak to the warrior anymore. She wasn’t sure on the protocol; was their love forbidden? Was it even 'love'? So many questions – just not the right time for them really. Swallowing tightly, the nerves beginning to tingle in her stomach, her breaths caught in her throat. She could feel the anxiety building. What should she say? Why did she bring it up? She never thought about the consequences.

Shaking down her pelt, her malachite eyes dragged over the horizon; she guessed it was better not to look him in the eyes.
“Erm,” she stumbled on her words – bad form. Her mouth went dry. “We met on the Quart’s Shoreline. We exchanged words...” And sex, her mind filled in the sentence. She stared at the ground. The silence was killing her. She had to speak. “He’s a friend,” she mumbled, lying was not in her nature. “....Is it forbidden?”

What his subordinates did was something Gabriel had often cast a blind eye to. Hybrid was a prime example of such a thing. He believed with certainty that there was no chance for Hybrid to betray him, or betray Inferni. The red eyed bastard was mad, but he was loyal. He trusted his former brother-in-law far more then he did most. So it did not surprise him that Snake would associate with a wolf (and it would have surprised him less had he known the boys past). It did not surprise him she would look at the boy fondly, as her smile indicated, for the Hydra was not an unpleasant fellow, and he understood the need that rose in all of them.

There was barely an audible response; a short grunt broke from his throat. As if dissatisfied with the answer, he flicked one ear, and settled onto his haunches. “No,” was the simple answer. “But I don’t like wolves crossing my borders uninvited.” Quietly, he continued to study her features, her scent. Gabriel had a cache of signs locked up in his memory banks, and she would be no different.

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WC: 456.


There was little communication between the two canines. She felt a little undermined by the Aquila, and it came to mind to simply be on her way, but considering the recent developments in her lifestyle and in whom she shared her moments with, it became apparent that she wanted to make an effort with the pack – and what best way to do so than to converse with their leader. It showed Snake how much she cared about him, or at least, that was the thought that came to mind. Others would probably view it as ignorance, or perhaps just plain stupidity. It was no matter though; not caring about what others thoughts was a trait she prided herself on - and even though it was not always a lingering trait, it served her well at the moment.

Shaking down her pelt, the obsidian female stared blankly at the male. His multi-toned pelt clashed greatly with the shades of her own, and his emotionless coals seemed to return a similar gaze of emptiness. This, in a strange way, brought some kind of comfort to their situation – he was similar, he was empty. And though she often found solace in the arms of her lover, it would be a constant feeling nonetheless. It was her makeup, her identity. She was destined to feel alone, or empty; she was destined to stalk depression as much as it stalked her. She was self-destructive, and that would never change.

Nodding finally, in a vain attempt to break the thoughtful silence, her breaths rose in her chest. There was something irritating about the attitude of the high ranking canine that stood before her. He seemed a little uncaring of her kind – and though she had no doubts that he had his reasons, she prayed that her niceness was returned once in a while. It was the nothing unusual however, they were all the same. Why would he be any different?

“I understand,”
she growled bluntly, the words erupting from the depths of her throat without any, or very little, thought. “How would one go about an invitation then?” Unintentionally there lay sarcasm in her tone; it was a habit more than something that she wanted to display. She momentarily trailed off her thoughts to try and cover herself from any possible anger that could be displayed for her spoken sign of disrespect, but due to her insubordinate way of thinking, she decided to take whatever came from it, and simply bite her tongue next time this sort of thing arose. Silly, silly Lucia... “You seem to study me a lot?” she whispered, attempting to change the subject, in hopes he would not threaten to tear her limb from limb. “Why is that?”

     She was mistaken. Gabriel was far from empty—he was filled with many things, both great and terrible. It was a façade, a mask, a black stone visor that hid everything he could not be. He could not be weak, or afraid, or even admit his own blood. As it stood, Gabriel was a wolf. He was a wolf pretending he was not a wolf because that was his destiny. One way or another he would have to face these things, but the time had not yet come for such trials. Soon though. After two worlds had gone up in flame and his very soul had been torn asunder.
     Either he imagined the sarcasm or she was looking to get chased off the mountain. His eyes narrowed. Then, suddenly, he was questioned. Gabriel couldn’t help but let his face crack into a thin smile, the corner of one side of his lips pulling back and up. “I like to remember people. It makes it easier to determine who was given a fair warning.” There was subtle brutality behind every explanation. It was how Inferni had always functioned.


WC: 523.

His eyes had narrowed almost to the size of needles, but it appeared that the question Lucia had thrown his way had caused distraction on his part. The Aquila’s face now showed a smile. It was thin, and perhaps a bit lame, but it reassured the ebony femme just enough that she was not going to get her ass kicked across the mountain for her wild tongue. He spoke shortly after; the tone had no specific emotion. It was just as it always sounded – straight from a brochure, or script. There seemed to be no individuality in his answers. Lucia could almost bet her life on the fact that almost everyone got told the same things.

Nodding her head in understanding, her ivy coals slivered across the hybrid’s form once more. The more she studied him, the more he seemed to resemble a wolf rather than a coyote. She knew, out of respect, it was best not to mention this fact – but it tickled her mind. It was curious how Inferni seemed to have a mild dislike for wolves, and yet, their leader almost looked like a purebred in some aspects, and from certain angles. Another thing that couldn’t leave the female’s inquisitive nature alone was the amount of scars that littered his body – each one seemed to have a story to tell, and with Lucia’s mind the way it was, she began to picture each scar having lips and talking to her. She was a strange creature, and though she had begun to drift off into the world of her imagination, she pulled herself back – smiling back at the Aquila almost as thinly as his.

“Your reasons make sense,”
she growled quietly, a sense of admiration in her voice. There was a tinge of jealousy pulling at her heartstrings – this male which resembled a wolf more so than a coyote lead Inferni, and yet, Lucia, a purebred wolf, could not access the lands of Inferni to see her ‘friend’. It made her stomach turn in on itself; she wanted to vomit. Not showing the Aquila her emotions was key in their current situation – and she made no mistakes here, her jealous streak locked away in the back of her subconscious, screaming at her to be released. The only green that this female displayed was the dancing fire of her optics as they watched Gabriel carefully. He was unique, and Lucia figured he might have some underlying psychiatric issues as well. She hoped his appearance was one of them.

“So Gabriel,” his name fell off her pinkish tongue with ease – it seemed strange to call him on a first name basis. His response would be interesting. “I know an awful lot about Inferni now, but I know almost nothing of you?” She was prying. It was like fishing for information. She liked to know how others fitted together, how they worked. That way, if she ever had to fight them, she knew their strengths and their weaknesses – and thus, gave herself the upper hand. “Why don’t you indulge me? I’d like to get to know the Inferni leader, if it’s not too bold…”

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     Certainly there was a script of sorts when it came to how Gabriel spoke of Inferni. He had spent so long attempting to clear the clan of its image of bloodthirsty savages that he repeated himself over and over when speaking to strangers. Yet he did not find fault in this. Nor did he find fault in the fact that it was apparent he was far from a coyote himself.
     The girl spoke to him easily, as if she had known him for years, and he gave her credit for this. It showed either a great deal of courage or a great deal of foolishness. Despite this doubt, as it always did, rose in his chest. Perhaps she was one of Haku’s spies, sent to lure him into revealing weakness. How fortunate that he had little the bastard could take—the demon had all ready had his mother, and certainly could do no more to his family since they were not here.
     Despite the doubt (or perhaps because of it) the front of his mouth pulled up, whiskers curling towards his muzzle. “I’ve seen war many times and lost family to wolves. My family has been with Inferni since the beginning.” He paused, watching her face, but this did not last long. “What’s your story?”


WC: 418.
Sorry about the wait for my reply! Oh, and this post is shite, haha.

The curl of his whiskers shocked her. The ebony female momentarily confused by the gesture, questioning herself - the doubts in her mind. Had she said the wrong thing? Had she stepped out of rank, out of line? She pondered these thoughts carefully, retracing her steps in her head - trying to figure out why, or how, she had made the hybrid's body language shift so suddenly. However, the paranoia seemed to slow, triggered mainly by the voice of the leader. His tone was a sharp bite, if not a little hard. Wincing inwardly, more so in her stomach than her face, Lucia nodded slowly - showing her understanding of his words, and acknowledging his question.

"It must be nice to know where you belong," she whispered plainly, unsure of where she wanted this conversation to go, or what point she was trying to make. "I haven't been with a pack for a long time. Not by any fault of my own, I suppose--" she paused. Was that really true? After all, she had killed her mother's lover - she had burned her home to the ground, and she had accepted the drugs and alcohol that got thrown her way. Perhaps it was her fault, but he didn't need to know that - not right now at least, anyway.

"--I did some bad things in the past, I admitt. But I just never found somewhere that I fitted in, you know?" She looked to him for some kind of agreement, or perhaps just acknowledgement of what she meant. She was known to be a very misunderstood individual, thus getting her point across was not always very easy. It was no matter, however. The challenge was often all part of the fun.

Shaking her head slowly, as though reminscing over the skeletons in her closest, the ebony femme smiled blankly. It was clearly forced, but there were good intentions behind it. "I've travelled mostly," she finally continued, wrapping up her lifestyle in a nutshell, "I've experimented here and there, I study a lot - make myself better, mind and all." She chuckled a bit; she didn't know why. She just found the idea amusing. She had never been one for mind improvements. "I guess I just ended up here," she paused, and glancing over her surroundings, "by accident... Now I'm just trying to see if I fit in or if my story progresses to the next location, with the next packs, and the next load of chaos..."

     Though Gabriel was not, by and large, a creature whom was sly by nature, he was still full of terrible guile. He had spent half of his life pretending to be what he was not, and he was keenly aware of how to observe. This had won wars. This had kept him alive. Inferni was so often full of people who would not obey a leader simply because of force, and Gabriel had proven he did not need this alone to lead. He played games and spoke with the voice of a politician when the need called for it. He was ruthless in this way, looking not for the answer he wanted (for all too often it never came) but for other weakness let slip in talk.
     The girl spoke about her past and her place vaguely. Bad things could mean any thing. Perhaps she had killed. Perhaps she had done something worse. Gabriel did not know on what moral scale this wolf stood. Certainly his was warped—and because of this, he believed others had to be warped as well. All of the righteous had been slaughtered back in Scintilla, or back in the city near the sea. Everything burnt, holy and unholy alike.
     He found she spoke in terms that were broad. If he filled in the blanks presumptuously he could flesh out a story. She had experimented with some sort of additive (as his father had done) and could read, but she had not stayed anywhere long because she did not consider herself a good ‘fit’ with the people she had come across. How many times had he met strangers just like her? Far too many. The thought made him smile thinly, but it was a smile that did not meet his cruel eyes. “You’ll find that here,” he said. Did he not bear the mark upon his arm? Oh Lord yes there was chaos in these lands. “Just swing wide of Inferni. I’m sure Snake told you of our war. It would be a shame if a friend of his was mistaken for an enemy.”


WC: 558.

Lucia’s eyes narrowed at the mention of chaos. It was like alarm bells in her brain, why did that word trigger something every time? She smiled slightly, almost bemused by the idea of anarchy – she used to revel in the idea, she used to thrive in chaos and destruction, but those days were long gone. Those were the reckless days of alcohol and drugs, and sex until the sun came up. She hadn’t done that in a long time, and though the urge still remained, she had not taken up the offer – even if she knew the sort of places to find it.

Thinking back, the last time she had taken any sort of intoxicating substance was with Razekial. She missed that crazy hippy sometimes; he had made her laugh, and the world had seemed almost peaceful in their conversation. Though it had not been a long meeting, it had been a rest on her soul, and for that she was forever grateful. Now, it was just a matter of curiosity as to whether she would see him again – and she really hoped so.

Glancing over the Aquila, she caught glimpse of his brand. The chaos star… She couldn’t help but extend her smile slightly, eyes shimmering with curiosity about the story behind it – but she was sure she could discover that another day. Now was not the time, or at least, that was the impression that came across anyway. All Lucia had to show for her past was the tattoo on her chest – the Keyworks, a symbol of balance. Everything required it, and if it ever went pear-shaped, everything would fall apart. Lucia was the living, breathing proof of how things turned out after it became broken – she was the incomplete Keyworks, and that was just how it was. It was life – and though sometimes it sucked, she would get by. She always did.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to keep my wits about me, eh?”
She responded simply, eyes flashing with a rebellious fire – the urge to find this chaos ate away at her stomach, she always did like a bit of trouble now and then. It was refreshing to the soul; she wasn’t always one for rainbows and pretty colours. Give her black skies and anarchy any day, it was her calling.

“I’ll make a note of that,”
she finally continued, almost slightly disheartened by the idea of having to stay away from Inferni. She wanted to see Snake more than anything else – more than drink, more than drugs, and it wasn’t just about the sex. It was about everything; the way he made her feel, the way he could make her smile – and the way she felt almost complete within herself. It was a strange sensation, and yes, she was hooked to it. The cravings would eat her alive. “Snake only touched briefly on the war,” she admitted, almost disappointed at this fact; it seemed like an interesting subject. “But I know trouble when I hear of it… I’ll stay away from Inferni,” She almost thought about promising, but deep in her heart, it was clear she would break it. She had to see him soon – really soon, so there was no doubt in her mind, she would be seeing Gabriel just as quickly too. “—Unless you need my help for anything?"

     There was a line between anarchy and order, one which chaos was entwined in. Gabriel wore a sign that he did not entirely follow. He was structured, wolf-like in this behavior. Laws governed his behavior but he would break these if the time called for it. Inside of him was the capacity for both good and evil, and perhaps this is why chaos had been so appropriate for him.
     He smiled wistfully at her response, seeing the same fire he had seen in many young people that had passed through his life. His younger siblings, his children, his nieces and nephews. They were all like her. Too young and brash to realize what they were getting into. The smile faded as she spoke of the war, reminding him of things yet to be done and things he could not imagine coming to pass. With a snort, he looked to the south. Somewhere out there a devil stalked and sought blood. He could not be allowed to live. “No,” he said bluntly. With that the Aquila began to climb down the mountain, pausing as he reached a flat section of rock. “Oh, Lucia—my Hydra had best stay in one piece.” It was a dual message, a warning and a request. She needed to ensure his safety in her own way, and if not, she would be responsible.
     With that the black-backed hybrid was moving down the mountain’s face, his pace easy and made for such a place. After all, he had crossed them three times in his life.


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