Call in the Cavalry


He had heard from his family and from a few packmembers that the pack to go to for horses was AniWaya. True, the Dreamers had their own horses but none were breeding at the moment and none were expecting. Silvano would have loved to have a foal of his own from his father's horse. Lexington's stock was gorgeous and the young man would have loved to raise himself a son or daughter from him. But he did want to get himself a horse, to be more mobile, able to travel further and faster. Plus he wanted that kind of companionship. A loyal horse was a friend who could not speak back to you, but would be able to cheer you up with a few nuzzles. Lexington seemed smart enough to understand his father, even his words returned were nothing but horse low speech. People were not Silvano's area of expertise and an equine companion would be what he really needed. Someone who would not judge and be a friend eternally.

That was why he had come to AniWaya; for advice and perhaps a trading request. Mostly for advice though. Silvano really would have liked a horse from his father's stallion, but he would have been happy with any strong little foal of his own. And AniWaya was far more renowned for having a larger horse stock. At least that was what he thought. So he traveled to the tribe, looking for help. They had to have a horse master or something of the sort and he hoped to ask them for their help. But he stood on the borders, awkward as anything else. He was not sure what to do; he was not seeking to join, and he was not about to trespass to search an unknown land for someone. So he howled a call to a horse master or something of the sort, or anyone who could help him find their stables. But he was unsure how they'd take the call.

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By Alli

WC: 300

Liliana’s ears twitched. Her and Nayati would be going out soon, to the great tribe to visit his parents. It was exciting and daunting at the same time. She was afraid of what they would think about her. He had reassured her over and over again, but she could to help but worry. It was an anxious thought she knew she could not get rid of until she visited. So when the call came Liliana once again almost didn’t hear it. She was training one of the other horses for hunting, it was not so hard since she’d learned from her mother, and then the tribes way, by Niyati. She stopped the horse short, and then had her horse sprinting out of the pasture towards the call at the borders. When the individual in question came into view she became more curious. He seemed rather young, though not too young to take care of himself, possibly almost as young as she was when she first joined Aniwaya.

Hello, my name is Liliana Utina, and it seems you know this but you are at the borders of AniWaya. I heard you need assistance?

The hybrid asked as she hopped down from the mare that she had been riding. This was not her Grace, but she was one that Liliana took a liking to. She was the young mother of the colt that had been born during the storm. She needed the exercise and the training. The foal had been sick for so long, but now he was much better, and quite a character. Liliana couldn’t help but love the little foal more and more every day. Liliana’s welcoming smile grew before she forced herself back to the present and this young man in front of her.

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Table by Sie

Silvano did not wait long for someone to come, and much to his joy, she was riding a horse. That lit his face up like a light. Watching her approach, the boy's eyes rarely left the beast whose back she rode on. It was certainly a beauty, but that only made the young adult more excited. Maybe they would have other horses like this one for trade or something else. Really, it seemed all too convenient. It was a woman on the horse's back, that much he could now see. She came off the horse and Silvano eyed her. Was she a horse trainer? Or did she just happen to have a horse because it was her pack's - no, tribe's? - tradition of mounting them? She seemed decked in feathers, or at least that was what his opinion was, having barely decorated himself. The most he ever wore was a jacket and his scarf. But it was warming now so both were staying home more and more often.

"I need someone who knows horses..," he began quietly, unsure of what to say and how to act. She seemed to think he wanted to join the pack, or maybe it was his imagination. "I wanted to see if I can find someone to help me get a horse of my own." It was probably not best to mention he wanted one because of his father and the other reasons. If he could find the person to help him out with it, he would tell them if they asked it of him. "I heard around that AniWaya had the best horses, and raised them the best." It was true. He had heard as much but he had come to see if it were the truth. It seemed to be. "Do you know who can help me?" Silvano eyed her, imploring her with his gaze to name someone he could go seek.

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By Alli

WC: 394 OOC: Already apologized in other thread, buuuuttt... I AM SO SORRY FOR LATENESS ; ;

She listened to him, a smile growing on her face as he continued. Well he isn’t here to join the pack, but even better, he was here about the horses. Horses were her specialty and the way he buttered it together, made her blush. The best horses? Well that was to be here nor there, she didn’t think they were the best, but she hoped the were the most well taken care of.

“Ah I see, well you have come to the right place, though we are low on horses, we’ve had one or two die from the storm, but in a matter of a month or so we will have new ones.”

She said patting Grace on the side of the neck. She looked at the young man, he seemed quite young indeed, but there was never anything too early to get one aquainted with horses.

“Where are my manners, M am the Nadie Tadita, or the Animal master here. I tend to the animals, especially the horses. I could help you aquire one, did you want one wild, or one already broken?”

She asked, her bushy tail wagging a little out of the excitement. She knew many wolves had different wants and needs and she tended to work with them, but she knew that the Silvano boy would have to wait if he wanted a wild one. Many of the horses moved on in their migration herds to a bit more restful area. She knew that the herds would be back come middle to end of spring. She did have the foal, she didn’t know if he wanted a young horse, especially if he wanted to ride right away.

“Do you know how to ride? Or would you like a little lesson in that? I would be happy to help in any way. I love to know that if any of my horses are taken, they are taken by someone who will take care of them.”

She wasn’t imploring that she thought he wouldn’t take care of any of the horses she might trade him, but she wanted him to understand she would be happy to help if there was little knowledge about horse training or riding in general. They did take a bit getting use to after all.

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Table by Sie

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