For good or for Evil?

It was a warm afternoon and Zalen was taking a cat nap. The breeze ran softly through the trees and his fur, lulling him as he slumbered. He had been out late the previous night, helping a Luperci male named Drizzt escape a band of guards. He had left before learning the relationship between the newcomers and the leather clad male, they had to part ways to avoid detection. But before separating Zalen knew there had been a bond between them, one of brotherhood, and this is what he dreamt about.

Slowly the black male rose from his slumber, apple green eyes blinking in the sunlight that had crept into his den. He looked up to the corner of his den to see if Widow was there, which she was, as she always was, like a black sphere in the center of her golden web. He noticed an addition though, in the corner attached to the rock of the cave entrance, a small sack of white web. So she had another brood. He was amazed how quickly the black widow female could pump out babies. What fascinating creatures.

Zalen got up and did one of his trade mark stretches and scratch behind the ear before exiting his den. It felt like a good day for a walk around his territory, and perhaps it would be good to grab a quick snack. With this in mind Zalen headed east towards the blue lake. It was not long before he reached it, it was only about a mile away from his den but marked the end of his territory. As he reached the banks he stepped gingerly into the lapping water. The chill of it ran up his legs and was refreshing and for a moment he just stood there looking over to the opposite bank, the lake glistened like diamonds in the sunshine.

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[/html]She had been waiting in the early morning for movement. She had hidden herself behind a pine tree and was peering around its wide base in wait of food. She had caught a rabbit earlier when it had awoken, perhaps still groggy from its sleep. But since then, she had found nothing else. She still had washed off the blood in the lake and resumed her post by the tree, daintily returning to her ‘spot.’

Just as suddenly as the rabbit had appeared, Tayui caught sight of another flash of movement. She sniffed the air and stood up slowly when she realized it was a wolf. He didn’t smell like any pack at all, but judging by his scent, he had been around these parts for quite some time. She wondered if he might know anything about… well, what? What did she want to know? She wasn’t even sure anymore, but her meeting with Drizzt and her later meeting with Lucia made her wonder if she would find another ally to destroy Eris.

She trotted over to the lake and then called out in a confident voice: “the water cold?” She wanted to add boy to the end of her question, but she didn’t think it was a good idea to patronize someone on the first encounter.[html]
OOC text

He sensed her presence before she spoke and his eyes gliding in their sockets over to her direction. She was confident, but didn’t seem threatening, unlike the other light colored wolfess he had encountered, No. Quite refreshing actually. he turned his ebon head to look at her fully. It was amazing how brazen some wolves could be, running smack dab into a stranger without a care in the world. But he was almost getting used to this by now, it seemed to be a regular occurrence in these lands.

Zalen took note of the scar on her eye and the way it had damaged her orb to a dull red. It reminded him of another female with an eye scar and his heart beat quickened. He missed Lucia, it had been several days since he had seen her, but he knew she was close by, their territories nearly intersected. He had decided that after a few more meetings with that intoxicating onyx wolfess he would ask her to be his mate. He could not stand being apart from her any longer.

Shaking these thoughts from his head he realized he had been staring right through the stranger in front of him. He was amazed how often his mind could go off on these tangents, especially after the breakdown he had suffered in front of Krystalle and her pups, what an embarrassing day that had been for him. Err… I’m Zalen. And you are? Nice save.

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[/html]Tayui flicked her one ear forward when he spoke, but otherwise did not move. She liked keeping her distance and did not very much enjoy when others intruded upon her own space. It wasn’t just instinct; it was also her own personal preference and a need for a basic level of respect. So although he spoke very mildly, she didn’t have to strain herself to hear. This was a given since all wolves could hear well enough, but she had found some more humanized wolves picked up certain human behaviours, such as leaning in closer to hear.

She waited, wondering if the wolf had anything else to say. She mentally shrugged and stepped back with the intent of leaving. With this new knowledge, perhaps she would dip her paws in the water later. If it felt nice, perhaps the rest of her body would follow. She could still feel the puppy’s blood on her fur, metaphorical or not.

When she glanced back at the wolf, she realized he had been staring at her ever since he’d spoken up. She felt her fur stand on end and she bristled slightly in annoyance. Why was he staring at her? She frowned and then tilted her head in confusion when he introduced himself. How strange. She had not asked for his name and she didn’t think she had indicated that she was interested in learning what it was, and therefore, who he was.

“Doing well, thank you,” she replied evasively but certainly not subtly. She felt a sudden attachment to her name and only wanted to clutch it close.

He couldn’t help her. Not this fool of a wolf.

“Noir Aston,” she added as an introduction.[html]
OOC text

Despite her having come up to him first, she seemed a little stand offish and for whatever reason this relaxed him. It was good to interact with someone who actually behaved normally for a wolf! What a novel experience for him, he had almost forgotten what it was like. She introduced herself, though somewhat sarcastically and he nodded at her in response. She seemed somewhat tight lipped, he wondered why. It was not unusual for their kind (normally at least) to either stand-off upon meeting or go right up to each other, tail wagging and sniffing but in both circumstances to at least say something of value.

Zalen sat down and wagged his tail lazily, perhaps his demeanor would calm her down. Usually he didn’t really care if others wanted to meet him or not, but in this case he was driven to learn more about her, seeing as she was exceedingly close to his marked territory and a loner; he could smell no pack on her, and especially not Anathema, which was the closest to them. Well met, Noir. I wish to know, are you just passing through, or do you live nearby? I do not mean to intrude into your personal life, it’s just a matter of personal knowledge and safety on my part. I like to know who lives around me. This was true and he hoped she would understand.

He knew for the most part who lived close to him, he could smell their scent marks when he patrolled his territory’s borders; Lucia lived not but a stone’s throw away; then there was Soran, who had lived nearby before leaving for a pack he assumed; there were a handful of others as well of who he didn’t know by name but by scent alone. But Noir’s scent wasn’t exactly familiar so he wondered.

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Somehow, he seemed pleased with her response. She wasn’t sure how exactly, since she had all intentions to skedaddle, but he seemed intent on getting a conversation out of her. She didn’t see why a simple, passing comment had to mean someone wanted to discuss; after all, all she’d done was comment on the water with the intention of being on her way. He seemed rather harmless, but she wasn’t going to trust her first impression; she knew how those could certainly be misleading.

“Ah, I see. Well, since you put it that way, I’m just passing through,” she explained with a calm shrug. “I come from here and there, so I’m just trying to get better-acquainted with the lands.” She supposed this was true enough; she wanted to find others who would not hesitate to help her destroy evil. She hoped to find a pack, too, for she understood that existing as a loner was a precarious and tumultuous existence.

While he seemed to be a quiet enough fellow, she also thought it would be silly to assume anything of him. She had been fooled before, but then, she hadn't enough information the first time. Eris had made no indication that she had murdered Noir. Tayui had just thought she was another lost girl, but she realized now that there was much more to the wolf than that.

With that in mind, Tayui paused. Perhaps he might know something of use. It was worth a try, right?

“You haven't been bothered by any packs? There are a lot in this small area after all.” If she was to be without a pack, she should at least try to survive.
Thanks Tammi

For a moment he thought she would leave and he could actually take her up on her assumption and take a bath before the fleas returned but instead she paused. His ear flicked as he listened to her speak and a glower entered his features. In fact there had been a pack that had been giving him some trouble, emotionally more than anything. And now that he felt he had a female to protect they seemed more a threat than ever before. His hair bristled at the thought of Lucia ever coming to harm. Yes, in fact, I have, but I’ve tried to give them a wide birth. It was true, he had tried to avoid Inferni at all costs though they were only a day away from him. But in the shadow of Anathema he had felt safe.

Zalen sat down on his haunches and looked at Noir quizzically, he was sure she was about to turn to leave, what had made her stay? Perhaps she had some kind of agenda. Perhaps she wasn’t as harmless as she seemed. Something inside Zalen seemed to be warning him, but he put it to side. There was no point in judging someone that he had just met.

His thoughts returned to Inferni and he could barely conceal a low growl in his throat. Those dirty coyotes, filthy half-breeds. They shouldn’t be allowed to live so comfortably near all these wolf packs. It didn’t make any sense to him! If I had a choice I would wipe Inferni off the face of the planet. But I’m only one wolf, my best attribute is stealth, I wouldn’t stand a chance. The truth hurt but it was nonetheless still the truth. If things had only turned out differently, if his mother hadn’t been such a coward, he could be leading his own pack against the coyotes…

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[/html]Tayui wondered, again, who could be troubling this wolf. Indeed, there were many new packs in the north and all were less kind than their southern cousins. While many of the wolves that lived up north had likely once been members of other packs elsewhere, she knew packs grew and died as naturally as a plant might. With spring came new life and winter destroyed the weak. While the seasons did not necessarily impact packs in the same way, the idea was the same. So, Tayui was interested in knowing what kinds of trouble these packs got themselves into, especially now that she no longer had a pack.

She had been expecting a casual mention of one pack or another, but certainly not that. Unable to control herself, she let out a loud, squawk of a laugh. He honestly followed those old prejudices? Really? In these days? That was just too funny. She chuckled a few more times before she shook her head, grinning. Now she was in a funny, but better, mood.

“Really? So what did you do to piss them off? Seems like you’ve got some problems with Inferni. You play with their skulls? They hate that, you know. Not to be presumptuous, I mean.” A question and a joke -- albeit a very bad one -- and a bit of supposition. She really needed to get better at this (whatever it was). [html]
Hey, we're gonna have to close this out quickly, I'm leaving in 4 days.

Zalen glowered at the wolfess as she laughed. When she laughed he felt both shame and anger. This prejudice he felt towards coyotes was very personal and he held it for a good reason. He stared at her for a moment, wondering if he should tell her why he hated them so, but decided against it, Yes... I played with their skulls and they chased me off, my tail between my legs. extremely sarcastic and making it very clear that the true reason was to remain hidden and private. He had only revealed this secret to one person in detail and he'd rather it stay that way.

Zalen tried to think of why this wolfess, who had seemed to want to leave just a moment ago, had stayed to chit-chat about the packs? He knew there was some turmoil happening between the packs to the south, but he wasn't sure what. Perhaps she had some information about that, What about you, are there packs giving you trouble these days? he hoped this would get him somewhere for the mood had slightly turned sour.

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YIPPEE. Now Tayui is less of a jerk since she's complaining. :> Well, to Zalen at least. >_> SORRY SHE IS SO DUMB.
[/html]Tayui snapped her mouth shut when the wolf replied sullenly. Fine, she wouldn’t joke around -- see if she cared! She whined to herself petulantly in her head, narrating her own story like a child on the verge of a temper tantrum. Since, really, that was all she was: a spoiled little puppy who didn’t get what she wanted. She was a two month-old babe who still cried when her teeth grew. How pathetic.

She shrugged when he changed the conversation, unsure if there had been any giving her trouble. She supposed Salsola was a big black mark on her record.

“Salsola,” she replied with a small frown. She wasn’t sure exactly how to explain it: she had left them because she had found a sliver of knowledge that made it unbearable to remain. She had joined out of apathy and left because she had finally felt something; was that wrong?

“They’re in the north, past Inferni and Anathema. They’re rather brutish and have no appreciation for culture; though, that’s not their biggest flaw. If they’re as twisted as their sub-leader and repulsive as their leader, then I’m sure they’re all just monsters. They own slaves; they cut out one’s tongue when he spoke out of turn. They’re murderers, and worse, I might think.” She grinned wickedly and then shook her head. She didn’t know what else to say without over-revealing herself to this biggoted fellow.[html]
Ahhh Tammi I’m leaving tomorrow!!! It’s ok if we continue this thread I will be able to reply, it is the only active one I have right now. And it’s close to the end anyway.

Zalen could do nothing more but stare wide eyed at Noir as she spoke. The atrocities she mentioned of Salsola, a pack he had only heard the name of and nothing more, shocked him. More and more his utopia view of Nova Scotia was being chipped away; war to the south and slave holders and coyotes to the north, suddenly he found himself surrounded by unpleasant things.

He flicked his tail in agitation. He had never considered himself much of a vigilante but after receiving the knowledge from the ghost of his grandmother he couldn’t help but feel he had some duty to the inhabitants of this land. He frowned as he wondered what he could do, if anything, that would make any kind of difference. He looked back up at Noir, I am against such things and would seek to abolish those who would promote them. It was a true statement, though he wasn't sure what good it would do saying it to her. She seemed somewhat... he wasn't sure what it was... shifty somehow. It put him on edge slightly, but he was interested in what she had to say. Obviously she had more knowledge of the packs then he.

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[/html]Finally, this meeting seemed to be worthwhile. While she thought she would have to eventually remove this silly prejudice from this wolf – no matter what it took – she could see a use in this wolf as an ally. If she was basing this off looks alone, he was unassuming enough to pass as ‘normal’, but now, she wondered if he might have any talents. The ex-leader in her was finally returning and there was now a shine in her eyes. How could she convince this man to help her, with whatever it was she wanted to do? She had the promise of Drizzt to murder, so perhaps she might be able to strike another deal with this wolf. She didn’t want to create a real alliance, but she could understand that creating some sort of bond would be beneficial if he had something to offer her. If he felt this strongly about slave-owning packs, then perhaps he could help. Perhaps this was not such a waste of time.

“What would you do?” She paused, and then clarified: “if I told you I was interested in enlisting your help to do something about it, what could you do? Do you have any skills? I have knowledge, experience, and likely their loathing. I didn’t part with them on very good terms, so I think I could draw them out. What could you do?” She didn’t want to say that she had wanted to hurt them somehow for months, but didn’t know how; she wanted it to sound as though she had thought of this only now and wanted to create this alliance only now in light of their conversation. Although she’d insulted him and likely embarrassed him with her stupid outburst about him ‘playing with the skulls’, maybe they could strike a balance. Maybe, just maybe.[html]
Yay back to posting!

The demeanor of the wolfess in front of him seemed to change as he spoke. He could see something flare up in her, almost see the cogs of her mind turning. Once again it made him feel uneasy, but somehow he was drawn to this character. When she spoke he stood before her like a statue. She was propositioning him to join her in someway to make a difference. His heart began to beat a bit more rapidly as he thought about it. This could be his chance.

Since he had learned about his heritage Zalen had grown more and more ashamed of his nature; he didn't really do anything here, just lived in his den, pining after a female and just surviving. But his lineage demanded he take some kind of action in this land and this wolfess was giving him a chance to do so. He looked at her intensely, I may not be fast nor powerful but I move like a shadow through the trees, like a breeze, I've always had this kind of stealth. My feet make nary a sound and my coat disguises me. I also have the stamina of an ox.

He remembered when Cody had said this to him when he was still in his youth. The two brothers who had taken him in would run ahead of him like lightening after prey, but if it evaded them and they would tire Zalen would push past them like the unstoppable tide. He would chase down the catch until it collapsed from exhaustion and he was merely winded, only to find that his adopted brothers were miles away, exhausted themselves. He had always had his stamina and stealth, he believed that this was why he had managed to make it to Nova Scotia so easily and without having being bothered by any vagrants along the way.

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[/html]Tayui watched the male closely, waiting to see some sort of emotion that would validate her thoughts. Once she had finished speaking, he returned her gaze with one of his own and one of even greater intensity. Tayui gave herself a mental pat on the back; even though she hadn’t done a very good job with her first impression, she had picked up on his potential. It might have taken her a good kick in the ass, but she’d done it. It paid off, too, for he was not only interested, but skilled too.

“You’re rather poetic, too; though, I don’t know if we could count that as an applicable skill,” she replied with a smirk. “Maybe you could woo some ladies and tease out their secrets,” she added with a low chuckle. “Seriously though – if you’re willing to help me, maybe I can help you get some meaning out of this life.” She gave a lazy wave of her paw to indicate the surroundings; and therefore his life and everyone’s life in general. She supposed she wasn’t all too picky when it came to finding help, but the one thing she’d rely on was discretion. She needed someone she could trust. She would just have to see what else he said before she revealed any more. [html]
Ok awesome, close to closing this thread out ^_^

She seemed to respond positively to what he had said and he couldn't help but wag his tail slightly. He couldn't help but flush a little under his ebon fur when she commented on his poetic nature and that he could possible be a lady killer. He had never considered himself to be a smooth talker in any way, and there was only one lady he wanted to 'woo' anyway. He brushed it off and smiled, Thanks... I uh... have recently learned to read hume writing and some of the way they write rubbed off on me I suppose.

It was true, in one of his recent trips to Halifax he had stumbled upon a small book store that was nearly untouched and had found a book of poetry. He had no idea at the time what poetry was, but now he knew, and he quite enjoyed it. He doubted, however, that a knowledge of hume poetry would lend to any kind of mission she had in mind.

He walked closer to her, but still left a respectable bit of distance between the two but close enough to show some sense of loyalty, or friendship, or something like. He smiled gently but firmly, I am willing to help you and when you need me you'll know where to find me.

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[/html]Tayui laughed when he explained how he’d come to speaking that way. It was a cross between a snicker and a good-hearted chortle, so it came out almost in a coughing way, but later turned into a genuine laugh. It took her a few tries before it actually sounded like a laugh, though, and she hoped he didn’t notice. She found it humorous because like Zalen, she had also done a lot of reading when books were easier to come by. She supposed it had impacted her diction, too – she’d spoken with such elegance before – well, before that. So naturally, she was amused to hear him voice a truth that applied to her, too.

When he decided to conclude their meeting, Tayui gave him a quick bow of her head in response. Yes, she would be a polite beast: she had resolved this of herself when she’d found out the terrible truth about her daughter and she would continue this promise now. She hadn’t made a good first impression, but she’d managed to somehow smooth it out. Perhaps this wolf could be patient for the both of them. She did not return his smile, but did hope her own gesture would satisfy him.

“Very well,” she replied evenly. “I shall find you soon, I hope. If you find anyone whom you think might fit our cause, and perhaps other causes like this one, take it upon yourself to interview them. Perhaps we’ll make ourselves a merry little band of savages.” Because, in the end, that was all they were. Despite Zalen’s obviously honest intentions, she was nothing more and he too would become one, like her.[html]

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