fashion is a statement
The tiny Lykoi had decided that she needed new clothes. She had not worn human clothing for a long time, ribbons and her cloak were often the only thing she ever had on anymore. She wondered now if clothing was something she should bother with, but some foolish element of her ways made her think that she should try and see if there was any way to make the world see her differently. She was coming to realize that there was a problem with trying to change her appearance, she wasn't certain what she appeared like to others. In a way her ventures into other lands was an experiment of sorts, to see what sort of reaction she would draw, but also, knowledge was a grand weapon as well.

She had come with Saol this time, the distance greater than she'd traveled in a while. Riding perched atop the stallion the miles had been eaten up, the shoreline always present. She was upon the borders when she caught the scent of this pack, a pack that she knew but just barely. She shifted her weight on the back of the stallion as the beast caught the scent too. He had learned long ago to tread carefully on the lands of packs, as currently he began to track along their borders while his small rider perched alert on his back, watching and waiting to see if the pack would notice her treading so close to their sacred ground.

fm delays DX

It was patrol, it was always patrol. What was he doing daily other than this tedious chore? He complained often, and often quite loud. Noss bore the brunt of his annoyance and whining. All the other man did was give a silent, sympathetic ear. The advice, however, was always the same. He had to bear it; it was his duty. The son of the moon, raised as a warrior with nothing but duty hanging over his head, told him to bear it. And Noss was the one who left his family tribe for him. Noss left his duty to be with the redheaded tailor. He had been the son of the chief, and thereby chief to be. The whining stopped, but the Dauphin was more often ferocious in the confines of their suite.

So, Strel walked the borders, wanting to be back in his studio, but biting his tongue to stay silent. Anyone he met found him full of smiles and pleasantries as he continued on his way. But the moment someone was out of sight, he frowned and pouted. And then he could smell the stranger. It smelled like an Infernian. Curious, and concerned, the redheaded man moved toward the source. Whoever they were, they did not trespass past the borders. Regardless, Strel headed toward the smell, it getting stronger the further he went.

It was a small woman. Strel cocked his head as he called out, "Do you seek something?"

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The small woman sat perched on top of Saols back comfortably as she watched the pack member approaching. She wondered now just why she had come this far. She had once had a sibling who had helped to fond this pack but she had hardly been friendly with her haughty sibling. Now it was merely curiosity that had brought her here. She called out a greeting as the male approached, for now she could actually tell his gender. "Hello..." her voice was soft as she slid down off of Saols back. Her lack of height was even more apparent as she stood on solid ground, now gazing up at the stranger.

She flicked her eyes off to the side as she continued. "I'm Zana..." she said, introducing herself as she tried to answer the pack member. "My sister once lived here..I don't know what I'm here for though..." she looked up at the male again, honestly showing on her face as she wondered if there was anything she could offer or find in interest with this fellow they could trade since it did seem flaky why she was here.

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