The dream that you wish will come true

+3. For my dirty lil' posting whore buddy.

At last, things were finally settling down. As the leaves turned colors, so did the young woman's attitude, turning chipper and bright as the autumn day outside her window. Birds sang along with her as she dressed in her sun-kissed dress, white ribbons elegantly tying her hair back up on her head. Giselle sang a tune as she fluttered out of her room and to the kitchen, feeling like a young girl in her cottage again, with an urge to cook. Remainders of the fat, morning ptarmigan remained, and Giselle slipped into an apron and went to work with a tune on her lips, flowing from one to the next like an easy breeze.

When the ivory hued damsel finished her project, she paused and wiped her brow with a forearm. "There, it's done~!" She declared aloud, proud of herself. Giselle knew that, soon enough, the white snows would crawl across the land, and the inside of the Manor - and its inhabitants - should be kept warm, bright, and their bellies filled. It was all she could do when she experienced her first winter, when it was too cold or dangerous to go outside in the thicket of white, and so the young woman kept sharp with her books and housework. In addition, she did it for someone she cared for, then, and now she'd spend her winter in a bigger home, with many more inhabitants.

With her stoat well asleep in her room, Giselle bit her lip as she stared down at the finished meal, quietly untying the stained apron. On a whim, she grabbed the nearest cloth and wrapped it up, stealing in another direction of the Manor. Dark hair flew behind her as she made her way up the steps, picking up the bottoms of her dress in her other hands, looking around her as if she were a child in a place she shouldn't be. The young woman slowed as she neared the door of her destination, and smoothed out her dress, the warm meal wrapped in the other hand. "Hello?" 'Elle asked, as her finger rapped on the wooden door.

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short because why not

He wasn't sure what made him do it. He wasn't even sure why he was still sitting there doing it. He had a charcoal stick in his hand, made by smoking twigs and vines and branches in a metal bucket over a hot fire. His fingers were covered in the dust, but the marks on the makeshift paper were worth it. Silvano had a dried orange leaf on his desk beside the paper, flattened from days between heavy books. He did not want to waste paper to press the leaf into, so he pressed it and would store them in an old jewelry box. But now he sat there, sketching the leaf onto the paper. Next to him was a book opened to an image of a similar leaf, which he jotted the name of down on the paper.

Silvano was feeling that familiar pang of longing in his stomach, knowing that he wanted out of his room to see someone. But suddenly, he jerked as he heard a knock on his door and her voice muffled through the wood. He shook his head as he rose, the chair making a rough screech against the wood floor. "Giselle?" he said halfway to the door, curiously gazing at the door. She stood beyond it as he opened it, with something in her hands wrapped in cloth. There was an air of being sneaky around her, and the man pulled her into his room with a glance to see that no one saw her enter. He gently shut the door with a click, and looked at her. "Is something wrong?" asked the young man curiously.

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WC: 313. YOU'RE SHORT...Actuallyyouretallerthanme. Totally replying at work because Skyrim is my life at home right now.

Her hands felt warm as she gently held the wrapped package like a babe, chewing her lip as she heard a chair scraping and feet scuffling towards the door. When it opened to reveal the knight's frame, Giselle smiled warmly, her head tilting up to meet his gaze. "Oh, I hope I'm not bothering you, Silvano, but I-- oh~!" While beginning to explain her reasoning for her sudden visit, the man grabbed her by the arm and gently guided her into the room. The air was warm within, and somewhat dark despite the bright day outside, but comfortable nonetheless. A small hand reached up to brush hair away from her own face, and shook her head at his sudden question. "No, nothing like that. I haven't seen you come down today, and thought you might want something to eat." Her cheeks grew red as she spoke with an honest, light hearted tone, accustomed to seeing him at least once (even briefly) within the Manor.

Today, however, was different, and prompted Giselle's decision to visit him. Another reason that compelled her up the steps and to his room, however, made her heart flutter with anxiety. To ease her growing concern, Giselle moved towards the desk and set the wrapped bundle down upon it, powder blue eyes inspecting the room briefly as she turned away from the wall. The auburn haired girl's curiosity peaked, however, when her gaze fell on the man's black stained fingers. The sooty marks also stained her ivory gloved arm, where he had touched her, and the moment the young woman noticed she moved to brush the black marks off. "What are you doing? Your fingers are black.. Oh no.. Were you burnt?" Her eyes widened as she searched his face for an answer, mimicking the mottled male's initial question as the girl's mind began to form conclusions of her own.

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You cheatin' on me? :C

The man sighed in relief, though he had been relatively sure that nothing was wrong. Gazing at the young woman, Silvano felt his heart hammer, and Anu's words ringing in his ear. Just tell her. Get it over with. Find out. But the man bit it all back and just smiled pleasantly at Giselle, eyes rather fond. "Oh, thank you. I got distracted after I woke up this morning and never bothered to get food." He gave a slight laugh at this, as though it happened often. It pretty much did, too. Sometimes he would get so preoccupied with his reading that his stomach couldn't rouse him to find food.

He would have taken it from her delicate hands, but instead she took it to his desk and set whatever was in the cloth down on the desk. His face fell with hers as she stared at his hands, and then cried out in a ruffled worry. Silvano blankly looked down at his fingers, noticing the black dust on them. He furrowed his brows as he looked up and saw finger marks on her pale white pelt. Then, the mottled male gave a laugh. "No, no. It's just charcoal." Silvano went to the desk and picked up a stick of the burned wood. "It's just to write with. Not the cleanest but it's the easiest to make.".

Silvano grabbed a rag from the top of the desk and moved it toward her arm, dusting the dark marks off of her white fur. "There, better." He smiled at her as he rubbed the rag against his fingers, roughly trying to get it out. "You're just as pretty as always, you know that?"

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And it's warm and real and bright o/`

A part of her worried deeply that he did not care for her presence there, nor the gift she had brought him, but his words were soothing to Giselle's ears. They flicked happily atop her head when she nodded at his gratitude, but her eyes glazed over with a questioning look for his reasoning. You're welcome. It's not much.. but I wanted to be sure you had something. Her caring words were laced with a hint of something more, something she could not yet begin to describe. The young woman didn't feel obligated to the knight, but a kind gesture with which the pale princess was all too familiar with.

The dark haired femme breathed out a sigh of relief when Silvano explained the black stains, but a new question escaped her lips as she met his emerald eyes. Oh! I didn't know you were a writer, too, she commented, though she should have expected it from the scholarly male. What is it you're writing? Is it an enchanting tale~? In saying those words, she clasped her hands together and her face fell into a dreamy expression. Giselle was nearly eager to see the pages herself before he could answer her, but it was then that the mottled man took a cloth to her arm and rubbed out the light charcoal stain before doing the same for his own hands. Thank you, she said courteously at him.

Elle nearly took a step towards the desk to inquire more about his writing abilities, but paused when Silvano made a statement that even gave her heart a reason to skip a beat. A powdered pink colored her cheeks, rising as the moments passed, and momentarily stared up blankly into the man's dazzling emerald eyes. It was there she searched, looking for a reason as to why the man said those simple words that seemed to make time stand still. They ran smooth like running water, sounding sweeter than any bird call or song Giselle had ever heard. It was not the first time the young woman was complimented, but when they came from the knight, her knight in shining armor, they meant something different.. something special. Under her fingertips she could feel her heart beat as fast as a hummingbird's wings, but for that moment Giselle looked lost, and unsure of what to say. Her lips formed a small 'o', and found it hard to break the male's enticing stare.

Flustered, she cleared her throat and mentally scolded herself for being rude. Sky blue eyes began to scan the room, the floor, and her feet, looking abashed. I-- well, thank you, you're very kind to say so, Silvano. The words were humble, sweet, and as airy as a flute. The room grew warmer with each passing breath, and Giselle had to clear her throat again. When the woman finally gained the courage to look back up at the man, a smile grazed her ivory features. Stray hairs fell around her eyes in the sudden movement, and she pushed the auburn locks away slowly. I suppose I will go back downstairs, then. I do hope you'll show me your book when you're finished, though~ As she spoke, she gave the man a genuine smile and turned to leave him to his work.

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Silvano gave a slight chuckle at her, smiling broadly at her. "Oh thank you!" he said, absolutely happy that the woman even thought of him enough to make him something special. "No, no. It'll be lovely, I'm sure." He gave her another wide smile, cocking his head slightly. But then Giselle went to his desk to see what he had strewn about it. Emerald eyes took in the mess, which he was instantly embarrassed of. Giselle was such a clean woman, she probably thought him a messy pig from the state of his desk. Silvano rubbed the back of his head, wondering if his fingers would get his dark brown curls even blacker. "It's just something I do.. some cataloguing. It's nothing special." She spoke of writing books, stories, tales. That was far too much for the young man to do, especially when he was always so scatter brained when he came up with stories on his own. That was why he read books rather than wrote them. These were logs and informational things, nothing special.

Giselle was flustered by his comments, but wasn't she always? He simply smiled innocently, and genuinely, as she thanked him. "I'm not kind. I'm honest." Silvano laughed slightly, hands itching to reach out and touch a strand of hair beside her pale face. His emotions were so strong, just with her nearby. He could feel his longing to hold her raging through his veins and it took all of his self-discipline to keep from reaching out and wrapping him in her arms. He knew where those emotions could lead him; though he had never let them happen with anyone. Giselle had to invite him and want to return his affections and desires. But it was so, so hard to fight back.

Those stray locks were moved back in place, yet with her hands, not his. His fingers stopped itching slightly, but her presence was still terribly overwhelming. Silvano's heart sank as she motioned to go, throat feeling filled with cotton as he fought to tell her to stay. But she turned anyway. He could not utter a sound, but reached out to grab her hand, trying to gently stop her from leaving him. "Please don't..," he said softly, gently as he held onto her wrist with a light hand.

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WC: 525. Contagious, isn't it~?

And it's warm and real and bright o/`

Heat rose in her cheeks, making her emotions evident, as he thanked the young woman for her generosity. The warmth only grew when he complimented her, and the words seemed to carry more significance when they came from the errant knight. She could not say what was so enchanting about the male that drew her to him, but each moment and each adventure proved to be more spell-binding than the next. A simple smile was all she could offer with her humble words, and even as the man replied in turn she felt her face grow as dark as the locks of hair that curtained her features. Secretly, she was glad for their cover, and the auburn curtains were all she could hide behind when she made to leave.

The doorknob was nearly under the woman's ivory fingers before she retracted them, stopping when the mottled knight caught her other wrist. For a moment she was frozen there, one ear flicking at his soft, yet compelling request. Slowly she turned her head back towards him, not entangling her wrist from his grasp, powder blue orbs darting up to search his own. There was as much emotion in her own eyes as his in the dim room, and as Giselle swam in this green sea, she found her throat closing up and her heart beating, begging for air. Though his words were gentle, his whole countenance said more than he ever could. and the female gasped slightly to take in a breath. The eyes were windows to the soul, the dark haired beauty believed, and though she knew the knight, Elle could not yet discern what lay behind those verdant orbs. Okay, she gasped, taking in a breath that she did not know she held. It was all the princess could say while looking into the man's imploring face.

Giselle merely stood there a moment, feeling the heat of the man's frame inches from her petite one, her insides clenching and tightening. She almost wanted to ask the man why he wished her to stay, but his entreaty was sure, honest, and heartfelt. Silvano was alluring to the young woman, and yet she could not understand how or why it had happened. She was sure he You're wrong, she breathed. Yes, you are honest. The young woman reassured him, her free hand winding upwards to place her palm lightly on his chest, feeling his heart drumming. But you are also kind, and you speak from the heart. Her words carried weight, as if she wanted to will the man to believe them, the touch showing further proof. The woman did not break their gaze, afraid for it to shatter like glass, eyes dancing with confidence with each passing moment. And you're very brave. The words were almost a confession to a secret that the male already knew. As Giselle, too, spoke what she felt, the words that fell from her lips were somewhat foreign, yet inviting, unsure of how the male would respond. Gently, her fingers curled back into her palm, but did not part from his form and the hidden heart that beat beneath it.

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just a biiit

He could hardly believe what was happening. His fingers were wrapped around her ever so dainty little wrist, and she turned back to him slowly. Was it just him, or did she seem a tad too breathless as she looked back at him. He looked at her as she gazed back at him with those vivid light blue eyes of hers. She was so captivating. Did she ever realize the effect she had on him? Did she ever wonder why he was always so gentle, so sweet with her? Giselle held some strange, new place in his heart he had not known existed before he started to fall for her, and feel these strange new feelings for her. Did she realize what she made him think, made him feel? Did she know? Did he do the same to her? Did Giselle long to touch him as he did for her? He always longed to run his fingers through his hair as he kissed her, but did Giselle ever want to kiss him at all?

His worries, his concerns were always present. He worried that she was just runaway with the static from his own feelings, electric as they were. He worried that she was just feeling something because he was, afraid to tell him she did not regard him in the same way. Yet, Silvano had to disregard it all as she touched him, and his skin felt like it was on fire. It did not feel unpleasant, but it was a burning desirous kind of fire that well up within him. Instantly, Silvano put his own large, heavy hand over her small white one. He left her enough room to weasel her fingers out, but he could feel that she was not going to be moving it anywhere. Her touch sent his heart hammering, and he had to fight to keep his breathing steady.

Giselle complimented him, and his face heated up at her words. He hardly considered himself all of those things. But he loved the fact that she thought him so, for he tried so hard to seem like it in her eyes. Her fingers curled at his chest, underneath his hand. He slipped his fingers between her palm and digits, squeezing the small, warm hand gently. His free hand cupped her face as he smiled, almost mournfully."You're too sweet..,"

Anu's voice rang in his head. How would he know if he didn't ask? How would she know if he didn't confess? Anu was right. He would never know if she cared for him as he did for her. And she would never know that he loved her. Silvano had to tell her, and he had to tell her before his heart broke in two. Any later and there was no guarantee her rejection wouldn't be fatal.

Dark fingers stroked her cheek, pulling the strands of hair out of her pretty blue eyes. Silvano squeezed her hand, his heart hammering even more in his chest. "Giselle, I was given a really good piece of advice recently." He swallowed as he looked at her, straight in the eye. "And I really hope you don't think of me any differently." Silvano looked at her with eyes that were practically imploring. He did not want her to hate him for his feelings for her. "I..," he started, faltering almost immediately. Nerves on end, he swallowed again. "I love you." If his hands were not holding onto her, he would have been shaking.

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WC: 1001. GOD WHAT TOOK HIM SO LONG. Oh how sweet :3

And it's warm and real and bright o/`

There was power in words, and the pale princess could only hope the knight believed them. All she could do was tell the truth, though secrets were another matter. Giselle swallowed hard for fear of saying anything else, confessing what she felt from within, and his actions were more than enough to make her believe the truth of them. The simple action was somehow more powerful to convey the message, but the blush that deepened the color of her face in response from his fingers were more than the ivory woman hoped for. The young woman still welcomed his encompassing touch over the hand that had remained on his chest, and smiled shakily when Giselle felt the other one frame her face. It was big and strong, able to grip a steel sword or hang onto a horse's reins in full gallop, yet they were impossibly gentle as they settled on her powdered cheek. The male was convinced enough through his words, for which she was glad, though the smile he offered in return was veiled and unsure.

Warmth mingled from her own face and from the hand that cupped her cheek, eyes glittering as the woman stood there against him, their stare unbreakable. She was convinced, as her feelings came to surface, that what she felt for the knight was real, but the lack of response kept her heart's dream at bay. The same feelings arose that moment that he had rescued her, the final night the savages came, and in a sudden rush of emotion she had kissed him beneath a window that saw only war raging outside. The female thought, then, that she was never sure of anything else in her life, but the fairy tale she wanted to spin for herself could not, and would not, be made true. Though by birth a prince, he took the visage and title of a knight, sworn to protect. But Giselle's heart had other plans, and made a new tale from the dream that the young woman made for herself.

He had begun to speak again, and the mahogany and cream woman blinked back up at him, spinning back into reality. She nearly held her breath as she listened to his quiet words, which carried enough weight for her to want to hear everything clearly. A look of confusion grazed her features as his concern shifted to her outlook on him, and nearly protested the male's response as she opened her mouth. She closed them as he began again, though shakily, and his final words gripped her throat. For a moment, she had thought her ears betrayed her, hearing only what they wanted to hear, but as the magical words were revealed, as real as the day itself, her vision began to spin.

The setting was not ideal, but nothing in Giselle's recent life truly was. In her perfect world, the knight would have said the words as he saved her from evil, and though it was in that moment her heart was drawn to him under the candlelight, he did not speak them. Giselle knew now that she had longed for him to say those simple, yet powerful words to her since then, too afraid to convey her feelings openly before she was sure they would be reciprocated. It meant little, now, that she had not fallen for a prince, but it seemed wrong for her to confess the power of love until he did. Looking at him, seemingly for the first time, she was not sure how she could have doubted him. Silvano saved her more than once, comforted her in times of need, and even managed to make her feel a myriad of unexplained, extreme. That moment was one such time, alone in a dimly lit room instead of in the public eyes of a kingdom. Her dream had come true, and every bit of it was as real as the initial reaction, as her heart leaped into her throat, confirming every anxious twinge in her belly, and the tears that glossed over her eyes.

All the same, the moment took her breath away, and a crystal tear began to form on the corners of her orbs as she blinked them back, suppressing them. For just that instant, Giselle had thought she saw something more in his own eyes, the new look on his face, the extra warmth under his hand, and the truth that made his heart race just beneath their entwined palms. A new light was shed upon the pair, through the windows of their souls, which made their eyes shimmer and come alive. It made the dark haired girl all the happier to see it plainly there, swimming in those emerald pools of light. Not every dream could be made real, but true love had appeared before her unexpectedly. Oh, Silvano, I love you too~ The happiness in her words were unmistakeable, and the force of true love pushed her forward to kiss him, tip-toeing to reach as best she could.

It was a sweet but true gesture as she lingered there, eyes closing for fear of joyous tears spilling forth and ruining such a sudden yet happy occasion. Both of her hands spun up like flowing white ribbons towards his sturdy neck, wrapping around to hold herself there, afraid to let go of the tale that may have yet been another dream. If there was any other way Giselle could be more certain of her own heart's desire, it was shown through her kiss, sending jolts through her form from both the touch and the sudden magic that seemed to sweep over her insides, pushing her lithe form against his strong one. Whether the Sadira male believed any words she had told him, or any fairy tale they read in the quiet of the night, the ivory femme would make certain to show this knight - her savior - that true love's kiss was the most powerful and believable thing in the world.

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text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #dadab1;
float:left; margin:5px;
#Elle-dancetxt .txtooc {
font-family:georgia, serif;
font-weight:normal; }
#Elle-dancetxt .txtooc .word { font-weight:bold; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-style:normal;}
#Elle-dancetxt b { letter-spacing:-.5px; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 12px; }
#Elle-dancetxt u { text-decoration: underline; }
#Elle-dancetxt b:before { content: open-quote; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 15px; }
#Elle-dancetxt b:after { content: close-quote; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 15px; }
#Elle-dancetxt b.npc { letter-spacing:.5px; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal; }

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