A freak, that I'm sure
Hello =]

Rio found herself venturing farther and farther away from the safe lands of Anathema, and despite the few bad encounters she had ran into over time, she liked this new ballsy attitude of hers. Ever since she had been able to let go of Harlowe’s guilt that hung over her, it was like she was a new ‘Rio’. Every day she went on a new journey to explore a new place, usually one without a purpose. She would start out early in the morning and just let her legs take her to wherever they would like to be. She still didn’t know the lands that great, but doing these little exploring expeditions was helping her remember the land a little better.

Even though she hated Infernians and she was sure of it, she didn’t know that she had stumbled alarmingly close to their lands. She knew she was around someone’s territory and the stench of coyote filled her nostrils, but there were other coyotes around too. She didn’t hate all coyotes, though. Just the ones from Inferni because they were vile creatures, just like the devil that she’d seen in a human book once. Or at least she got the gist that it was the devil, as the being was covered with flames and looked just all around sinister. The devil and Infernians were just alike, and both were low on her importance chain.

Rio made sure she strayed far enough away from the borders of whatever pack she was nearing. She wanted to see what kind of creatures lingered here, and so she did not leave. She stuck around close enough, but far enough to not cause a stir in ‘border patrol’- another word she managed to read in a human book once. Reading wasn’t really a big thing with Rio, and she could only do it at a minimum as she recognized few words. They had to be simple, ‘border patrol’ being one of the few difficult words she could have read and knew what it was. Reading wasn’t a necessity to her life, so she didn’t care for it. Though, it was a trade she learned on her travels.

She figured that there wasn’t any harm in leaning against a nice tree to relax and soak up what nice weather there was today. Keeping her distance from the borders in mind, Rio picked a nice tree that she sat underneath. She leaned against its bark, with her legs bent to her chest and leaned her head against the rough bark. She didn’t close her eyes and go to sleep, but she did drift off in thought, thinking about a whole bunch of nonsense.

Word Count: 446

Points: 3

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The words that Ezekiel and Vesper had spoken had really stuck with the male, and he was now more wary than ever. A coyote from their clan had been attacked by a wolf for defending her son...and where had he been, then? Probably stargazing or scouting some other part of the territory. He felt a pang of guilt for not being there for his clan member, though he could hardly have known about her plight nor gotten there in enough time to save her. He wasn't a warrior, but some days he wished that he could be brave and could stand up to someone in the defense of the clan instead of wasting his days away scouting and mapping the skies.

Nate had already made an entire trek of the eastern border and was now heading back for one last go-around. He swung wide with his gait this time, heading a little farther out into the forests beyond their borders. A scent caught his attention after a while of running and he stopped in his tracks. The male was unshifted and ran on four legs on this day, making him feel rather defenseless. Nonetheless he set out to investigate the odd scent. "Who dares to linger so close to Inferni borders?" His voice boomed, a growl in his throat.

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Her mind still drifted in and out of things she didn’t need to be thinking about at the current moment, and she didn’t realize it when a scent much stronger than the others approached. It was something she should have been paying attention to being so close to enemy lines, as she thought of them. A voice boomed out from the distance, and it damn near startled her. She jumped slightly, and rose to her feet near the tree. ”Um, last time I checked these are neutral lands, buddy. I stayed a good amount of distance away from your borders.” She was swinging it a little careless, but he couldn’t hurt her. She wasn’t anywhere near his pack to be a clear threat, so she stood where she once sat. The sudden voice did make her on edge a little, but she made sure she was calm enough not to appear nervous or frightened, which she wasn’t entirely.

Whoever it was, she couldn’t see him. She could smell him, and knew by his scent and words that he was one of Inferni, but she couldn’t see him. He stayed hidden, and she wasn’t about to go looking for him. She felt her mind pushing her away from where she was, farther, and it would not allow her to take a step forward as it would land her a step closer to Inferni borders.

She wished the brute would show himself. She knew he would be a little, wormy coyote and in her book she disliked the ones from Inferni and their view of wolves. If they didn’t have such a stank opinion of Rio’s kind, she wouldn’t care. It was just the way they carried themselves that she felt that they didn’t deserve to be liked by her. And they wouldn’t be liked until they adjusted their beliefs.

Word Count: 308

Points: 3

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He wasn't a fighter by any means, but Nate knew what to do if he ever came across someone truly dangerous. He'd call for help, or try and scare them away with words. Sometimes words could be more powerful than any weapon...they could make another canine turn tail and run, or cause an attack. It all depended upon what was said and how it was stated. Wolves were dangerous creatures, but less intelligent than coyotes. This was what he believed. He had only ever encountered really dim-witted ones, though, so who knew. Maybe there were some scholarly wolves out there somewhere.

Nathaniel had brought a weapon with him just in case, a knife that he normally used for cooking or cutting paper...but it was of no use to him in this form. He continually sharpened it after using it for things like that, though, so it wasn't dull by any means...but he would need to shift to use it. He began to change forms slowly, using the brush as cover. He then clutched his knife, pulling it from the pack on his back. "Are you daft, wolf? I asked why you linger so close to our borders - not that you are in them. Wolf spies come from all over to take a gander...we put their heads up on stakes. I think something like that could be arranged for you, too" He looked this way and that, trying to spot her.

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Your table makes me dizzy O_o

The situation was so cute, Rio almost smiled. It was as if they were playing Hide and Seek; he wouldn’t come to look for her, and she wouldn’t dare to venture toward him. She kept her ground, but became nervous when she heard the faint metallic glide of a weapon that had been just unsheathed. His statement, however, made her giggle cutely, and audibly, ”You think I’m a spy?” She could barely contain another giggle, but she held it in tightly. ”Please, coyote. I have no reason to spy on your kind. I already know what I need to know about them, and I don’t care to know more.” She wasn’t intentionally being rude, if that was even how she sounded. She didn’t have any reasons that would cause her to spy on anyone, and she really couldn’t believe how absurd this brute somewhere before her sounded.

With every word he spoke, even if they were stank toward her kind, she began to feel less on edge and more comfortable. If he was as straight-forward as others she had met from Inferni, then she would have a reason to be scared, but this brute hadn’t shown himself yet, which proved to be no major threat. Maybe if she angered him… but she didn’t see that coming any time soon, especially not until they were finished playing Hide and Seek.

”How sweet of you.” Her words were cold, and dripped with sarcasm. Her head on a stake, for all including her family to see, would serve it’s purpose to show just how stupid she really is, and was. She was beginning to get fed up with playing games with him, whoever he was. ”Who are you?” Maybe if she could just get a name out of him… Fat chance, though, as she already knew her chances of finding any friendly information about him were slim. ”I’m Nera,” she lied. She wouldn’t tell the other her real name, unless he knew it first or found it out.


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