Feed the Youth
Tharin had spent his time hunting around, looking for good prey. He couldn't take down something huge by himself, but he was planning on catching a decent sized meal. He hadn't forgotten about Kiara and her troublesome situation. It was horrible, having to hunt and leave the growing pups by themselves with all the danger that could bring. Pups were so important, and even if they weren't New Dawn's, he still felt that he had to help them survive. The need to protect was deep in him, accepting Kiara into that circle, feeling even closer to her than the others as she was like him, untouched by the virus.

His hunt brought success, a small fawn left unattended falling prey to his jaws. It was so easy, killing the young when their mother wasn't there to keep a watchful eye on them. Carrying the prize in his jaws was difficult, the spindly legs dragging on the ground as he worked his way over to Kiara's pack. Stopping at the borders Tharin dropped the prize and lifted his head, howling for Kiara. His tail was high over his back, dominant and ready to take care of the lower wolf. He hoped she would be fast, or call to let him come to where she was so the pups weren't left alone.

WC: 344

For the first time in what seemed like forever, Kiara and her puppies were all able to sit down and rest. Both Kohaku and Lucia slept together in a heap, the rag doll crushed beneath them both and safe next to the warm belly of their sleeping mother. It had been a while since the underground den was quiet, and Kiara enjoyed every minute of it. Recently, she had been plagued with nightmares. All of her friends had disappeared in a puff of smoke, her puppies corpse's strewn across the den, while the incidents with Amy and Rojo played almost without end in her mind. But at that moment, her sleep remained undisturbed by horrid thoughts and the young family slept without a care in the world.

A familiar cry drifted over the lands and sapphire orbs were revealed by cracked lids. A white ear twitched atop her head as her sleepy mind dissected the howl. Kiara's tail wagged a little as she recognized Tharin's voice. Slowly she picked herself up and the cries of her children filled the den as they stirred awake. Two pairs of bright blue eyes stared up at her as she moved towards the tunnel entrance. Immediately, the two tried to follow after their mother, stumbling after her on small legs. Kiara paused, she couldn't leave them. Not when they were trying to follow her out into the unsafe world. Frantically, the young mother looked around. Her tired eyes fell onto her precious blue scarf. It's silky lengths formed a small ball in the corner of her den. A wicked smile crossed her face as she quickly retrieved the scarf and dropped it on top of the puppies. It would be several minutes before they managed to untangle themselves, just enough time for Kiara to go fetch her friend.

The arctic female raced to the boarder, her well toned body pushed to the edges of it's speed and endurance. It wasn't long before the silver male's larger form appeared in the distance, and soon Kiara was by his side instinctively submitting to the more dominant wolf. She dropped to the ground and licked his muzzle as her tail wagged quickly and low. Soft whines sounded from her as she nuzzled him in greeting. Kiara knew they weren't pack, but she believed that they still held a close bond. Neither was infected with the luperci virus, and the common state had formed an automatic kindship in her mind. He wasn't Ichikan, but he was like her and that made him almost as close as family.

When their greetings were done, Kiara stepped back and looked towards her den. Tharin! C'mon, we should head back to my den. If we aren't quick I'm afraid...well, lets just say they are at a difficult age.

Table by: Cait

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The white female came at a blur towards him. His tail wagged brightly, returning her shower of affection with his own licks and nuzzles, tail held high at their reunion. It was so natural neither of them really thought about how odd others might find the interaction between the two wolves. They weren't pack, yet acted like they were. It was what instinct told them anyways. He chuckled at the words and snatched up the fawn again. Moving as fast as he could without tripping over the food he followed Kiara back to the den. He had no idea what she meant by difficult stage, but they were probably old enough to start moving now, so perhaps that was the problem?

Arriving at the den site Tharin was more than happy to deposit the fawn. His jaws had started aching, carrying something so big in it for so long. Yawning he stretched out his jaw, shaking out the ache. Tail swishing he waited patiently for Kiara to go check on the pups and make sure that they were alright, again making sure that there was enough distance between the den and him. He wasn't pack, as much as he felt like it, and had no connection with Kiara besides them escaping the virus together. He'd stay where he wouldn't have to face the young mother's wrath and paranoid fear.

WC: 569

It had been a long time since Kiara had experience the natural order of dominance. For one reason or another, most of the luperci in Ichika seemed to forgo to the strict rules of dominance that Kiara instinctively adhered to. However, around Tharin, things seemed to fall into place. He was naturally dominant, she was naturally submissive, it worked. She would follow his lead, although she often had to remind herself that they weren't pack. Speaking of pack, Kiara paused as he picked up the dead fawn to take a good sniff of his coat. The scent of pack lightly coated his own scent, and the heavy musk of a loner had all but disappeared. Kiara's wagging tail slowed as she recognized the distinct smell of New Dawn. She had met several of the New Dawn members, including that male who had formerly been her pack brother. The pack scent made her heart sting as she was forced to truly recognize he was not pack.

At his direction, they moved quickly towards Kiara's den in the heart of Wentworth Valley. Tharin's present had not gone unnoticed by the female, but it was less important then her puppies. Once again, the larger male stopped at a respectful distance from the mouth of the earthen den and Kiara took a moment to check on her children. Kohaku was still trapped within the silky confines of her scarf, his small growls turned into whines as his blue eyes begged for her to help him. Lucia, who had managed to escape, was on her way out of the den with the rag doll hanging from her mouth. The young mother grabbed Lucia and dragged her back into the den before she turned to Kohaku and diligently freed him. She licked each one on the head before departing to the outside world.

The arctic wolf climbed out and moved towards the prize that Tharin had kindly brought. Sorry about that, their eyes are open and both are trying very hard to explore in places that they shouldn't. Is this for me? This was what she needed, a male to help her hunt. She needed to start feeding the puppies meat to help them grow, but getting her hands on food was difficult when she couldn't even leave them alone for more than a few minutes. Sapphire eyes studied the male before her as the wheels in her head turned. He would make a great mate...if only he had arrived two months earlier.

A tiny yip sounded through the forest and Kiara wheeled around to find that not only were both puppies out of the den, but Lucia had pushed her brother over again. Kohaku stumbled a lot as he tried to move away. Lucia allowed his retreat and decided to focus on the grass beneath her paws. The white female immediately went into paranoia mode and rushed to return her children back into the den. She quickly scooped up Kohaku into her gentle jaws, his complains loud and persistent. Once she had deposited him into the den the worried mother turned around to grab Lucia. As she turned to leave she saw her son push Lucia over in what Kiara could only describe as an act of revenge. You two be good and stay here. Exhausted she departed the den and sat at its mouth to make a living barricade. They weren't escaping again.

Table by: Cait

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Kiara was in the den but an instant before returning again, tail wagging brightly. His own wagged in return, pleased by her reappearance. Hearing that their eyes were open Tharin's eyes widened with excitement. That was great! They must have been doing really well, healthy without any sickness to be clambering around making so much trouble for their young mother. Knowing that the pups were doing well bolstered his heart, making him glad to be there. Pups were so important, even if they weren't his own. Yes it is. I know how difficult it must be, feeding yourself while the pups are determined to get into trouble. Your...pack isn't at the greatest size either, so I figured you wouldn't mind the extra help.

It was a bit awkward, touching on the fact that her pack was so weak, that they were divided, but he managed to say it without too much hesitation, able to hand her the fawn. A yip brought the attention of both wolves to the den. His tail wagged brightly as he saw for the first time the pups that she was caring for. A snow white one, standing there and staring at the grass with amazement, another with brown marking his white coat stumbling away. It was an amusing sight, bringing a chuckle from him as Kiara went to the rescue, picking up both pups and shoving them back in where they belonged. She settled down in the mouth of the den, and Tharin picked up the fawn, cautiously moving closer before laying down. They look like a handful. Do they have names?

WC: 295

There weren't enough words in the world to express the gratitude she felt towards Tharin. He wasn't even a member of her pack, yet he cared for her and brought her food when she needed it most. He checked on her, cared for her, helped her hunt. He was a great friend, and whoever won his heart would be lucky to have him. Kiara smiled but her heart ached. The mention of her packs...situation, didn't make her feel better either. The diminished size of the pack had been weighing on her mind for a while. Her friends had left and the recent events with Salsola only made her even more nervous. If the Salsolan's found out about her and her children, their future would be jeopardized. Kiara ran up to Tharin and rubbed her head under his chin. Thank you!

Kiara had foolishly believed that being a mother wouldn't be much harder than being a puppy sitter. Yet, her children had proved her wrong during their first two weeks of life. When they were infants, it wasn't so bad. They were awake for only a few hours a day, and although they could get loud, it wasn't hard watching after them. But once their eyes had opened everything had changed. How could she survive the next few weeks as a single mother? The task seemed impossible. White ears flicked forward and sapphire eyes watched carefully as Tharin moved closer to the den. However, he stopped at a comfortable distance so his advance wasn't met with any challenge from the new mother. Kiara chuckled as he voiced exactly what she was thinking. Big handful. They do have names, their naming ceremony was several days ago. The mostly white female is Lucia, and her brother is Kohaku.

Table by: Cait

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His tail wagged behind him at her touch, a soft nuzzling sensation that assured him everything was right in the world. She was happy, and safe, and the pups were healthy and growing. Everything else didn't matter. When he returned to his pack he would certainly care about them again, working on feeding and protecting them, but right now Kiara was what mattered, and the small bundles of life that she had growing inside the den. He listened as Kiara spoke, agreeing on their troublesome nature. Hopefully someone would help her as they got older. It looked like Kiara was straining at her limits, or pretty close to them.

He nodded his head as the names were given. Lucia and Kohaku. Kohaku was definitely a name from up north, as his pack had similar names, if not the exact kind. Lucia was pretty as well, if not ringing with that same solid familiarity. They are beautiful children. Tharin made sure he didn't look like a threat while saying this, no longing to see the pups in his voice, simply stating a fact instead of the words of someone preparing to move closer. While Tharin would love to get closer to the pups, he knew that it was much more important to keep his distance and let them bond with their mother, safe, than to see them himself.

WC: 364

The young mother swelled with pride and puffed out her chest as Tharin nodded in approval of the names she had chosen. They were good names for her wonderful children. His comment only made Kiara feel even better. She, alone, had raised such amazing and beautiful children. Although one had died, she had managed to keep the other two safe and happy. Even if they were driving her nuts, she was still extraordinarily proud of her puppies and couldn't be happier. Her smile radiated and her tail thumped happily inside the den. Thank you, that means a lot to me.

The lack of yips, barks, or really any sound at all made Kiara's ears twitch nervously as she contorted her body to peer into the den. Without a word or glance back the worried mother quickly moved into the underground home to check on her quiet litter. The sight she was greeted with made her heart flutter as two sets of sleepy eyes stared back at her. Kohaku let out a missive yawn as Lucia's head began to droop to the side. It was nap time for the puppies, and Kiara was not about to disturb them. She moved carefully out of the den, backing up with practiced movements. Once outside, she turned around and strode over to the silver male with a wagging tail and cheerful smile.

The white feme went right up to Tharin, and without warning she launched her forepaws into the air. With the puppies falling asleep it was time for what she did best, play fighting. A friendly growl emanated from her throat as her paws landed heavily on the dirt. She dipped into a play bow and let her tail wag freely in the air. A huge smile was spread across her face, showing off a rather frightening set of teeth. Her pink tongue flopped over to one side and hung uselessly in the air. Whines and growls sprung from her lips as she danced before Tharin. Again, without warning, the arctic wolf charged forward. She leapt into the air and aimed her powerful jaws for the scruff of Tharin's neck, where the skin and fur were thickest.

Table by: Cait

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Kiara swelled with his words, looking gloriously amazing. She was the perfect picture of a mother, protecting the children with all her being, at peace and still managing to look wonderful. The smile that she gave off brought in his own, fangs flashing as his tail wagged, listening to the thump of her tail inside the den. It was surprising that it was the only noise coming from inside, the whimpers and cries that came from eager pups gone. He craned his head a little, wondering what was going on, before quickly settling back down, acting like he hadn't been curious about the silence. He didn't want to worry her after all.

Standing he backed up as Kiara did, looking over to see if everything was okay. Kiara was at peace, so they must have just fallen asleep. He wagged his tail happily at her approach, noting her cheerful manner. Without warning she pounced though, leaping into the air. Tharin bounded back, tail wagging as she hit into a play bow. Growling he quickly mirrored her, reaching out a paw to spank at the ground. The pair danced around before Kiara charged, aiming to grab at his scruff. Twisting out of the way Tharin prepared for a rebuttal, jaws snapping to grab at her own and drag her down, tail wagging the entire time at the start of the game.

WC: 253

In hind sight, challenging the much larger, much heavier Tharin to a wrestling match might not have been the best idea. Kiara was used to other wolves being bigger than her, but she wasn't used to them weighing more then her. As an arctic wolf, Kiara was gifted with all the strength and endurance her species allowed, yet Tharin managed to easily outclass the smaller wolf. In a contest of size and strength the mackenzie valley wolf was the clear winner in their friendly competition.

The two wolves squared off, the age old dance of play fighting played out between the competitors. Kiara was the first to make a move and she charged in on her opponent. Tharin easily dogged her attack and his gaping jaws clamped down on her and dragged her to the floor. It wasn't until their bodies connected that the arctic wolf realized just how big her opponent was. Kiara whined as her tail wagging in full force and an evil smile erupted over her face. She twisted and turned her body, contorting it into all different positions as she struggled to break free of the behemoths grasp.

Her back paws sprung up as she tried to push against Tharin's chest. All the while, playful growls eminated from her open jaws. Eventually Kiara managed to break free of Tharin's grip as she rocketed towards the other side of her den. She whipped around to face Tharin and again tried to charge him. This time, her aim was his ears.

Table by: Cait

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Tharin's jaws hit around her scruff. Tail wagging he pulled her down, standing so that he was partly over her. Tail raised high he growled playfully through his grip, shaking his head a little. He looked down at the creamy white wolf, happy to have someone to play with in such a relaxed manner, not worried about what they would be doing. A whine came from Kiara, Tharin pausing for a moment before tightening his grip, another low growl coming from him. The wolf began to contort, twisting about in his grasp. He jerked his head up, trying to keep his hold on the writhing wolf.

Paws pushed at his chest, increasing the distance between the wolves even further. His jaw began to hurt, and he finally released Kiara, tired from the strain of not biting down too hard while managing to keep a hold on her. She rocketed across, reaching the other side of the den. He bowed down again, whining playfully for her to come and get him. Again she came forward, but this time his ear was grabbed. The delicate appendage was grasped and tugged, a surprised yelp coming from Tharin as he danced around the smaller wolf, trying to figure out how to get free.

WC: 261

Despite the vast differences in their sizes, Kiara had proven herself to be a handful. Tharin's jaws were clamped down on the scruff of her neck, his massive head shook a little and tossed the snowy female around slightly. She struggled to regain her balance, her nimble feet danced alongside her pinned body before she whined and began to twist about. A growl erupted from Tharin's mouth as she struggled to break free. The pressure around Kiara's neck tightened as the silver male tried to keep his grip on her and his head raised up. Even so, Tharin's attempts were wasted as Kaira broke free from his grasp.

Facing her friendly adversary, she smiled as he dipped into a play bow and whined at her. His challenge was met as Kiara dashed forward and managed to grab onto his ear. A yelp came from Tharin as she tugged lightly on the delicate appendage. The young mother had to work hard to keep her grip on the much larger wolf. She danced on her hind legs as her forepaws were wrapped around his neck. Her fluffy tail wagged cheerfully behind her as she danced with Tharin. He tried to break free, and managed to do so on his second try. The soft flesh slid easily from Kiara's mouth as she focused her efforts on just staying on top of him. Kiara growled playfully, but was eventually forced to back off again. It was her turn to dip into a playful bow, her tail high and her tongue hanging out of panting jaws.

Table by: Cait

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OOC here!

He managed to tug his ear free at last, wet and covered with slobber. He was pretty sure that teeth imprints could be seen in the fur, not that anyone would be looking. Her legs were wrapped around his neck, clinging on and trying to stay on top of him. A quick twist broke that off though, leaving Tharin standing there with his tail raised, looking for a challenge. His dance partner had backed off though, leaving him by himself in the melting spring snow.

Kiara dipped down into a play bow, and Tharin bounded forward, twisting through the air. She wasn't getting away this time! His tail flashed behind him, growls coming from the wolf as he leaped to tackle the white she-wolf and pin her to the ground. He wasn't letting her climb on top of her for nothing. He'd get a good pin out of it, plus some nuzzles. A playful growl declared his intent, ready to bring her down.

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WC: 257

It had been a long time since Kiara had let herself go and just enjoy a friendly wrestling match. How she had missed the playful atmosphere, the sheer joy that came from playful antics with another. Ichika was great, but Kiara had lost most of her friends and a mate in the past several months. The added burden of raising her puppies left little room for her to be her usual, puppy-like self. In the past month or two, she had been forced to grow up quickly, and playtime was all but forgotten.

As the arctic wolf ducked into her play bow, Tharin rose his tail in challenge. When he realized that Kiara had backed of momentarily from their dance, he charged her. Muscles tensed under white fur as she readied herself to dodge out of the way. But Tharin was quicker than she had expected, and Kiara began to move to late. The silver male's massive body collided with her smaller frame and a yelp escaped the mother's jaws as they toppled to the ground. Kiara squirmed under his weight, her whines and playful growls resonated through the forest.

Her struggle was in vain as she twisted and moved underneath Tharin. Occasionally she would bring her mouth up to gently nip at his muzzle, her tail dragged through the dirt as she wagged it profusely. After a little bit, Kiara paused to take a breather, her sides heaved as she panted heavily. A wide smile spread across her face, while her tongue flapped down her jaws.

Table by: Cait

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OOC here!

Muscles tensed, and Tharin's eyes could see it. He was used to thick coats, able to pick out the build underneath him. It just made Kiara more endearing, able to see the strength that she held. Playing with her was fun, something that Tharin had avoided doing since Akira's death, blaming the fact that he'd dropped his guard to play on why she had succumbed. Tharin hit Kiara, and she was rolling down, unable to stand against his larger weight.

The female was flashing around beneath him, squirming around. Tharin's moves were quick, dancing to keep her still to the best of his ability, tongue lapping over her neck and muzzle playfully, occasionally nipping at her ears as she moved. Tharin wasn't going to let her get back up. Well, maybe he would. Kiara paused, sides heaving. Tharin's tail wagged brightly behind him, leaning down for a quick nuzzle before stepping off her, moving to roll in the mud and grass around them.

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WC: 301

Kiara squirmed in every direction, but her smaller body made getting out of Tharin's grasp next to impossible. He held her down, trying his best to keep her in place and still. Large smiles stretched across their faces and the atmosphere between the two had become light as a feather. Despite the fact that both wolves were full-grown adults and were older than two years of age, they still played like puppies. His tongue flashed her neck, and his teeth gently nipped at her ears. Kiara let out playful growls and whines as she struggled, her own jaw moving to return his playful touches in kind. She too nipped gently at his muzzle, or tugged on his fur. Her tail thumped against the ground as she struggled, until she finally stopped to rest.

Tharin was quick to pick up on the change in situation, and with a quick muzzle he freed the snowy female. Kiara turned her head to watch as Tharin rolled in the mud and grass. Her legs toppled to the side as she relaxed. Her den was going to smell like Tharin for the next few days, yet the knowledge didn't really bother her. His powerful scent would help ward off predators and would keep her puppies safe. Kiara closed her eyes for a minute, simply content with the world. If only this moment could last forever. Soon they would have to part, Tharin would have to return to his pack and Kiara would be left with her puppies. Slowly, sapphire orbs were revealed and she stared intensely at the silver male. The arctic wolf stood and strode over to Tharin's side, her head pushed gently into his shoulder. He was a great friend and helped her so much with the puppies. She didn't want him to go.

Table by: Cait

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OOC here!

Laying on his back now, legs dangling in the air looking rather silly Tharin looked up. Pants streamed from him, tail thumping a couple times before falling still. That had been fun. He rather enjoyed being with Kiara. It wasn't just about the pups, though his need to protect them was enough to keep him coming to see her. It was about the beautiful female herself. She was so strong, a good hunter, and didn't have the virus. It made him even more comfortable around her knowing that. He glanced over to Kiara, seeing that her eyes were closed.

Rolling over Tharin surveyed the area. If Kiara wanted to rest he would make sure that she was safe doing so. His body was still relaxed, not expecting anything to come. He was simply ready in case it came to that. He looked over as Kiara moved, gently bumping him. She seemed so vulnerable at this moment. He licked her forehead softly before standing up. You should probably go check on the pups. I have to return. His voice was quiet, trying to keep the calm as he thought about the journey back. I'll return soon with more food.

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WC: 260

Despite her puppies and the pack, Kiara still felt very alone. Ichika had grown so small, and the white wolf didn't often get visitors. On top of that, she had no mate to help her take care of her puppies, whom she loved dearly. The young mother missed being with adult wolves, she missed their companionship and conversations. Playing with Tharin was a complete relief, yet the knowledge that he would always have to leave her was a constant weight on her mind. Tharin, unlike Alonso, was there for her but wasn't part of her pack. That no good mexican had abandoned her and had provided her with a weak puppy. Kiara knew that wasn't true, but it was easier to blame him for Anna's death.

A soft tongue caressed her forehead that brought a smile whine from the white mother. The silver male's words rang in her mind and her tail hung listlessly behind her. I have to escort you...just give me a minute to check on them. Her voice didn't shake, but it still betrayed her sadness and longing. Slowly, Kiara turned and crept towards the den. She entered the mouth and moved her way through the narrow tunnel towards the main body of the den. There, Lucia and Kohaku slept peacefully in a small pile. Beneath them was the rag doll, Lucia's mouth was wrapped around its head as if she had fallen asleep while chewing it.

The young mother backed out of her den slowly so as not to wake her sleeping children. Ready to go?

Table by: Cait

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OOC here!

The bright wolf seemed so darkened now. Tharin didn't know what she'd been dwelling on, but he didn't like it. He had come with food, and perhaps to give her some company, make sure she was safe. The longing in her voice was clear at least. Kiara was lonely. He whined softly as she stood, going over and making sure that her pups were secure. Why weren't there others there? The pack might be small, but they should have been gathering around her, providing the mother with what she needed.

They would have to move fast. As much as he wanted to linger and spend more time with her, the pups couldn't be left alone for long. Playfully he bumped her again, tail wagging in an attempt to boost her spirits. Yes. We'll have to hurry before the pups wake up and decide to cause trouble with their mother out. He winked and set off at a trot, heading for the border and the pack that he loved.

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WC: 295

Kiara exited her den to find a worried Tharin staring at her. She smiled, trying her best to reassure him. The arctic wolf wasn't being herself, and she knew it. Kiara was supposed to be a happy-go-lucky wolf, there was no reason for her to be so down in the dumps. Tharin's playful bump helped raise her spirits and a huge grin spread across her face. They could have one last game that day. Kiara bounced toward him, her tail wagging low and quickly. His comment made her blue eyes roll, As if I needed to be reminded. Kohaku is horrid, he keeps trying to leave. Lucia isn't much better. I blame their father for their rambunctious behavior. Kiara gave a quick nod, as if the spanish male was the root to all her problems. That is what she would do from now on, she would blame Alonso for her troubles. If anything, she would at least be partially right.

The silver giant gave her a quick wink and set off towards the boarder in a steady trot. Kiara smiled wickedly as she scooted behind him. Because he was so much larger than her, she had to three steps for every one he took. Kiara was almost running in order to keep up with him. Even so, the arctic wolf wasn't deterred and she skillfully moved behind him. Kiara watched his tail move and at the right moment she lunged after it, her jaws aiming to grab onto the fur of his tail. If she missed, she would keep trying till he either noticed her antics, or she managed to grab it. Either way, a new game had started.

Table by: Cait

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