[M] - Many Hearts, One Mind
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Sangi'lak Pack Hunt

Thread Information

Date: July 9th, 2012

Setting: Miramichi Wilderness

Time: Morning, Two Hours After First Light

Character Form: Optime

Dress: Traditional (See Profile)


PGP + 6 Words - 600+

Jaden pulled back his bowstring slowly and watched for any movement in his target, any sign that the moose and her young might be aware of the archer’s presence. Both calves and mother continued to eat despite the deadly arrow trained on them. But there was much more than just the Alpha’s sharp arrow set and ready to fly forth. He knew his pack lay in wait for the signal to attack. He could smell them. They were no doubt concealed too and probably even closer than he was.

The members of Sangi’lak had awoken early that morning to find themselves still surrounded by strange land. For Jaden it had been an odd feeling to open his eyes and not be in his den, to not be basking in the pleasant scents of wet rock, dry volcanic sand, and his lovely fellow leader. Even the undeniable stench of little Sira had begun pushing into familiarity. The bitter, muddy smell of earth and lively scent of cooled nature were almost a shock to the sense compared to the tang of Ton’Immerk, of home.

But, the land quickly began to warm with the rising sun. It was only an hour or two after first light when the temperature began to rise above comfortable for the thick furred Alaskan. No doubt animals and canines blessed with shorter coats like Sangi’lak’s resident jackal were perfectly comfortable but Jaden was panting considerably to help cool his body as it heated from constant running. Being stuck on two legs had perks but traveling wasn’t one of them. He now fully respected just how much work two extra paws in motion did. It would be nice to finally fall into his quadruped form again but he had decided to only try shifting after the pack finally took down their prey on this hunt. Doing so any sooner would be useless at his point because he would have to take the time to switch back before he could arm his bow.

The pack stayed together before finding the scent of prey. They all had to move at a steady jog while searching in order for their two legged alpha to keep up. But once that scent was found, the pack broke into a run. A predetermined plan then fell into place they had all formulated before setting out. The pack would find their chosen quarry and get into position for an ambush while waiting for Jaden to catch up. By the time he found them, the others should have had ample time and get ready so that he could fire his arrows at the prey and signal their attack.

So now they found themselves here right on the edge of their climax. It had only taken the Issum a minute or two to maneuver into position. He kept his eyes glued to the prey and watched to make sure they took no notice of the quiet and low moving silhouette. He even silently stepped over a concealed body unaware of whether he or she had taken notice of their alpha for his thoughts were so concentrated. The perfect vantage point came to him and he drew his bow in the shadow of a large tree. He could feel the beat of his heart hammering through his palm and into the bow. He struggled to slow his breathing for a steady shot. The tension in the air was tangible as his sights found one of the younger moose. Only the mother and her two developing youngsters seemed oblivious to the death that was about to settle upon them.

    Targets: Three moose; one mother at 320kg (700lbs),

    and two calves at 90kg (200lbs) each

    Action:Preparing to Attack/Signal Pack

    Injury done to Animal(s): None Yet

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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  • Setting: Leading the charge at Dawn
  • Location: Miramichi Wilderness
  • Form: Secui and naked!

  • Home was to the north east becoming more distant as the mountain slipped below the horizon of the swelling lands. And the wilderness lied before them, reclaiming the lands tainted by the remnants of a foolish civilization. Wild and untamed the tendrils breeched through the soft earth and clawed for the violet sky, aspiring to the heights of the thick, healthy spires so they too may branch out to endless reaches. It was a long, patient process shrouded in the shadows of the early morn with a one-sided beauty brought to light with the gently rising sun at their backs.

    The path ahead of them consumed both eye and mind as it was trudged upon by thunderous paws. One could assume the hulking forms as the advancing party would become entangled by the wild brush. But rather than ensnare, they bent and broke to the persistent strength of its lead and further parted with the advance of the group. As the glow of the rising sun bathed the wilderness in its warmth, it illuminated what their scout had spied ahead; prey worth the fast march from their home to their camp, then the early morning rise into the relentless woods. Provided all conducted according to plan, they would feast well and have a considerable amount to bring back to their mountain home. But before any could think of the desired goal, the path for it needed to be set.

    Their roles had been discussed the night before and the Issor trusted each to assume their tasks to the fullest. So long as there was no deviation, they would come out of this event well fed and accomplished. The thought of fresh meat brought the female’s mouth to salivate in anticipation. Finely sharpened claws slipped seamlessly into the warmth of the earth as they curled and flexed with glee. Their quarry ahead, she brought the group down in a patch of long grass to lie in wait for the signal to begin…

    331 words.


    Pendzez: 'Spot' the prey and begin herding them to where the group is hiding.

    X'ies: Observe the prey's behavior. If one deviates from the herding path, conduct an alternative action.

    Sira: As the prey is herded, follow the movements of either calf.

    Jaden: Signal when ready. Release the first arrow.

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    WC: 311 OOC: She changed YAY!

    Sira changed into the form she never knew she had. It seemed so strange that she knew how though. It was an immensely slow process so it took her much of the afternoon at camp just to finally not feel so distorted and yet... when she was in her newly admired form she could feel... what was it? She couldnt’ tell but she liked it. She was bulkier than her smaller frame, but not by much. She was still far smaller than that of her pack mates. Her eye twitched at the thought of one of them just taking her then and there, but he was starting to become use to no hitting, no touching. X’yrin told her what she needed to do. It was a task set on her, one she would do because she owed the woman. She owed the pack.

    She was excited when she got up and couldn’t get her nervousness out, though miraculously she was able to get into position when told to without alerting her prey. But when she saw the prey she was overwhelmed. They were ENORMOUS! Even the calves were three times the woman’s size even in her secui form. She gulped, but knew in her mind she could do this. It wouldn’t be so hard. She hunted before... rabbits, groundhogs... and other more savory things, and she had the help of her larger more confident pack mates. She waited for her signal her eyes were on the calves though her feet moved in place with excitement, though still too quiet for the large animals to take as something bad. Her nerves did show a little bit as she looked at the animals, but she felt far more confident right now in this form than she would in her lupus, which was many inches smaller and less defined than this shape.

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    Optime then Secui. WC=347 3+

    The dawn came. The day was now. The pack were to conduct their first hunt today south west of their home. Pendzez obediently followed the Alphas' order and joined in. He ran Optime along side his fellow pack brothers towards there destination. He left his usual equipment behind as they would be useless and be nothing but dead weight. Besides, without them, he would be able to maneuver more efficiently.

    He ran along the ground some several meters away from the others, as his duty was to spot and herd the prey to the group. It would be pleasing for him, since it had been sometime since his last pack hunt. His task before seemed simple enough for him to handle.

    They were coming to a patch of grassy area with X'y as Jaden trailed off to obscure himself from the prey. Pendzez broke off from the group and went around the open area where the moose were grazing. His steps become soft and inaudible. Then they went from two feet to four. His body changed into a new form, not Lupus, but bigger. His head of hair had become more of a mane. With this new form, he stalked around the prey undetected, using the natural flora as his cover.

    Pendzez circled to a good spot where he could expose himself and get the herd moving. He hid himself in some bush as he waited for the right opportunity to do his part.

    See as now the group was set into place and waiting for Jaden's signal, the white male emerged slowly from his hiding place on all fours towards the moose. He maneuvered himself left from the bush, then right as he approached the moose, as they were aware of his presence and started to move themselves towards the hidden ambush group, which they were oblivious to.

    Pendzez did not rush them, but move them slowly off, that way they were less likely to break up and ruin the plan. He moved himself patiently left and right as he ushered them to their unsuspecting fate.

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    Current Objective: Be a Heartless Bastard ---
    Form: Seculi----
    Mood: Observant---

    It was interesting that he had been invited along to this hunt even though the majority of the pack were under the pretense that the grey wolf was crippled. Though in light of this, and perhaps his own personal skill he was placed in the position of “ observer”. Out of the pack X’ies mental skill and ability to read a target and plan ahead. Were unrivalled, so he was relatively pleased with this outcome, not so much however with taking the form required by X’y for the hunt, but such things happened. He would keep up at about the same pace as Jaden maintaining the guise of his limp, which might cause some question to X’y who was at this point the only one in the pack aware that this was a total fake. X’ies would break off from the pack and follow Jaden, the first strike would be critical to the entire hunt. And as the Obsidian male readied his weapon, X’ies would examine the quarry.

    They were large, strong. The movements of the parent indicated to him that they were well aware of this. Proud, confident creatures…the children…hm. Not so much. To him it seemed that if the parent panicked, the calves would scatter meaning a less successful kill.But…, his eyes turned to Jaden and he whispered slowly. ”…Wound one of the children…take it in the leg, non-fatal wound….just enough to make sure it can’t stand again….if possible during the panic, follow up again on the other….if you take the large one….the smaller ones will scatter and cause us more difficulty….wound the smaller ones….the larger one will stay to defend them….”. Cruel eyes, cruel voice. Pitiless, but effective. A manipulation of the creatures own survival instincts. In most creatures the survival of the next generation trumped personal interest. And whilst X’ies had no way of understanding how that felt, he knew perfectly well that it was a weakness that could be manipulated.

    Once these words were complete he would return to the rest of the group, first approaching SIra. ”…When the panic ensues…and Jaden signals…Sira should move first…don’t attack though…you are smaller than everyone else….make it seem as if you mean to attack, get close enough to draw its attention, then….”. He looked to X’yrin. “….You move in and take it by the neck…after that….systematic conversion on all three targets…”. Whilst Sira had originally been allocated the role of the person hunting the smaller prey, by X’ies indication to Jaden if he disabled them and manipulated the Moose’s parental instinct, then her role became invalid, so he posed the nervous Jackal another one….one that seemed to whisper. “ Prove you aren’t worthless”.



    Sorry about the length :> PGP + 8 Words - 800+

    Jaden was aware of the Lambda a few minutes before he maneuvered into position. He was quiet enough despite the limp he had. It was no doubt that limp which caused him to fall behind and accompany his two legged Alpha. That is what he assumed anyway. The lighter colored wolf’s motives were certainly not centered on pleasant conversation. X’ies had been given the position of watching and ensuring everything flowed nicely and according to the plan. It was a respectable role and, even if Jaden didn’t like the wolf much, he had a sharp mind ideal for the job.

    The observer was silent enough while he followed Jaden into position. He thought things must have been flowing smoothly for the other stayed silent. But that silence was falsely read and when he did speak it was at the worst possible time. With the arrow drawn it was only a matter of which second would be the last calm moment of this moose family. He was ready to let it fly and call in the hungry jaws of his pack when X’ies spoke softly to him. The suggestion was one he didn’t need to hear. Though not all were as skilled with their words as X’ies, Jaden was a skilled hunter. He didn’t need to be instructed on how to take down his prey. But he didn’t bother correcting his observer. The tension in his arms holding back a deadly projectile encouraged the idea that too many words would sour this moment and cost the group a fine hunt. No, he would keep the already made decision and his words to himself.

    X’ies was right: the mother would stay for her calves. But she wouldn’t abandon one over the other. Only one of the young needed to be injured right off the start. The second arrow would be needed for the mother herself. Even if they could strand the mother, she was a incredibly dangerous beast. Trapping her in a corner and attacking her young would only increase that danger tenfold. It would only take one swift kick from such a beast to maim one of Jaden’s pack mates. One calf who had a small chase of possibly escaping wasn’t as valuable as weakening their main target. It might run, but not far, not being so young. This creature hadn’t been out of its mother’s shadow. It couldn’t possibly stray very far without fear or hesitation.

    He took one last breath and held it. X’ies had been given enough time to finish his planning. The time for carnage had come. A sharp air-splitting sound rang through the air and was the signal for Sangi’lak’s hunters to strike. It was the first arrow and it flew with exact accuracy. The shaft lodged itself deep into the shoulder of the nearest calf with a sickening thud that sent the 200 pound creature stumbling right off of its feet. The mother whipped its attention to its injured kin and gave a loud, whistling bugle in shock. Jaden had another arrow ready in less than three seconds, no doubt just before the first attack of his fellow hunters would land. He let it fly too and struck the mother right in her exposed body as she moved to shield her wounded calf. The arrow sunk deep between two of her front ribs and slipped into a lung. An deliciously damaging shot.

    That was two targets the archer had hit and the last was now absolutely terrified. It cowered behind its wounded mother only long enough to hear her choked calls of fear as she noticed the wolf pack now charging from the brush. The young one turned and dashed away at a surprisingly quick speed. Jaden started after it even before he had an arrow rearmed. The unwounded calf ran away from a nightmarish reality. It ran away from attacking wolves, but not Jaden. It hadn’t seen him in the trees and didn’t have the brains to understand where the arrows that wounded his family had come from or their trajectory. This quite simply meant Jaden didn’t have to cut past a furious moose mother to give chase.

    He ran after it and watched carefully for an opening. Blood and adrenaline beat fiercely beneath his fur and muscle. His mind was completely focused, something he had only felt bloodlust and battle could bring about. The shortened step that signaled what he knew was coming was all he needed. Jaden slid to a halt and brought his arrow to bear as the scared moose slowed to look back at the scene it was trying to escape. The arrow flew, but the archer didn’t watch to ensure he hit his mark. Dropping the bow and quickly trying to get out of his straps and sheaths, he began to rapidly change from two legs down to four. Instinct demanded it. He had been stranded far too long in a civilized body. Today he would change or he would break himself trying.

      Action(s): Three arrows fired, started shift to secui

      Injury done to Prey: Disabled calf due to arrow

      threw the front right shoulder, mother wounded

      by arrow through the ribcage, last arrow undetermined

      (left up to any possible pursuer of final calf)

    Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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    ‘Prove you aren’t worthless’ Whispered only for her, kept reeling inside her head and she almost missed the signal when Jaden threw the first arrow, first at the calf then at the mother and she knew she was suppose to do something but those words... worthless, kept going through her mind, so her late start cost them all. She ran out of the cover to find the calf already running She snapped at it trying to get the calf to hurry back towards the hunt ,but because she did the calf took a sudden turn and the arrow that was going after it, grazed its neck, but only just and the calf bucked and ran faster. Sira, as small as she was had to dodge the little, but strong hooves and could not catch up again. Her ears swiveled back and she felt her heart sink. This was her falt and X’ies would call her worthless, but she knew there were two other’s that had been hit. She turned after the baby disappeared, her heart heavy. She was in so much trouble now, was her thought as she trotted back, panting hard from the rush to get the calf back into the circle of wolves. She knew she would be far too late to help but she would hurry back and get the beating over with so that she could go on with her day.

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    The time was near... so near she could taste the flesh upon her tongue. The scent of the beast were right there within her nostrils, holding her attention, compelling her to carefully ease forward to have at this worthy prey. But she stopped when spoken to. Her eyes remained trained on the trio of animals, heeding the words of her companion to ensure the success of their hunt. She could not conduct them, for this was not a practice on some sickly animal. There was a threat in the large beast... and with the young as well. The pack would need to be careful but certain in their strike. And above all else, relentless.

    The hiss of an arrow through the air signaled the start of their hunt and though she was eager to run ahead toward the female moose and have at her succulent throat, she lied in wait still and watched the wounded beast's moments. As mother and child were struck, the uninjured third went running with Sira fast on its heels. Leaving the others to deal with the mother and calf, she could have gone after the young and at least slowed its movements with a crippling wound. But she knew better than to leave them... to deviate from the plan.

    Flora was unearthed by her heavy paws as she sprang into action, charging into the panicked fray with fangs and claws bore, seeking the soft throat of their quarry. The savage call lusting for blood sang soundly as she leapt for the panicked mother, just narrowly avoiding her sweeping head. All claws embedded into the thick hide as jaws stretched wide clasped the pulsing vein in a vice-like hold. As the beast swung wildly whilst in vain trying to save its young, the she-wolf attached to its neck only bit down harder with every intention of severing its life providing vein. Just a little more and she would have the first blood, the sweet taste of its life ending.

    333 words.

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    Current Objective: Thinking ---
    Form: Lupus.----
    Mood: Agitated--


    This would be the first time Xies had ever felt something this hot, this white hot and horrible. It burned inside him like a hot lead. Everything fell apart the moment Jaden decided to ignore his plan, the arrow reached the main target rather than its children. The second calf took off prompting Sera to return to her original role. the Moose whilst injured now had the advantage of adrenaline, plus the fact it would be able to now move beyond the reaches of the one area. Had both children been pinned down it would have stayed to protect them. For now, it could charge, if it considered one of the children lost, the other was still an option. This made things much much worse, and far more dangerous.

    ” Fool..”
    X’ies would spit under his breath, his anger though was not just down to Jaden’s foolish ignorance but down to the fact that now his entire purpose upon this trip had been overwritten. Clearly he was only here just to ensure that he wasn’t left out. That and the consequences of such. He charged in, ignoring the fact he would now be giving up his cripple status, joining X’y he knew that the neck would be taken by her so instead just used his superior body weight to bum tackle the moose down. TO shift its weight and give X’y an easier time of taking the beast down to its side for that fatal crunch.



    PGP + 4 Words - 400+

    The feeling of bone twisting under flesh as it reshaped and moved into new places was foreign after so long without shifting. Jaden fell forward with breath held and watched as his fingers shrunk from opposable digits into strong toes meant for running. All the while his body realigned he was paying special attention to the bones in his chest. There was stress on them as they shifted and he just dreaded the crunch that might come as the cracked and broke once more. But none came. Moments after dropping his bow, the alpha looked up to see little Sira padding her way back toward him with shame on her features. It wasn’t her fault. Had his last arrow hit the calf wouldn’t have escaped. If anything, she was brave for going after prey that easily outweighed her. He could probably catch up to it if their need for the meat was dire enough but doing so would greatly separate him from his other fellow hunters.

    So he gave up on it. Now with the power of his husky four legged form harnessed, Jaden spun around and charged back to where the mother was wrestling with X’yrin and X’ies. The injured little calf was trying to get away now too. It limped slowly in an aimless direction and watched helplessly as its mother was torn into by vicious predators. There was no mercy in his jaws for the injured meat before him. An extra moment of life was granted simply so the archer could ensure that he didn’t impale himself on his own arrow. Then leapt forward with jaws wide and caught the little thing by the throat. His weight was easily enough to take it down. On impact he clamped his teeth down. They fell together and the tang of blood that was already heavy on the air met Jaden’s tongue. Though wounded the moose was still full of energy. It kicked at him and scored a nice hit or two on his back legs but couldn’t escape. Jaden paid no mind to the impacts that would leave fine bruises in his adrenaline high. The struggling body beneath him only warranted more savage biting. The obsidian maw tore back and forth with furious vigor. Blood filled his maw and ran down his neck. The beat of his prey’s heart could be felt in the warm crimson that gushed against his gums. The animal began to slow in its struggling but he held tight and wouldn’t relent until he couldn’t felt the fleeting rhythm of life in it.

      Action(s): Shifted to Secui and attacked injured calf

      Injury done to Prey: Killing bit to the neck

    Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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    OOC: I am so sorry for being late, but I thought I should post a reply before getting in trouble. WC: 330 3 points

    So far, the male had been herding the unsuspecting moose successfully towards the ambush party. He manage to keep them in line by manoeuvring himself left and right to coordinate the creatures to their fate. He looked over to the proposed point of ambush, he saw glimpses of Jaden in the shadowy foliage of the shrubs to conceal himself. He took into mind that a meal was going to be served

    While he was a pro at his current task, he didn't really take any fun into this. Even though that by nature, he, along with the other pack brethren, were wolves by nature, he did not portray this as a kind of sport of fun to himself. He merely took it as a way of survival, even if he didn't want to be responsible for a death of an animal. Being of a shamanistic background, he took respect of the wildlife of the forests.

    When he had ushered them close enough, that's when the quick end of these beast had come. He looked from the corner of his eye to find that one of the calf's had his right shoulder. Arrow one. Next he noticed the mother moose acting up. He turned his red orbs to her, finding an arrow pierced through her ribcage. Arrow two. The other calf started acting strange, yet he could not identify the location of the arrow, but that was arrow three.

    After which, the chaos happened. The other calf tried to escape, yet Sira brought it back. The hunting party revealed it self then made the assault. Yet, he did not join in the attack. He merely stayed in his position to make sure that none of the calves that were still alive tried to make a break for it. He observed the assault of the ill fated beasts as they met their demises to the fangs of the family. While they were sustainance for them, he looked away from the blood shed.
    http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... ndrops.png); background-color:#d9d3cd; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right:0px; padding-top: 300px; border-radius:15px; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; border-bottom-left-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px;">

    ooc: We're going to go ahead and bring this thread to a close so everyone can get their trophy :3 If you would like to make your own closing post afterward, please feel free to.

    The fate of the animal was destined since its birth; to bear young and die by the teeth of predators with stronger will to eat than for it to live. Though the attack had gone array, the plan asunder, it did little to sway the motivations for the beast savagely tearing into its neck. Its hide was thick and its scent was strong in her flared nostrils. As it bucked its head back and jerked in feigned effort to detour the predators from its neck, to provided a worthwhile challenge for the she-wolf bent on its jugular, and motivated her to clamp her jaws around tigher.

    And as its weight shifted, forced by X'ies assault, X'yrin's teeth grazed the softer flesh of its neck then with renowned ferocity, she tear through the hide and clamp around the sweet, awaiting artery. Blood hot and sweet poured into her mouth, staining her muzzle with the riches of the hunt until she pulled herself free with the artery still clasped in her jaws, thoroughly severed.

    Swiftly she bound back with her prize, leaving the lumber around for a few moments in vain to maintain its life. But it was dead... the rest of its body just did not know it yet. Yet when the final spurt of blood came from its torn throat, it then came to realize the truth and fell gracelessly into a heap of twitching limbs, then was still.

    --- words.

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