Homeless and Helpless
Thread Information
Date: July 26, 2012

Setting: Wabanaki Coast Near Sangi'lak Boarder

Time: Afternoon

Character Form: Lupus


OOC: X'y will be coming to the rescue if no one beats her to it! Anyone is welcome.

A mind so young did not deserve the confusion and fear that young Zeus now faced. He lay quivering under a tall tree that he recognized by smell but had no name for. He cried with the squeaking whines of a puppy for help and to express the pain and fear that consumed him so fully. He whined for Mama to come and save him from the monster. The monster who’s flapping sounded like a bird’s and smell reminded him of feathers. But it was no bird. The birds he knew sung sweetly outside his den and tasted good when his papa brought one in. They didn’t screech and scream or cause hurt.

This one hurt so much. Pain wasn’t completely strange to the pup though. He knew the smell of his own blood from when his brothers and sisters would bite him for accidentally stumbling into them as he often had. But there was so much of this too. The air was heavy with it and his back felt wet and cold where long talon gashes had torn into the gold and black fur. Where was Mama? Or Papa? When would they be back to save him from the monster? They had been gone so long. Zeus could never understand while sitting there by himself that they would never come back. They had asked him to wait here and he would until they returned. It had been days and he was quickly beginning to starve but still he would sit. They would come back and see how well he had listened. Then Papa would eat the monster up and maybe share it with him. Hopefully they wouldn’t be mad that he had moved to hide from the monster. He whined with more sadness at the thought their further disapproval.

In a world that saw fit to be overly cruel to the little wolf, he had found a bit of luck. It was lucky that the large raptor now flying overhead had missed at its attempt to snatch him up. It was also lucky that the blind pup had managed to so quickly find a large root at the base of a nearby tree to squeeze under and block further dive-bomb attempts. But it looked like that was where his small spurt of luck would end. The raptor was circling overhead and contemplating the safety of a landing. When it decided, and it would, to land, there would be nothing to keep its sharp beak from bringing a quick end to Zeus’ already short life. He would hear it coming too. The scratching of long talons in the dirt as it bobbed towards him. All he could do was curl his tail under his bloodied and trembling backside and hope in terrified silence that the monster would go away.

OOC: I couldn't resist. He's just so darn cute. T_T Lupus form as well.

New Dawn would find that monster soon enough and bring an end to all the suffering she caused to others, all the suffering she caused to herself and Kiara, and Kohaku. Still, she couldn't bring her mind away from thinking how much of a failure she had been, not able to protect the pup from Amy and her evil grasp. Fayne had not been herself lately, so filled with rage that she found herself losing sleep over the thoughts that constantly terrorized her very being. She found herself questioning everything she'd ever done and who she was now. Amy was more than just monster or a demon, she was the devil. The very face of evil and Fayne wouldn't rest until she was taken care of. She didn't want to have to worry about her family, her pack, being afflicted by her any longer. She knew all of her pack mates felt the same way and wanted her dealt with as well. The meeting Zalen had called for had opened all their eyes and now they were on an eternal search to bring the blond dog down.

It was Zalen's speech that had Fayne wondering for hours outside the border searching for Amy. Even though she knew the blond would be smarter than to come around New Dawn's borders after their last run in. Even so, she searched aimlessly for her hoping to come across some small trail or scent that would lead her to the dog so she could finally give her what she deserved. But, no matter how long she searched or how many days she spent searching, she found nothing. Even without results, she never stopped fueled by the intense rage her and all New Dawn shared.

Fayne sniffed the air as she padded through the forest in broad daylight still hoping she'd pick up something. It wasn't what she expected, but it was definitely something of interest. The scent of a wolf and blood filled her expecting nostrils as she inhaled the fresh air. Ears pushed back as she trotted in the direction and worry struck her as she heard the faint cries of a puppy. A growl quivered her maw as panic struck her, her motherly instincts kicking in. The silver Delta picked up speed, now sprinting in the direction of the helpless cries. Another sound pierced her alert ears, emerald eyes darted to the sky to see a bird of prey flying over head soon diving down into the trees and disappearing into the natural greens and browns of the forest. Another grown rumbled from her thin frame she ran now in a frenzy to get to the cries. Soon, she saw a flash of red through the forest and as she came closer, a small huddled figure. The bird was getting closer and closer, hunting the small wolf. Fayne released a booming snarl in the direction of the bird in hopes of scaring it away. She sent it soaring back up into the trees, but it perched simply waiting for her to leave so she could end the little one's life.

She continued to snarl loudly at the bird as she neared. When she came close she gave the young one some reassuring licks and low whines. She was here and she wasn't going to let him fall prey to the bird that stayed waiting in the trees. Her eyes were full of worry. The puppy was severely injured, covered from head to toe in his own blood. Words weren't needed right now, only touch and instinctual sounds to let this one know he was safe from the clutches of the predator.

OOC: >.< Ignore Jaden post please.

There was more terrifying noses that suddenly muted the monster’s muffled steps. If he could have he would have trembled harder at them. But he couldn’t be any more scared. Zeus’ little heart skipped along at an alarming rate while he tried to push himself further under the tree root. Maybe the two monsters would fight each other and leave him alone. He didn’t want to be gobbled up. He almost began to cry about it again but was still silenced by his terror. All he could do is listen to the muffled but much heavier steps that replaced the scratching from before.

The affection then came and it almost instantly began to calm the pup. His tremors stopped completely. It had to be Mama! She had finally come back after the heat of day and cold of night had passed. With no eye site, Zeus’ hearing and smell was quickly becoming stronger than most. If it hadn’t been for the muting effect of the root around his head he would have recognized instantly that the comforting whines were not from his mom and likely not pulled it out of the ground.

He slowly pulled himself up and felt the odd Exhaustion that came with so much blood loss. A happy whine drifted from his muzzle while he turned to meet the wolf he thought to be his mother. He suddenly yelped as if hurt by the affectionate kisses being given when he smelled the woman’s breath. The pup found enough strength to pull away from her kissing and press into a nearby tree with fear. A small remnant shiver left from his quaking shook thorough him. You not Soosy’s Mama, he quietly whined his own name as best he could. His injured body balled up and ears folded back. He’d never met another wolf outside of his family and this one was so close. Papa had told his brothers and sisters not to talk to strangers. He shouldn’t say more. They would be mad. Maybe if he got himself small enough she would go away.

OOC: Haha, okay. I do that all the time. X3 Not sure if X'y is coming here, but she'll probably end up carrying him to the Sangi'lak border to get him help. Smile

The puppy reacted almost immediately to her touch as he soft pink tongue came out to lick at his face and neck while her eyes assessed his injuries, his shivers came to a halt as she nuzzled him. A smile cracked on her lips glad that she could be of some help to the helpless pup. It didn't look good though. That bird had grabbed him with it's sharp talons, blood now oozing from deep wounds, covering the small bodied wolf. She continued to do what she was doing, her muzzle moving to lick some of the blood from his fur and try to clean his wounds. She really didn't know what to do when it came to wounds like these and was worried for the pup's life. He whined excitedly and she whined back constantly reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. She turned to see if the bird was still there and there he was, eyes intently watching her movements, waiting for her to leave so he could finish the kill.

Her lips curled back in a snarl at the bird who didn't react knowing he was safe in the tree. The silver Delta returned her attention back the the pup and licked at his wounds gently. As she did so, he gave a yelp which sent Fayne into a panic. Her head retracted, ears pushing back thinking she may have hurt him. The little brown mess scuffled away from her and further underneath the tree route so she could barely reach him now. Fayne gave long low whine as he shivered again, sympathetic for the tattered soul. She thought about what she should do. The best thing she could think of was to take him back to New Dawn so Noah or Deuce could help him, otherwise he would probably die. But, why was a young puppy out here all by himself? Her eyes narrowed in a glare as she glanced at the hawk. It must have carried him away from his family. If that was the case, surely his mother would come find him. She was stuck, not knowing what to do for the lost puppy.

He spoke up and confirmed her worries. Her own ears were pinned against her skull. The pup was scared of her now even though she was here to help. Emerald orbs fell onto his face, her eyes searching his until she noticed how clouded they were. He couldn't see? She knew what that clouded look meant. Noah was blind in one eye and his bad eye looked the same as both of this pup's eyes. Her heart swelled for him even more now knowing that he couldn't see what was happening and how terrified he must be. Fayne spoke in the quietest and kindest voice she had in her. No, I'm not your mother but I won't harm you. She whined again, staying still. She didn't want to scare him any further by invading his safe space. Little one, let me clean your wounds. That bird won't touch you as long as I'm here, I promise. Fayne lay herself on the ground so she could see him clearly underneath the tree, hoping that he would trust her.
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There was a commotion brought to her attention by feathered companions of a different kind. The great owls circled overhead screeching at the audacity of another predator invading their space. Spoiled as they were, they were not cruel enough to investigate this intrusion themselves...however the owlet female was curious enough to investigate on her own.

In a determined blur of tawny down and feathers she crossed the pack threshold into the wild of the 'hardly' known. Gleaming red-orange surveyed the air below her height, seeking the aerial trespasser. And with the hawk's appearance, she spied a wolf fending off the winged nuisance. It was not a hide she recognized giving rise to alarm and the necessity to return to the mountain's shadow... or at least call the attention of her handler. Her intended screech was dwarfed by the sound cry of her mentor alerting her that their handler had risen and was on approach. The owl's conversation was one of urgency and panic and rage for the hawk's intrusion. X'yrin could only gather a little in understanding, but what she could implored action.

With a summoning call, she drew the young female near just long enough to share instruction; take her to this wolf nearby. Take her to the creature that caused her companion's anguish. The females stride was swift upon two legs not weighed down by trophies but the mass of her own auburn mane piled atop her head. She came upon the scene with the stench of blood so close to her borders. The dense aroma of pack nearly overwhelmed by the scent of injury. Her hackles raised in alarm with remaining steps taken swiftly to close the distance. For a moment, the pup went unseen as it was assumed it was the female that was injured, but upon a swift survey and finding not a scratch, her concerned gaze led her to the tiny body of the youth. Blood and all.

"What's happened here?"

327 words.

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OOC: Make it pretty!! :W

Though he curled and stayed quiet the wolf did not leave. She spoke in a lovely voice though. He enjoyed listening to it even though most of what she said was lost to him as a jumble of familiar and unfamiliar words with little meaning. She was not mama… and she wanted to clean Zeus? That wasn’t right. Mama always cleaned him. Not even Papa had cleaned him. Mama had always done it and she always hummed a little song too. He missed that song. Where was mama? She hadn’t said when she would be back but it had been days. Though his world was always dark it had never been so lonely.

The wolf was asking him a question she wanted him to answer. Papa had always been upset when he didn’t answer. What if this one got upset too? He didn’t want to be punished. But he wasn’t supposed to talk to strangers… No… no, He shook his head slightly, Mama clean Soosz. he whispered just in case his parents appeared at that moment. The pup’s mind then skipped back to what she had said. The monster was a bird? He let out a little whine. Adrenalin and lack of movements still hid just how painful his wounds were. His whine was because he knew his older brothers would be mean. Zeus had no way of telling that the bird that had attacked him was so much bigger than the ones he was used to. His brothers caught and ate birds. If they easily ate birds and this one had caused him so much hurt they would laugh and nip and call him names. Papa would be upset too. He would be mad that Zeus had gotten hurt so bad.

He began to sob softly over the thoughts of disappointment in his family's eyes. He continued to cry until the smell of strange birds met his sensitive nose again. His sobs turned into more terrified cries as he suddenly tried to run under the wolf for protection. He quickly found he couldn’t walk without incredible pain and fell. He felt exposed and expected another raking of sharp claws on him at any moment. He curled there where he had only gotten a little way away from the tree and covered his head with two once again trembling paws.

Even though Fayne had an instinct when it came to these things, she'd never before handled someone so young, small, and fragile body and soul. Her heart went out to the pup as he shivered helplessly under the tree as if his mother would pop out of nowhere and come save him. The cold reality was that his momma probably had not the slightest clue to his whereabouts. After a few short moments the bloodied puppy answered her, his voice unsure and quiet. She could understand how frightened he must be, but how was she supposed to help if he didn't let her. She didn't know how else to persuade him to let her help. She could pick up his name from the short sentences he spoke, Zues, though pronounced it a little off and she made her best guess to pronounce it properly. Hopefully she would hit it on target and he would respond.

Zues whined again and Fayne lay her head on her paws taking a deep breath. She was beginning to panic more knowing that he wouldn't come out and let her help him. She wasn't going to pry him from the safety of the roots for fear that he would do further harm to himself in a struggle. She tried to speak to him again, lowering her voice even more. It hit her that with him being so young, maybe he didn't quite understand the severity of the situation or what she was telling him. She tried to clarify her speech so he would be able to pick it up clearer. Zues, you're hurt. Let me help. You're safe now. Her words had no effect on him and he began to cry. Another whine trailed from the silver fae's maw wishing she could do something more than sit her and try to talk him into coming out. Fayne's ears pushed forward as he was startled, inching out from under the tree in a panic. If he made movements like that he would injure himself more.

Fayne approached whining as she did so, she needed to be the least threatening she could be for him. Her nose touched his scruff and she whispered to him. It's okay, shhhh. Then as carefully as she could she took him by the scruff, teeth grasping the loose skin on his neck as gently as she could. She tested him for a moment to see if he would react harshly and then pulled him close tucking up under her so he felt safe. It was then that she heard the rustle of brush and a stranger's scent waft into her nose, her head turned to see a two-legger approaching them. The stranger didn't at all look threatening, concerned more than anything which was a relief to Fayne. She didn't want to and couldn't deal with violent strangers right now, the safety of the pup the most important thing to her at the moment. Her ears pushed back again as she lay emerald eyes on the strangely colored woman. Oh thank the stars. I assume your from the pack that's near here? She bobbed her head and waited for an answer before continuing. I found this very young pup, he's hurt, bad. He's frightened and skittish so be cautious. She warned, hoping Zues wouldn't get frightened further by the presence of the female.
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The scent of blood was stronger leading the woman to believe that the youth was in more danger than her companions had let on. But then their attention had not been on the tiny wolf, but the larger one and the flying terror that crossed their stretch of sky. Her hackles were raised in alarm as she came nearer to the pair, her eyes carefully drawn on the pup as he was taken from his hiding place. He was such a tiny little thing, no larger than Saul's charge when last she could recall the young father-son pair. Briefly, she scanned the immediate area, shrugging the owlet from her shoulder to take flight and survey from an advantaged height. Perhaps this pup's parents were nearby...

While her companion scouted from above, X'yrin again looked to the pup and female watching over him. She nodded once to the female’s assumption, but offered nothing more to enforce her position, seeing as the moment was not opportune to exhibit titles and rank. The Nomad took the female's word to heart, assuming a docile posture of lowered tail and relaxed ears as she knelt down to be level with the pair of them. Her experience with pups had only been what was granted to her by the ancestors’ generous circumstance, but never were any of the pups she tended to her own. None the less, she took from those fortunate experiences a kind disposition toward the youth as well as a blossoming maternal instinct... even if it was terribly misplaced.

She sang softly to the tiny ears. "Little one... you needn't be afraid..." She extended an umber palm beneath his muzzle to offer her scent. "We only wish to help you. You are hurt...and in pain, yes? We can help the pain go away..."

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Zeus Table!! Words - 300+

The little body ached and grew cold where it outstretched on the ground. The chilling grasp of fear didn’t lessen much until he felt the gentle pull on his scruff. It comforted the pup for it reminded him of home and his Mama even though it stung where it pulled slightly on injured flesh. He whimpered at the discomfort but didn’t resist. The warmth that was found under the stranger wolf was nice. His tremors had turned to cold shivers from his loss of blood and the cooling sensation it gave as it dried on his fur. He pressed into the larger soft body without regard as to how he might stain her with a bit of his blood. He knew no better. But she did make him feel safer. The birds would have a harder time getting him here.

A new voice drew out the young one’s curiosity even in his pain. There was no confusion this time in his understanding that he was still without his family. But the new stranger’s call was just as soothing on his ears as the others. Clouded eyes closed uselessly as he tipped his head and sniffed at her. She smelled more like Mama than the other but she wasn’t the same. He licked her once with a little pink tongue just for good measure but came to the same conclusion in how she tasted. Pain was the same as hurt and he hurt so much. She could make it go away? It hurts, he whimpered in response, Please stop hurts… stop pain, He didn’t understand why it hurt so much or why there was so much blood left by the bird but he didn’t doubt that she could help. Bigger wolves were good at things like that. Zeus pulled away from the warmth just a little so she could reach him and make the pain stop.

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The silver fae was thoroughly relieved when the pup didn't resist when she scruffed him and let her pull him up underneath her. A few grunts of disapproval drew caution from Fayne but she moved him slowly and carefully until he was in place. His small bodied wolf continued to shiver and worry arose on the dainty wolf's face. He pushed into her and she gladly accepted his body against hers knowing he needed all the warmth he could get. Motherly instincts kicking in, she licked at his fur some more to try and remove some of the blood that was becoming matted in his thick puppy fur. It probably wasn't helping him stay warm sucking all of the heat from his already exhausted body. There you go... She cooed, a small smile on her face happy she was able to proved some sort of comfort for Zues.

Fayne stayed still as the stranger came close, convinced that she wouldn't do harm to an already injured soul. Her voice was soothing as she spoke, calm and gentle which is what the injured youth needed at this time. Emerald eyes gazed at the two-legger, pleading that she do as she said they would and help stop the pain. The pup's whimpers tugged on the Delta's heartstrings even more. They needed to act quickly if they wanted to save his life. The shivers never quit even as Fayne continued to lick off more of the blood, her mouth tasting of iron now. She stopped when he moved so the two-legger could reach him. It was probably best that she carry him. With hands, there would be no pulling or tugging at his injured flesh the way there would be if she carried him by the scruff. He heeds help fast. His body is losing warmth. She told the stranger with an overwhelming concern in her gleaming forest green eyes. There wasn't much she could do with paws and even in optime she was unskilled when it came to healing. Midwifery was a whole other concept.
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ooc: I gots permission to touch the puppy!

True healing with herbs had always been an art better suited to another family of the Nomads. Countless times before had she been convinced to learn their strange art should the need arise when she led her own warrior family as their Shepard. But always did she decline, believing that should the need be dire, she could call upon her cherished brethren to tend to those in need. But now as she looked at the little one, his back running red and small form trembling, she wished that the ancestors had granted her the sense to see those teachings as a blessing than a burden.

She knew only how to stop a wound from bleeding and letting it take its course in healing. The scar on her shoulder was a testament to this narrow ability. "I can only make the bleeding stop and set the wound," she spoke calmly to both the silver female and child. "But I am afraid you will scar little one... in time it will become a part of you, but it will not define you. It will be a reminder that your ancestors favor you, and reflect their wish for you to live on."

Gently, she reached out to take the pup, cupping a hand beneath his rear and placing the other beneath his belly for support. Taking care not to jostle him, she laid his body to rest against her forearm then brought the whole of him into the warmth of her chest, not minding the blood that stained her chest. "You will be alright, little one," her voice was soft if not but a whisper to his ears. Then gradually she lapped at his back, holding him securely to keep him still. Undoubtedly the ministrations would sting a little, but as the wounds were cleaned one at a time, they would come to clot and become somewhat numb. It was all she would do to ease his discomfort for now until she was able to take him to the den and wrap him properly.

Placing a hand atop his back to apply a steady, but gentle pressure to his wounds, the Nomad looked to his silver savior and gratefully dipped her head. "It is fortunate that you found him before anymore harm came to him. Though any further care will be done on my lands if you are comfortable with this condition." Her voice was firm but not overly so, though left no room for argument given the gravity of the situation. Yet as she pushed herself up by her legs to stand she looked down to the she-wolf, again with a smile akin to gratitude on her face. "You are welcome to come see him in a few days time. I assure you, he will be alive and well."

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Words - 400+

Zeus waited a few moments for the new wolf to make him feel better. Usually the pup could tell the difference in form his parents took by the rhythm of their steps. Two paws and four paws made different sounds on the ground. This had been lost now in the confusion of the moment and his little paws milled the air for a moment in surprise when strong hands lifted him off the ground. He had some trust in her simply because she was a grown-up so he didn’t protest more. She spoke and he was again lost to the meaning in her voice. He folded his ears to try show he didn’t understand. More warmth was given then and soft words he understood this time were comforting until she began to clean his wounds. The young voice whimpered yet again and squirmed but still waited for the promised relief.

When the cleaning stopped, he expected then that the pain would go away. But it didn’t. It felt a little bit better and didn’t sting as much but there was still a deep, aching pain from the wound. This was just something more he was unaccustomed to. Then she pressed on his wounds lightly. That didn’t help. Did she know this wasn’t helping his hurt? That hurt, he whined and rubbed his nose into her chest for mercy. The hurt wasn’t going away like she promised. He listened for what was going on. The beat of a heart under more mommy-like wolf’s fur was loud and the smell of the other was still strong. That one was still here to. Where was mommy?

The sudden tummy-turning feeling of being lifted further up came as a surprise. This wasn’t what he wanted. He still hurt. Was this stranger going to take him away now? No! No! No! He cried, Put Soosz down! Mommy said stay! He was trying with all the strength left in his little limbs to get free of this strange wolf. It hurt him to move so much but he had to. If he didn’t get free she would take him. Then when mommy came back she wouldn’t know where to find him! She would be mad he moved. He didn’t try to bite her yet. He had been taught not to but would didn’t know what else to do if she refused to let him down or tried to take him. He had to stay here.

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OOC: Crappy post. :/

Fayne gazed up at the odd colored female as she told of what she was able to do. The Delta nodded. She understood that this needed to be done if the puppy were to survive. She glanced down at him giving him a few more licked as the woman spoke. He was still bleeding and if it continued, he would doe. Fayne stood up as Zues was lifted from underneath her and she stepped away, sitting herself down so she could watch her as she worked on the frail puppy. The whole time she worked on him, he looked to be in pain, wiggling and squirming in her hands. Fayne's ears were pinned to her head knowing this was for the best but wishing she could take his suffering away.

The woman looked down at Fayne and a smile shone on her face, she bobbed her head as well accepting her gratitude. Yes. He needs help and your pack is the closest. If it came to it, I probably would have brought him to your borders. Fayne's tail started to wag behind her. Of course she would come see him in a few days. It was part of her duty to see if he was alright, it was her who had come to his rescue from that nasty bird. She turned to head to look at the tree. He was still perched, looking down on all three of them. Little did he know, he wouldn't be making a meal out of Zues, not today. Her ears perked as Zues squealed, still complaining. He was okay now but was probably still in a panic from all that had transpired. She called out to him, voice soft. Zues, you're safe now. No need to worry any longer. She smiled up at the woman. You can expect me at your borders in a few days them. I trust he's in good hands. Fayne was a good judge of character. This woman was going to take proper care of little Zues.

Fayne tilted her head realizing she didn't know the woman's name. Before you go. Can I get your name? I'm Fayne Gremory, New Dawn's Delta. It would be nice to know who I am calling out for when I come to your border. She said, beaming up at the two-legged she-wolf. Fayne was glad to have helped someone today, instead of sitting around waiting for Amy to show up. Amy wasn't here though, and the puppy was safe.
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ooc: I gots permission to take the puppeh!

She promised the hurt would stop, and for the most part she was successful in keeping her word. But she placed upon the little one a necessary pain so that no further damage would come to his wounds. She winced as he moved deeper into her fur, professing his pain in the hopes it would stop. She could not explain to him how this bit of pain was needed, now his aching would stop in time once the wounds properly clotted and began to heal. But she could convince him softly that it would pass with the quiet rolling lull of her voice and a gentle lick between his ears.

She was glad to hear the younger female had accepted her intentions, making the departure pleasantly easier, had it not been for the panicked squeals and wriggling of the pup. Her heart lurched when he insisted his mother would come. Even amidst the smell of blood, she could find no other trace of a recent presence other than herself and this female. If his parent was coming to retrieve him...shouldn't she have down so by now? Unless...unless fortune did not favor her as it had her child.

"Little one please," the attempted to hush the child. "If your mother wished for you to stay and you are gone, then surely she will come looking for you. I will have my family mind the borders for her call. But surely she would not want you to die while you waited... Please little one... be calm. You are going to be alright."

While it would have been assuring to let the child know his mother would return for him, she could not be certain this was the case. A pup left alone never bode well for his circumstances. One could only assume what drove a mother to leave her child to wait like this... but perhaps there was more to this she was not understanding. Regardless, now was not the time to ponder. Keeping the boy secure, she turned back toward her borders but paused when asked for her name. "My apologies," humbly she dipped her head. "I am X'yrin, an Alpha of Sangi'lak. We will meet again ,Fayne Gremory." Smiling, she turned then toward the Kre'nertok rising in the distance and headed home with the pup in tow.

[Exit X'yrin]

387 words.

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