[m] [p] as hollow as the "o" in god
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Halifax

Date: 3 Sept* (Foredated)

Weather: Overcast, foggy

Time: Early evening

Machidael is by Nat!

Machidael sorely missed his horse. He did not have so much to carry these days, but it would have made moving about easier -- even if the weight of both himself and Verenna wore the old stot down. Machidael glowered as he thought of her in the hands of the pale coyote, but he'd sooner abandon the horse than face her again. Unless he could spear her from afar. As it was, though, Machidael was strongly considering sticking a spear through Verenna. She'd yammered on and on through the entirety of their trek north from the castle just how certain she was of her pregnancy, and just how many sons and daughters she'd bear for him, and what she'd name them. Her suggestions as to that were positively ridiculous: children named after stars. Machidael was steadily losing his composure.

She had not taken leave of him since the castle, and his irritability with her showed. Though his tongue was more adept than it had been in English, he played the part of a slow learner, even thickening his accent when he spoke her language. He snapped and barked his orders at her, and watched her stomach sharply for signs of quickening within. He saw none, but he was not so adept with pregnancy, himself. Upon their arrival in Halifax, Machidael settled her into a basement room. The reversal of their roles astounded him: while she had been motherly toward him, caring for his every wound and cooking his meals and cleaning up after him, now she had the audacity to demand he hunt for her.

Machidael pretended to acquiesce and stalked away from her. He would hunt, eventually, but he was more interested in exploring the city for the moment -- and finding somewhere to bathe. He stank of Verenna, and of... other things, too. And, strangely enough, Verenna had not cared in the least regarding his indiscretion. Upon ascertaining all strange scents within the castle were thoroughly male, he assumed, she had simply considered it irrelevant. Machidael found this pleasing, but he realized rather suddenly his thoughts lingered on Verena again. With a scowl, the russet jackal stalked toward the sound of lapping water. The harbor was not far, and he found himself picking amongst the ruins of an old dock to access the water. The current nearly caught him by surprise, but he kept his footing and was thereafter far more careful, sticking to the shallows with a firm foothold while he rolled and splashed.

He cursed himself when he realized, upon leaving the water, all his things -- what remained of them, anyway -- were back with Verenna. It was only to stalk off toward the nearest mirror-like surface he could find -- the busted side-view mirror of a van, as it happened -- and with careful fingers, do whatever possible for his fur and hair.

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She had already taken care of the issue of her scent - disguising it as well as she could by rolling in neutral territories and taking numerous baths in both the ocean and lakes, the Inferni scent on her fur was very faint, as if she were a traveler passing by Inferni, rather than a member herself. It was to help aid in the gathering of information about the nearby pack - Casa di Cavalieri - which Inferni knew very little of.

She had decided to take a momentary detour to Halifax before going to the border of the unknown knight pack - perhaps she could find something there to bring back to Inferni. Her pet snake stirred, wrapping itself tighter around her shoulders and letting out a loose, small hiss. She paused, taking in the scent of the air - there was someone else in the city nearby.

Curiously, she could detect the familiar scent of the Lykoi family, faint as it was - the scent of the coyote clan was absent, however. Traveling in the general direction of the scent, she turned the corner to see a tall man, taller than her, but with a scent of a loner. He was dark, darker than many Lykois - his fur was a deep red, tinged with black on his tail and his paws and face. He seemed to be looking into a broken old human car.

"Hello," she said, drawing closer. Although she spoke English quite fluently, her slight accent could be detected by a sensitive ear, and her heritage was more than clear. Her earrings and bangles jangled as she moved, and her snake hissed once more softly.

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Machidael is by me!

Raking his claws through his fur, Machidael attempted to straighten and fix himself to the best of his ability. He wore nothing today, for it was his whim and if the rust-hued jackal obeyed nothing else, it was his whim, arbitrary as they sometimes were. At least his hair was in relatively decent order: though only gray-brown rather than black, Machidael at least still found this color more pleasing than his natural copper, and he'd convinced himself it was, for the moment, better than true black.

So intent was he on his fixing and preening, the jackal did not hear the approach of another until a voice rang out behind him. There was a faint accent to it, and Machi did not realize its familiarity until he turned around and came face to face with -- Sepirah? he barked, a high-pitched jackal's noise. Well shit -- it's been a while, he said in Arabic, grinning fiercely and almost as if to display the golden tooth now occupying his canine. He licked his lips, gazing upon her with the sharp look of a predatory creature.

You grew up, dear sister, he remarked, leaning back against the rusting van with nary a care for the jagged edges and rusted streaks. There was appreciation in his gaze -- dry, undesirous, but nonetheless appreciation -- along with a hefty dose of wariness. There was a snake wrapped about her shoulders, and Machidael eyed it suspiciously, not wanting to get too close. He thought he recognized the breed, and its v-shaped head, in any case, told him plainly enough the venomous nature of the species.

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Sepirah grinned as her brother fixed his fur and hair in the reflection on the old human car. She had always recalled Machidael as.. full of himself, she supposed, not knowing how else to put it in her mind. And even now, so long since she saw him, the first thing that she saw him doing was grooming himself and staring at his reflection.

Her grin grew wider as he finally recognized her - she supposed it was true, she had grown since she saw him last. "You haven't changed too much, I see, Machidael," she said lightly, indicating his reflection with a flick of her tail. Her serpentine friend hissed softly, curling around Sepirah's shoulders in an almost mesmerizing fashion.

"How have you been? It really has been a long time," she said with enthusiasm. It was nice to see another of her family, of the Lykoi family, and for him to not scorn or upbraid her like Samael and Halo, but to exhibit joy in her presence. Although they both resided in the same area, she had never really seen him - she idly wondered where he had been all that time.

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-- SLOW. Shit I can't remember what Sepirah's goddess representation was. X___X;; Might have been Nepthys?

Machidael is by me!

He had a certain respect for his sister. There was not the same deep fear he had with Mkhai, but the rust-hued canine did have that much for her. His siblings were perhaps the only creatures on the earth he did respect -- and that was only a cursory sort of respect. Looking at Sepirah, a twitch in his belly told him plainly enough he'd disrespect their sibling's bond given half a chance. But -- that was only if opportunity truly presented itself. At the present, he was content to converse with her -- especially because they were speaking Arabic, and it was lovely to finally converse in his native language.

The rust-colored hybrid considered her question with a tilt of his head. He was still fiddling with one braid, but now he tossed the damp things behind his shoulder and leaned against the rusted hulk of a van. It gave a creak, but did not shift or collapse beneath the jackal's weight. Neh, he said, dismissively. I ran with desert raiders -- I was betrayed by a friend. I went home -- I was derided as a fraud. Mother never proved our heritage, after all. He rolled his eyes at this, jerking his slim muzzle away from her so he might look down the street and strike a picturesque, hard and distant sort of look. I won a ship -- won, he repeated. And one of the crew betrayed me.

In summary: Shit, shit, more shit, he said, shrugging indifferently. He looked back toward her with his striking red eyes, lingering on the snake a moment. You?

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i am not sure, was that her mother's? :O

Her brother really had grown; he was much leaner and taller now than she had last seen him, and perhaps it was a bit of a surprise.. when you grow up with your siblings, after all, they never quite stop looking like they did when they were small - but Machidael.. did. He recounted his adventures of raiders and betrayals and ships and voyages; Sepirah could only regret that her life was not as eventful or nearly as interesting as his was. But she supposed only one of them could have had such a dynamic life, or at least one would have ended up dead.

"Sounds like you've been busy," she said with a wry smile. "Quite the eventful life - what are you going to do now?"

He struck a pose, and she held the urge to roll her eyes - he then asked what she was doing in her life. "I've been in Inferni," she said. "Left a few times, but always came back.. I live there now, and a lot of our extended family is there, too." She wasn't certain how aware he was of the rest of the Lykoi family, but left the half-invitation open in case he wanted to come as well.

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-- Kind of close to their mother's surname. >:| I don't really remember, meh.

Machidael is by Nat!

Machi did not consider his existence thus far to be particularly interesting. The rust-colored jackal had owned only the damn ship, and the crew had denied him that right, as well. Though -- he supposed that was alright, since he had ended up precisely where he was meant to be, or so it seemed. He had never commanded real power -- only that which was staked on fear and the threat of physical punishment. One piece of chattel or the next, he could never have more than one or perhaps two at a time -- more and he would be overpowered. Machidael inspired no loyalty, gathered no followers, and was therefore restricted to only that which could be taken by force.

He could only shrug in response to her query. He might speak about Verenna, he might speak about her purported pregnancy, but that nagging dark thing in the corner of his mind told him to remain silent. What if she wasn't really pregnant, and only pretending -- or worse? His interest, however, returned immediately on her speaking a few names he certainly recognized. One was his own surname, garbled as it was coming out of his mouth, and the other was vaguely recognizable in the same way. It had been the place their mother would have taken them. He considered, the look of clear contemplation plastered on his coal and rust streaked face.

Are they idiots? he asked, head cocked to the side. He knew only Sebante, the betrayer; the little idiot he'd encountered in the far north; and Verenna, queen of the morons. Did you find our father?

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why is this mature again? xD

She supposed she could not blame her brother for shrugging at her question, not knowing where to go next - sometimes it was a difficult question, only answered with time. She knew that she had almost gone to Cercatori d'Arte multiple times, but always had backed out at the last second; her place was in Inferni. Time was, sometimes, all one needed to realize where they belonged - Machidael would figure out what he wanted to do eventually.

"Not entirely idiots," she said, smoothly ignoring the question about their father. "Kaena is there, she's our grandmother. And Enkiel was there for a bit, too." She didn't see Enkiel around lately, so she was unsure if he left, or if he was simply being scarce. She also didn't mention Halo - the coyote was blind now, and had never truly acknowledged her as family anyway.

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-- Primarily in anticipation of Machi saying or doing or thinking of bad things. X3 Proactive reasons, essentially? I don't think it really needs it at this point but Machi is peculiar like that..

Machidael is by me!

Hm, he said, drawing his head back as he considered thoughtfully. He had never held hope of finding an oasis of intelligence, canines who would value him for who he was and what he was capable of -- but perhaps some small and childishly optimistic part had held out over the years after all. Just then, he'd felt its death, but it was hardly something to weigh on his mind: just the lifting of a feather-light, barely perceptible shift.

Ancestry is meaningless in the end, he said, giving a shooing sort of gesture with one hand. Unproven ancestry is especially useless. How do you know Kaena is our grandmother, lacking our paternal link? Be careful they don't throw you out on your ass like al-Iskandariyya did to us. He did not sound especially concerned, nor look it -- consumed as he was in picking off a flaking piece of his claw -- but the cautionary warning was more than he would have given any other creature but a blood sibling.

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She knew how cynical her brother could be, and yet she did not anticipate the words that came from his mouth. For her to be honest, she had never really doubted Kaena's relation to her - she looked like her, and like all Lykois did, and the regards which others held the elderly woman with were too high for her to be false.

"I trust her," Sepirah said simply, punctuating the statement with a small shrug of her shoulders. "But I'll keep your warning in mind." She did not forget her past, and although it seemed like she would remain in Inferni for good this time, one could never be too cautious.

"You could come with me," she suggested softly. She knew her brother - knew that perhaps he would not wish to stay in Inferni, given his cynical stance on ancestry and brotherhood - but it was worth a try, to get one of her kin to stay with the Clan, settle down in a life not unlike one they had once lived.

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