These feelings will be gone
Private: for Strelein

The large friesian stallion wandered aimlessly across the rolling hills. His head down searching for anything that dare try to grow. His teeth snipping off anything appearing edible. His head raising only at the occasional sound or scent. On his back lay Anann, on her belly, braiding the unruly hair at the base of his tail. Every now and again Rem would give his tail a good flick, sometimes even swatting the wolfess in the face with it. He hated it when she prettied him up. I'd be done faster if you held still you know. She mumbled at the beast, though he gave it no mind. There was no need for lower speech with Rem, having been with Rem since a pup, there was little they didn't understand about each other.

Finally done with the small braid, a french style, only going about hands length down the tail before turning into a simple braid, the remained of his tail left unbraided. Anann sat up, still backwards on her steed. Before her she saw the tree line of forest to the north fading into the distance. What are you doing Rem? I told you, not yet! Quickly flipping around and sitting fowards now, to see if the stallion was paying attention. You better not be thinking of going all the way to Cour des Miracles. If he had heard her, Rem showed no sign. But at his current pace it would be a while before they would reach the borders to the pack land. Curious about the lands, Anann still wanted to know more before venturing towards the borders.

It couldn't hurt to check things out a little bit though, Anann reasoned. It'd be hard to meet anyone to learn anything if she avoided the place all together. Giving up on changing Rem's mind for the moment Anann laid back, staring up at the overcast sky. A single, solitary flake drifted out of the sky. Catching it on the back of her hand Anann watch melt and vanish. Opening the pouch hanging from her belt, Anann pulled out a piece of jerky. Chewing on it idly. Anann felt oddly nervious. She always thought she knew what path she was headed down in life, but it had crumbled and vanished beneither her feet. What was she suppose to do with herself now? She need to find purpose again. Never before she felt so unsure about her place in life or questioned what she wanted. Now she felt as if she had no answers to that question. Not yet.
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getting a faster reply than I'm up for after SoSu, because I SHOW YOU HOW WE DO EET HERE. /spazzes

Why was winter such a groggy, disgusting season? Geography be damned, Strelein wanted it to be sunny with palm trees and warm sand. Not that the redhead knew much about the tropics and what went on there, but he sure loved the stories of them; he just did not want to wake up to see wet snow falling thickly outside his window and coating the sill with the stuff. Cold rooms were not inviting and Strel would never let friends visit in such a season since he lacked a fireplace in both of his rooms at the Hotel. The bedroom was a small one and the former dining room did not need a fireplace even in its heyday. At least a roaring blaze could be started in the lounge. That was something, was it not?

Yet whenever it happened to snow even a bit, Strel left home and wandered, unable to sit still for long. It reminded him of Michigan and he did not want to brood his anger towards them. Had he remained in his room, beautiful as it was, he would have ended up hurting himself after punching the floor so much from frustration. The second floor would echo from the loud bombast he would give over the indignation he had suffered..The Marquis was very glad to be where he was, but this all would not have happened had his old home been so unjust and unfair to a progressive mind. Naturally, his walks would be long when he did not have sewing work to do. So by the end of his trek, he ended up somewhere beyond the stables and much further south than he thought he would've gone. No wonder he almost walked into a horse. Only he could have, really.

Startled, the redhead yelped, jumping backwards and hands shooting out of the jean pockets. What he did was shoot himself back far enough to trip over his own two feet and tail. With a resounding thud, slight pain radiated from his rear. Strel looked up at the creature he almost walked into like some absent minded dodo. "Oh god, a horse. Just what I needed," he said, eyes widening as he scrambled to rise and dust off the wet snow. Naturally, paying attention let him see the woman on the creature's back. "Sorry, miss - Miss? Madam? Missus? - whatever, but I have accidentally stumbled upon you. Uh hi. Sorry for almost crashing into you, uh, guys."

The golden hued female had about decided it was time to go turn around and head back to the shelter of the forest, when Rem stopped. Head up and ears pointed foward the horse stared at something or someone far off near the horizon, giving a snort of warning. Anann set up quickly, looking up over the horses ears. What ever it was it seemed to be heading more or less in their general direction and from the direction of the pack lands Anann had an interest in. The wind in her favor, Anann felt confident that it was male that appoached. Let's check him out, It was a odd relationship these two had, but fonded in basic principles. Trust essentually.but be nice this time, Rem. She added in a harsher tone and once again laid down while her horse headed towards the wolf they had sighted.

As they grew closer Anann studied the male. He seemed quite lost in his own little world. Still closer he came and it seemed he hadn't noticed the pair at all. Anann was mystified. How could anyone be so unaware? She place her hand on Rem's withers, an unspoken command to be still. His hand's in his pockets not even ready to defend himself. A wicked thought creeped in her head. She'd do him a favor and put a little scare in him. After what she had learned from Heath a few nights back, Cour des Miracles should be thankful it was her path he had stumbled into. Anann silently pulled the knife from its sheath on her thigh. She had crafted it herself and always favored it over her steel blades. Its handle was wood, bond with leather straping. The blade itself was and 4 inch long, 2 inch wide sliver of obsidion. The rock made a glass like edge when shattered or chipped, a favorite tool of the leatherworker.

She had no intention of using the blade, only to remind the male that danger could be anywhere. She began to wonder if he was going to run straight into them, they had set unmoving for over a minute directly in the males path. In fact he pretty much did run straight into them. It was hard for her not to laugh at his startled response, tripping over his own feet. Gracefully as a cat she leapt of the horses back straddling the males lap. Her face right in his, a wicked smirk on her face. Do you have ANY idea how dead you could be if I was your enemy! the words came out in a snarl. She slapped the end of his nose with the side of her wicked little blade. With that she stepped back and offered him a hand up. I'm Anann Kelevra. The smirk replaced with a gentler smile.
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I'm sorry, I'm terribad

The woman jumped off her horse as though it were an easy thing and the height meant absolutely nothing. It almost made him think of her as a quixotic person, reckless and headless at times, all because of her leap off the mount's back. He eyed her as though she would explode at any moment, wondering what she was playing at. Even though his mouth was slightly agape, Strel still managed to keep back his total and utter confusion as to why she had leaped upon him and straddle him. It did nothing but impede his eventually rise off the ground. Naturally, the redhead was shocked about it. What kind of man would he be if a woman 'mounting' him like that did not get his attention. Though this was where he did differ; it did nothing but surprise him. Nothing more. The tap to the nose with the blade only made the Marquis realize it was there, adding a hint of danger to the entire scenario being played out here. Just as he were about to protest all of her actions, the woman rose up -- after threatening him of course -- and offered the male her hand. He took it to rise, and let a wary look fill up his face.

Yet the woman's look changed all of a sudden, from sly to something far more innocent. An almost audible sigh escaped him, wondering why the stranger, Annan, had acted like that. "If you were my enemy then I must have offended you when not so very sober," he stated plainly, giving the woman a flat look. "Strelein von Rosnete, ma'am." Normally far more chivalrous, the redhead would have beamed graciously, bowed, and a whole slew of courtier-like behavior. Then again, they were still basically on Cour lands and it was his duty to his rank to be a gracious host of sorts. Eying the horse warily, the redhead took the woman's hand that did not hold a knife and gave it a soft kiss with a slight bow, as he had seen the King do once before. It seemed like an appropriate thing to do. "I'm afraid I can't really let you pass much further, since you're getting dangerously close to Cour des Miracles land. Being in the midst of a war, I can't really let strangers by," he apologized, knowing fully well that he could not accept people, but could take them to his home to enjoy a brief stay. But Annan had pulled a knife on him, so he let his tarradiddle stand.


no worries =)

Whatever anann thought the man's reaction might be, it certainly wasn't what she got. Sure there had been some level of shock and surprise on his face but it faded quickly. It seemed the intended message had failed to be received at all. Quickly and effortlessly the little blade disappeared into its sheath as she helped the redhead male up off the ground. It seemed apparent the reasoning behind her actions and what she had hoped to achieve had complete escaped the redhead. A side for the initial shock of it all he seem rather unperturbed about it all.

The golden fem just kept her sweet smile in place. Though her eyes looked questioningly at the male as he kept hold of her hand, placing a kiss atop it. Giving a slight curtsy of sorts Anann bowed her head. A pleasure, sir Von Rosnete. Having lived a life of privilege she'd been well trained in manners and edict. Often having served as a body guard on trading expeditions. Formalities of this type neared second nature for her. A deadly combination really, deadly skill in combat with the manners of a princess and a sweet disposition outside of battle. Still it was not the kind of meeting she had expected to encounter. Oh, but why not? It was a court after all.

Anann broke her gaze from Strelein, looking over her shoulder to see what her companion was up to. The friesian stallion had decided to go off grazing, digging through the snow to find what little there was buried there. Her attention quickly returned to earth colored male. So you are aware of the war and yet you wonder around oblivious to all around you? Her brows raised, Anann was at a loss for understanding. He had walked right into them. Besides, I'm not interested in entering Cour des Miracles lands, Heath already gave me a tour anyway. Anann reached back scratching at the back of her head and neck through her short mane and hackles. Her smile turning to more of a silly grin. Actually, my goal all along was to hopefully run into someone from the court. I'm interested in joining Cour des Miracles, but I want to know more about it before I do. Hate to make a bad decision, you see?

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I swear my reply times will pick up after I'm done with most of my AP essay nonsense.

The woman did not really seem bothered by his lack of response, though the Marquis would probably not notice it at all. She was probably more aware of his movements than he was of hers. It came with the lack of any extraordinary strength or endurance or real speed. Strelein was on his toes, of course, but he tried hard not to show his suspicion of a stranger at the borders. He knew his duty to the Kingdom, but the stranger seemed harmless; well, when she did not have her knife out at least. Giving a slight laugh, eyes filled with something sly, the redhead gave a brief counter, "I hope so, m'lady." Nothing but a charming, bold courtier. Maybe the woman could hide behind the pretty mask of a lovely lady, but for the redhead, this was less a mask and more a light coating of makeup.

Shrugging, the redhead let his casual smile linger on his lips for a while longer. The war had nothing to due with him, and his little tête-à-tête with a Inferni coyote did not affect his choice to remain on the sidelines ever more. He was not fit for battle, not with real warriors. To protect himself and others in time of emergency, certainly. "Oblivious I may be, but an enemy of the two fighting parties I am not," he said a bit sharply, as though it should have been obvious that Strel could not survive being enemies with either side. Surviving was good and the redhead wanted to remain alive to keep doing so. "We are a safe haven so I don't feel as though I should be too afraid, despite the enemies our leaders have."

Anann revealed her goal to the Cour des Miracles male and he let off a laugh, shaking his head slightly. Spreading his arms wide, the Kingdom to his back, the unclaimed to his front, Strel gave another short bow. "Then I'm happy to oblige you. If you can stand me, I'm sure you'll be able to stand us all." Well, maybe not all of us, he thought a bit harshly to himself, reminded of Leroy and the man's attitude problems. There would still be some minimalistic attractions for that muscular husky, but any chance of emotionally attachment disappeared in a moment. And it was not coming back. Nothing in his facial features betrayed the trail of thought running through the redhead's mind. He was going to help the woman choose his home, the place he had devoted himself to.

Moving slightly, Strelein moved himself so his back were to a bare tree, knowing it was not the smartest position to be in should the woman pull her blade on him again. Well, at least he would still be on Cours lands, right? "So what would the lovely lady like to know about the Kingdom, the Court, and us ever so lowly peons?" Of course Strel was no peon, but he was not a member of the Court. He was just somewhere in the middle, so his position was good and he was comfortable. But he had been so as a Seigneur too. Oh well. It was just comfortable all around.


X.X Time change sux! Killed my monday...and this is lame *dies*

Anann bit her tongue, fighting back the urge to bicker with the red-head. It was his home after all and if he was comfortable, knowing the situation, to walk around with his damn head in the clouds. Well she supposed it was his right to do so. The sharpness of his tone made it hard not to part her pretty lips with her own bitter words but She really didn't want to leave too much of a bad first impression either if she did decide to join the court. Though it did seem she was starting to make a habit of getting off on the wrong foot. Oh well, all the more interesting. Besides Anann didn't fault the man for his lack of tactical thinking and perhaps he truly did have nothing to fear from the warring packs.

Anann raised a brow at the man's sharp words. "...despite the enemies our leaders have." Those words sent the woman's thoughts racing. Heath had told her the pack had decided to remain neutral in the war between the northern territories. That might prove a difficult feat if the leaders had gotten themselves involved in the mess. The red-head's comment also lead her to the conclusion that he must have a fair amount of relations with the other packs to feel so confident that he wasn't an enemy. Perhaps in time she would ask him about such things, but first thing was first. She wanted to know what what this man thought if his leader. What she could expect of pack life. The earth toned male with his rust colored mane would surely find her previous home life as alien as she was finding this situation.

Bowing yet again, he seemed eager to answer her questions and he was much more talkative than Heath. It had taken some work for the golden fem to get the trust of the dark coy-wolf. She probably owed Rem for that. He had seemed much more interested in the horse than the woman. Although it had also been Rem's fault that things had gotten off to a rocky start. Strelein moved, leaning against a tree. Anann took the unspoken invitation to get comfy and plopped unceremoniously on the ground. Sitting cross-legged a few paces from the man she looked up at. Well, for starters. I'm starting to feel a bit under dressed. Her tone belying the serious look of her dark brown eyes. Does everyone in the pack wear clothing? Anann had only brought one piece of clothing with her and it was only suitable for formal occasions. Anann had always preferred only her fur to shield her, even in battle she had forsaken the armor worn by most.

Table by Alli<3

500 - Oh it's fine xD

Strel blinked at the woman as she sat down, almost completely at ease. That was probably one of those moments where the redhead should take a hint and follow the lead. Giving a mental shrug, he crossed his arms and then his ankles as he continued to lean against the stout tree. Her questioned made him raise an eyebrow, wondering why it were such an important thing. He realized not every Luperci transitioned so fast into a more humanized existence. "Oh, no, I don't ... think so, at least." Shoulders gave a real shrug this time, showing he really did not care one way or the other. "Well, I hope more than a few do, since I kind of need them to commission me if I want to be useful." Strel was the Lady in Waiting in the pack - which is a kind of irony, really - and his job was to make the clothes that people would wear. However, people had to ask him to do so, or else he would make himself a roomful of clothes which would never be worn.

"I wear clothes because I made them. Anyone else, I can't really say," Strel explained, wondering why indeed some people wore clothes. "Since you're asking, I can assume you'll never request something of little old me." His lips twisted into a light pout as he batted eyelashes a few times at the woman. There were occasions that the redhead felt some people should dress up for, like a major birthday (like the big one-oh), or for a festival, if they would ever have one. That sounded like a great idea; the lands at a guaranteed peace for a few days; no bloodshed, no death, no open hatred. But no way it would ever happen. Someone would always come to spoil it for the rest of the people. And while there was a war in the territories, clans, and packs, they were doomed to never have a surefire evening of mindless enjoyment and entertainment that was devoid of the violence that came with conflicts. It probably would actually kill them to have a day of peace and quiet. Some people had the fighting in their blood, and that was not something as easily removed as an appendage.

Watching the strange woman, the Marquis let his lavender hued eyes rest on her facial expression for its reaction. He had noted her good figure and promptly let it disappear from his conscience. Were he a different kind of man, he would have thought her a pretty, tall potable cup of a woman. Naturally, he was not that kind of male, so he thought nothing of the sort. "You say you visited the lands already, yeah? What do you think of it? What do you think of your tour guide," he pressed, a wicked look passing through his eyes as he waited for her response."Where do you come, from, Madam, if you feel open enough to share with a stranger."

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omg don't know where the length came from, please forgive me. Just shy of 700 o.o

Anann was glad to see the air of formality starting to fade. A sense of ease starting to spread between the two strangers. Having spent the past several weeks alone, save Rem, the golden fem was enjoying the company of her own kind. The seriousness she had carried when she had first 'assaulted' the man had vanished. Replaced by her simply sweet and good-natured self. Just because she'd be raised a warrior didn't mean she always needed to act like one. It was just down right unhealthy to take life that seriously all the time. Besides, her lack of alertness would be made up for by her ever present, self-appointed bodyguard Rem. With the horses vigilant eyes and ears, she could afford to be lax.

Anann had only been curious about the clothing since both Heath and Strelein had donned clothing. She wanted to know the culture of these lands as well as the disposition of the leaders. It would make fitting in a lot easier. Anann giggled and swatted playfully in Strelein, though the distance between them made it impossible for the blow to ever land. Oh, I wouldn't say never. Actually I have a bear pelt I'm interested in having turned into a cloak or coat of some sort. There was an interesting story behind how she had obtained the bear skin, but now was not the time for such tales. I don't know if you work with leathers and furs or not, but I'm a tanner and leather crafter. I'm sure I can make you some supple leathers if you ever have the need for such things.

Yes, Heath showed me the stables, the hotel, Chien Hotel isn't it? And then he took me to the ocean. I'd never seen it before. Was really impressed with the stables, nice facility. The stables had made her feel like she was home. The scents there reminded her of the happy times she had had at home. Away from the battlefield. Heath seems like a good man. He wasn't quick to trust me. A smirk spread across her lips, she had been proud of the man for his distrust of her and her stallion at first. Considering the circumstances, his response had been correct. Heath rode by my camp while I was sleeping. Rem there, She jester-ed over her shoulder at the grazing horse, decided he might be a threat and charged him. Not the best of first impressions you could say. Heath handled himself well, given the situation.

As much as she really didn't want to talk about it, she knew it was only natural that people would be curious where she had come from. She hoped her family's reputation hadn't made it this far north. Her whole point for traveling this far. She'd decided there was no point in denying her pack of origin or the fact she was a trained warrior. Those were too difficult to disguise, but she could deny the fact she was heir to its throne. Much like the Cour des Miracles ruler, her father too had thought himself a king. She found that men that put themselves on that kind of pedestal often saw those around them as nothing but pawns. Pieces to be moved only to their favor.

I grew up in a large, large pack to the south called Tosawi. Its more like several small packs combined, living in close proximity, but not too close. Her family had learned early on that it was best to break the colony into smaller, pack-like units. We number in the hundreds Somewhere between 200-300, if she were to count the slaves she had only recently learned about. They were kept at the coal mines where they worked, far from the other citizens. Out of sight, out of mind. Hunt was outlawed, except for the hierarchy. For food we raise bison, well more the crosses of the human raised cattle and bison. There really isn't any purebreds left. They started crossbreeding and overtaking the plains once humanity declined. We also have a metal works and a textile workshop with looms and spinners. She didn't even want to go into the fighting force all this fed. Sadly the land is torn by war, current king determined to expand, even by force. She had often wondered what her mother would think of the path her father had set himself down.

Table by Alli<3

you pop out a 1000+ and I will hurt you :|

Leather was not something that the redhead worked with extensively. He had dabbled, but the result had been sub par. After a day wearing the skin as a light jacket, the thing fell apart at the seems at the shoulders. Plus it was a poorly made and designed thing to begin with. Some light rain had forced him to move a bit harshly and he ripped the needlework with a sing jerk of the arms. Naturally he stood under a large tree gaping at the sleeves that lay at odd intervals in front of him. It did not seem like something that was easy to work with, and Strelein still did not really comprehend fully how to work well with leather material. Cloth, woven by hand, was his chosen medium.

The redhead shrugged at the strange woman. "I can't tan it myself, since I just don't understand how." The look on his face was one of slight shame came as he laughed lightly. "It would be tricky to make anything with a real shape but I guess making a cape isn't really that complicated." Strelein did wonder how the woman got a bear pelt. Bears were supposed to be hard to take down, though maybe now it was a bit easier to kill one with bows and arrows.

The Marquis raised an eyebrow at the woman. Judging from her horse, she was probably drawn to the pack's nature of having mounts. Strel was not interested in the creatures; they disliked him most of the time. Maybe it was the absolutely apparent fear in his eyes? "Eh, they're just some stables. Horses don't really like me." Looking away, the redhead let his face twist into a coy grin as he eyed the woman from one corner of his eye. He gave her a strange look as he bared his teeth in a side grin. "I hear he's taken, missy. Don't be taking that boy from his poor girl." Heath would probably not leave his woman, but teasing was a good way to ease into a decent friendship.

A large pack? No wonder the woman left. They could get so bothersome, what with having to know everyone's name to be polite. Strel had a good memory, but that did not mean he was able to hold onto a large amount of names in his head. After a certain amount, the names got jumbled and pushed out by new ones. "I see why you left. Fighting. Gross." The Miracles male gave a visible shudder, pushing away from the tree as he uncrossed his ankles. He plopped down in front of the woman, the tree still close to his back. "I don't think my king is quite like that. I think he might be a bit more of a pacifist than that. Maybe egotistical, but he's gotta be right?" he prattled off, eying the strange horse Rem. Who's to say he will not decide to charge Strel for being suspicious looking. "I myself grew up in a medium pack, but boy, it was worse than a drug club in Toronto," he said, laughing, as though he knew all about them. He did not. He was about as drug savvy as he was physics savvy.

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normally Im lucky to get out a 500+ =p

It was nice to have someone to talk to. During her travels the golden fem's mind had been flood with thoughts. She had talked to Rem, but the horse rarely had a response of any sort. Anann hadn't been sure what to think of Strelein when they had first bumped into each other, but she was glad to have come across the red-headed man. His corky attitude was chasing away the darker thoughts that had been eating at her as of late and it was also making her suddenly aware of how lonely she had been.

She knew how to stitch leather and could probably do something with the pelt herself but she had no talent for things that nature. She could make bags, straps and harnesses sure, but her attempts of any sort of clothing always ended in frustration. Oh no, its already tanned. I've been using it as a blanket during my travels actually. I can stitch leather well, but I'm afraid I'd make a wrong cut and ruin it or something. Frustration was a fair description of the woman's relationship with clothing. The belt she wore from time to time was nothing more than a place to strap her pouches. Her sense of fashion non-existent.

Her chance encounter with Heath had sent Anann on a quest to learn more about the Miracles pack. She had found herself drawn to the coy-wolf. A kindred spirit, she supposed. In the short time they had spent together she felt the had similar ideals. Finding the right pack could be a bit of a crap shoot. Meeting more members, learning what she could of the packs life style had become her next goal. Oh its nothing like that. She said dismissively. Laughing at the odd look Strelein gave her. The feminine scent that hung on his fur told me that much. A potentiality good friend, nothing more. She raised her hands in fain defense.

Setting her hands on the ground, slightly behind her. One hand landed on the pouch of jerky at her side. Reminding her of its presence. Before she had chance to offer her companion any the topic of conversation finally tilted toward something of great interested of the fem. I would like to know about your king if I am to make him my own. All I know so far is that he is a one-armed dog whose interest in conquest of women. She said, a slight smirk on her face. She was intrigued by this King Jacquez. Oh and that he came her by boat! Would you like some jerky? She held out the pouch to the man now sitting across from her.

Table by Alli<3

I pissed someone off doing that during SoSuWriMo.
I did a few 1000+ posts in a row :|

The redhead shrugged a bit, wondering if offering this particular woman his services was appropriate at this point. She was not a member of his pack so he could not truly vouch for her level of hostile, especially in this time of war when everything was uncertain, even for someone staying out of the violence. What harm could come of it? She did say she wanted to join the kingdom eventually. "It's harder with leather, yeah. It's a reason I don't work with it." He paused, eying Anann for her reaction. "One day, I'll be happy to help you make something with it." When that day would be, the redhead did not know, namely because he was still treading dangerous ground here, at least he thought so.

Strelein snickered a bit at her counter, glad to know that this woman would not be a threat to the Dauphine. Jacquez would probably not like that since he dotted on that blind girl so much. "Oh, good. I wouldn't want you to get beat up by the his mate and our leader at the same time. I don't think that would be a fun experience to, ah, enjoy." He laughed, wondering what it was like to get beat up by a blind girl and a one armed dog. Oh, Jacquez could probably bring a world of pain, but still, it would be a sight to see.

Reclining a bit onto his hands, the redhead cocked his head as he sent his purple eyes to stare at Anann. "The King? I dunno, it isn't as though he and I are on divine terms. I just know more of him than first hand knowledge," his words hid an apology. Strelein wondered how he could describe the man, even from his few contacts with the guy. "He's fair, I guess, but he loves his title. He is the King and that is what really defines him, I guess." Smirking a bit at the thought of the kind of person that Jacquez was, the redhead let his violet eyes gaze up into the sky. "We are left to our own devices, but I'm sure that we would rally around him in thanks for the freedom he has given us. It doesn't seem like too much to ask of us, don't you think?" The Marquis focused on the stranger, looking for her opinion. "What do you think? A leader who is always there, supportive, but controlling to conformity, or a leader you have to seek out but gives you the freedom you crave?"

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Essentially, it had been the fault of her king and father that had caused Anann to leave home in the first place. She was reluctant to put herself in a similar situation again. She certainly hadn't expect to find herself in the prospect of joining a pack ruled by a yet another man claiming to be a king. While she knew better than to judge the man solely by his title, it was hard for her not to form some prejudice against the man.

She listened to Strelein's words with great interest. Heath had given off a much different vibe when she had asked about their leader and had given her little more than his title and name. She assumed whatever distaste was between the two was of a personal nature. She believe Heath would have warned of the man were it necessary. The red-head however, gave her a new feel for the monarch. He sounds unlike any King I have ever heard of. In all ways but for his womanizing and love of his title. She laughed. But I guess if I liked the way my prior king did things I wouldn't be here.

Tosawi had been ruled with a iron grip. While most were content enough it seemed Anann had finally learned that many suffered. Freedom of choice is exactly what I was looking for to be honest. It was the lack of it that helped drive me from my home. A hint of regret slipped in to her tone. Conformity is never something that should be sought after, but there can also be a fine line between freedom and neglect. You seem to think he has found this balance? The question really needed no answer for Strel's words had already said that much. So what brought you into his fold? If you don't mind me asking, that is.

Table by Alli<3


The redhead merely nodded along, simply letting his head bob up and down at the right moments. He was listening, yes, but there was little he could retort or interject with; he simply agreed with the woman's words. "Oh good, now I know I can feel less offended over your assault on me since we are both in agreement, yeah?" Strel still did not really understand why the woman had jumped him like that; nothing in her conversation gave him a hint, though it maybe he thought she was probably either jumpy or worried enough to be on her toes. Of course, she did also pull out a knife on him. That was hard to forgive, since Strel was both unarmed and probably as threatening as a puddle. Whatever. He would forgive her in time and would only bring it up on occasion as persuasion for a favor. Well, if they actually saw each other later or more often.

"It would be more balanced if we got free booze from him often, but somehow I doubt very much that is ever going to be the case here." The redhead smirked, remember the last time booze had been provided for had been for that party down in the cave, though the majority of it was a blank and a blur due to the strength of that alcohol. Though the morning after his first - or was it second? - drinking attempt was a nightmare to recall, but a good lesson. No more drinking into a stupor; he wanted to be able to see light in the morning. "I think it's a good balance, but I can't vouch for everyone's opinion since I don't know everyone." There were some issues with the pack, but mostly they were nothing to do with Jacquez.

Suppressing a yawn, the redhead lazily closed an eye and peered at Anann with the remaining open one. "Why'd I join?" he repeated, both lavender eyes open to stare into the tree branches. "Why," the Marquis repeated again, brows knitting together as he thought about it. "No reason, actually." It was true, nothing had really set apart Cours from the others; he simply came here first, having missed the others in arriving in the area. "I was... sort of just here and figured I would join. Besides, I met Jacquez and his... Constable... when I came and I liked his attitude. He interested me. Didn't seem like the Alpha I grew up with," Strel narrated absently, though his tone faltered when he mentioned Svara's title. It had not been exactly hard on the man when he found out what the woman did to herself, but he was still confused as to why she would do something so stupid, so reckless, so dishonorable. Her way out of her problems was stupid and silly; she left plenty of people behind her who would always question her reasons and her judgment. Sure, the redhead had sometimes had issues with the woman, considering her ferocity, but she was still a Miracle. She was one of them.

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We could wrap this up pretty soon I think

Anann had already put her little pounce on the man well out of her mind. Not having gave it much of a second though since the situation had lead to the conversation she had truly been seeking. Strelein's reminder of the not so past event was not harsh, but she couldn't help but dip her ears back she he mentioned her 'assault' and his offense at it. "I apologize about that. Something perhaps she should have said in the beginning. Though her only regret had been that the lesson she had hoped to teach the man had seemed to bounce right off. "I only meant to show you the danger of walking so unaware with war being waged not too far from your borders. Just because you do not preceive yourself to be in danger does not make it so. You did walk straight into a horse after all." She laughed, keeping her tone light. "And he isnt even a small one!" Quite the opposite infact. She wasn't trying to lecture the man. Just explaining her motive. "Had I wanted you dead, you would have been and probably none the wiser either." The statement was point blank and she meant it. It was simply an observation, not a threat. But Im a defender, not a murderer. I only meant to open your eyes, so to speak.

The meantion of booze brought the joyful smile back to Anann's face. Her bottle of whiskey was not full anymore. Though she still hadn't touched her bottle of rum. The whiskey had become and aid to dreamless sleep. She rarely over indulged in the substance, prefering to keep her wits about her for the most part. A nice happy buzz was always nice though. "A nice party ever now and again does sound like a splended idea!" Good for the social life of the pack as well. "There will always be those that disagree." Anann said with a slight shrug. Without the complaints of the few, the content of the masses would be unpreceived. It was simply the rule off opposites. Without contrast nothing would be percievable. Thats is why there can never be happiness without sarrow. Life is tough so you can appreciate it when it is not. Otherwise it would be meaningless. "It is when the many are miserable and the few are happy that it becomes a problem." Anann knew all too well.

"Constable? Is that like the second in command?" Most packs had their own unique ranks, while the titles varied the duties seemed to remain somewhat standard. It would take time to learn the different ranks of her prospect pack, but often the scent and posture of the other beast was enough of a clue of their status. The most pressing of her question had been answered and Anann wasn't quite sure in what direction she should take their conversation. "So, is there anything more you'd like to know about me?" She spoke in a sultry voice, giving the redheaded man a wink. Her playful flirting had no intent behind it. She was simpling enjoying being a little goofy despite the serious note they had first gotten off on.

yeah, good idea. I want to focus on the Toliy one instead Tongue

Running a hand dramatically across his brow, the redhead let out a loud, and obnoxious, sigh of relief. "Well good. I don't really want to die over a long period in pain and misery, praying for death. I'm glad you so charitable alerted me to how easily I can die taking a stroll in the woods." His voice dripped with sarcasm, eyes rolling. The easy grin let Anann know what he was not trying to be cruel, but sarcastic in a rather obnoxious way. Cover his eyes, then uncovering them, he added, "They have been opened, my dear lady. I used to scarcely see the forest for the trees." At least Anann never had the intention of hurting him. Teaching was good, though he never wanted to be taught in that kind of way.

Strel beamed; the pack certainly housed many booze hounds that enjoyed a nice party with the stuff. Anann would fit in just fine. He hoped she would join. Maybe she would be another one of the pack's party animals and be an entertaining figure if everyone got dancing in the middle of everywhere. However, Strel blinked at her oddly as she commented, rather eloquently, about how people disagree. He could do nothing but nod, since it had thrown him off quite a bit. That seemed almost too eloquent for just some random girl coming from lord knew where. "You're right. What's a little life without a lot of chaos?" he grinned, scratching at his nape and pulling out some rogue dead shards of twigs.

Again, the redhead nodded. This girl understood quite a bit of their pack already. Clever girl. "Yep, though our Constable right now is Vigilante. Don't know him well, but I don't know many of the head command that well." Though he figured he out to get to know them much better. Then, noticing the wink, the redhead raised a brow in her direction, peering at her with a coy look. "I don't know, what do you want to tell me?" he said in a rather suggestive voice. And, much like Anann, he did not mean it at all. As if he would. "Well what you expect to do with yourself in the future. Maybe we covered this, maybe not." Now his tone was back to normal, face losing that half-seductive look.

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