Pack Game


To claim your points and rewards, please fill out the form in the Maintenance Board!

OOC points
Word count +1 for every 100 words past 200
(+2 for 200, +3 for 300, +4 for 400, etc..)
Create a leader approved pack thread +20 per thread
Reply to a non-mandatory pack thread +10 per thread
Reply to a mandatory pack thread +5 per thread
Begin or join an AW thread in SK territory +10 per thread
Begin or join an AW thread in
neutral territory
+15 per thread
Recruit a member to SK
(Make sure they mention you when they join!)
+25 per member
(Points are rewarded after 1 month)
Join with an established (1+ month) loner +25 upon joining
Join with a SK Open Character +50 upon joining
Create a pack pride image +5 per image
Create something for a packmate +5 per graphic
Update the SK Wiki +5 per minor update
+15 per major update
Activity Points
These points are automatically added by leadership at the end of the month
Highest cumulative post count +15 per month
Second highest cumulative post count +10 per month
Third highest cumulative post count +5 per month
IC Points
Complete a Task (With others) +20 per thread
Complete a Task (Read only) +5 per thread
Use, learn or teach others a skill
related to your tier
+10 per thread
Have a positive interaction with a
member from another pack
+10 per thread
Trade with a member of another pack
(Trade with multiple members in
one thread only counts once)
+20 per thread
Move up a rank in your tier +10 per rank
OOC Prizes
Permanent Sangi'lak color fade title 400 points
Permanent custom color title 600 points
Permanent feather icon 500 points
Permanent custom icon 700 points
Custom Zyn art! 800 points

I C   N E W S

  • The Vinatta and Sangi'lak meeting is gradually coming to a close.
  • SK is still looking for volunteers to help with Raising the Barn and Livestock Pens.

O O C   N E W S

O C T O B E R   P R O M P T