'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Awakening: The smell of salt - Printable Version

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- BIOS - 06-20-2010

Continues from: "Lost and Hungry..."

The moon brights beautifully tonight...
Sky's cloudless and stars adorn the night...

But it seems that doesn't impress me anymore...
thus the closest star around me is no more...

Could that my star be lit off already..?
has that affront have leave it unsteady..?

Be my firm answer none to that for now...
But be my presage better than what i know...

My child, as the sun falls my hopes does...
but as the moon rises my faith with you goes...

Be safe... be alive... that's all I ask to heavens...
I shall seek for you 'till my own dusk happens...

Forever for your bear
Moonglare Avenir...

The Shattered Coast
Morning of the third day...

The sound of the splashes in the coast sounded over and over, a pretty relaxing environment was now around the young canis, who after a whole day of restoration... and even before it's completion... opened both eyes with some trouble for the sunlight passing through the entrance of the rocky structure he was lying in..!

Still troubled for the remaining weakness, BIOS turned and struggled along his paws to stand firm and look around him... None to be seen again, but no pain and no darkness either... Were the last incidents mere delusions before his turbid eyes..? Have the walkers saved him from a mostly secure decease..?

No clue and no answer shall arise 'till he goes out for find out by himself... he thought...

Uhmmmm hello..? Is anybody here..?

Err... any fellow..? or is my path clear..?

The canis keep exploring the cave and noticed a little while later that his new place was far to be the wastelands or the old city..! The smell of the salt filled his lungs and the sight of blue overwhelmed his eyes..! He was so impressed with such a place that he could barely open his muzzle...


He get closer to the great sea... he felt the waves and soft sand in his paws as well as the warm sun cloaking him all around..! His chest was filled with excitement and confusion in the same time..!

Heavens... and Now where I could be..??

Where has the merciful fate lead me..??

He asked himself as he kept exploring...

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-27-2010

The Spirit had some trouble on his thoughts. He needed to escape Phoenix Valley to clear his mind. He wound up on the shoreline of the Shattered Coast, further west of Halifax. The scent of the sea air filled his lungs as the sea's breeze blew through his hair as he took this time to relax his mind, clear his thoughts for a moment. His mate was still at Phoenix Valley with the children and he was all the way out here. He must have wondered off to far. However, sometimes the furthest place is usually the peaceful place.

He took a calming breathe as he stared out to the ocean. His ears perked up as he heard a voice calling out. He looked over, finding a canine at the entrance of a cave, emerging out of the mouth. The canine didn't seem to notice the white wolf, not yet. Pendzez heard the dog say something else, but he wasn't paying attention. Whilst calm, he said in a normal tone, "Over here."

- BIOS - 06-28-2010

OoC: Show Time Tongue

BIOS was rejoicing with the sound of the waves and the sweet sensation of the water and sand filtering on his four paws that at that point were inside the sea and almost weting his chest..! But then...

"Over here"

He almost didn't hear the calling voice for the waves sound, but eventually he turned to the northeast horizon and could appreciate a figure materializing from that point abaft the sand and the sunshine..! BIOS could appreciate the head of a white furred canis approaching..! BIOS smiled..! at last there was someone that could resolve some or most of his doubts..! And so, the canis walked out of the sea and ran approaching the seemingly white canis..!

"Very glad to hear you good sire..!
I’ll need all the help I can acquire..!"

But something was getting weird as he was nearer... His body start to appear before BIOS gaze and... the proportions weren't correct... they weren't even logic..! As he was approaching he was also slowing down until he completely stopped..! His hearth bumped harder and his paws started to move back pushed by the fear..! There he was again..! The vivid image of what the canis thought it was a delusion approaching more and more..!

“Ah…..Ah… B-… Bu- But wha- what is…???”

He swept the sand under his paws and finally quickly turned and tried to run so fast but the sand slowed him down for a moment in a very “Scooby Doo” like fashion..! BIOS succeeded to run back toward the same cave he came from and cuddled in the furthest dark corner he could hide in..! Trembling and mumbling constantly..!

Walkers aren’t for real..! This got to be a dream..!”

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-07-2010

Pendzez looked down to the figure that was approaching him. This creature seemed to be excited to know that there was someone else here. Pendzez, as always, was being cautious as the wolf was approaching him. Maybe, this creature should exercise caution as well, since the two had not met before and that one day, you might run into some who is a killer, a murderer, or a mugger.

However, everything seemed fine, until the creature got at a certain distance form the white wolf. The figure then stopped, taking notice of how the white wolf was standing. Then, all of a sudden, he ran the other way back into the cave. Pendzez seemed a bit confused about that. Whats was so scary about the white male? Pendzez made his way to the cave, stopping at the mouth. "Um, hello? You ok in there?"

- BIOS - 07-07-2010

Still shaking in a corner of the cave, BIOS tried to relax, insisting himself that such odd being was part of his imagination… that he was still dreaming somehow..! But not much time passed before a voice pierced through the cave, a not so long known voice by the way..!

"Um, hello? You ok in there?"

Though the pacific nature of that call, it just made BIOS shake more, begging heavens to end that possible (and so realistic) nightmare he was living..! The voice insisted… The “walker” obviously was aware of BIOS presence in that cave… Without even turning or standing, afraid of what lied behind him, the scared dog responded as he could..!

“W-wh-who are you?? Wh-What you want from me??”

BIOS told as if the white coated “walker” in the entrance of the cave was some kind of ghoul or a wicked creature haunting him! But what else to expect..? nobody had tell him a thing about something called ‘luperci’ yet… even when he was one himself…

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-11-2010

Pendzez didn't seem to understand the problem, only have a thought of it. This creature in the cave seemed to be afraid of the white male. Why? Lupercis were common around here in Souls. There were some wolves or lupercis that seem to not like other lupercis, despite maybe being one themselves. Some just don't grasp the fact that only a handful of lupercis are to be feared. It all comes down to how the luperci in question's personality or social behaviour. Yet, how can one fear them, if he hasn't met them?

Pendzez looked further into the cave, still unable to spot the fleeing canine. He practically entered the inner mouth with no hesitation, still progressing on, trying to find the cowering wolf. All he heard back in reply was a fearful voice. "I want nothing from you, except a reason to why you are hiding from me. Whats there to fear of me? Have you not met a Luperci before?" he asked back, hoping to get a good answer.

- BIOS - 07-12-2010

"What's there to fear of me?"

Yeah... what was there to fear of him..? What was there to fear of this, what was there to fear of the other... actually what was there to fear of anything including death itself..? what..? Such deep question that one should ask oneself some or many days in it's life...

Why to fear something you don’t know well yet..? Something that seems so “different” in view but that could be more similar to oneself than thought..? Hard to admit… but fear has lead all of us that way in all our history… I could even say that, more than ambitions, the desires of change and freedom and even the desire of dominion or power itself, fear has always been one step forward… For all, lupercis, humans, dinosaurs, aliens… what I know..?

I’m not here to discuss about it anyway, but this be some explanation to BIOS feelings… such silly feelings in many other’s eyes, but very true and touchable for him… shaking in a corner of the cave, denying to met something that would be just a myth in his confused and yet young mind… He listened to the question and finally to some estrange word… “luperci”..? What was that supposed to mean? He has not ever heard such word even in the most twisted tale or poetry counted in his short life..!

And then the same question: “What was there to fear..?” Well… let’s take it this way… “The Walkers”, special beings… as antique as the world itself could be… Too powerful to create and destroy at will anything they want… His very homeland, some old wooden pieces of what used to be called “homes” or “Storages” were both built and ruined by this species… They created the world as they are seeing it now… half restored and half destroyed… His mother, Moonglare, told BIOS about them based on histories told from many generations ago, and she was sure about something: They were more to be feared than admired..!

They had no regret to destroy each other and so, they would not have remorse in erasing such an small thing in their way as BIOS was in that moment..! That was a “walker” for him in that moment: someone that would cleanse him from the world in any moment..! But… was the poor canis going to explain all that tangle to the fearful being at his back..? He was just too afraid to do such thing..! He stopped rhyming long time ago and he could barely form phrases in his mind..!

“Y-Y-Yo-You’re n-not….. DOG!”

Haha..! The best answer the young dog could conceive, like for us to say “you’re not human” to someone who has four arms and three heads and is approaching to us in example…

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-13-2010

Pendzez stopped approaching, still unable to see the other canine that was hiding away in the cave. He had changed his objective. Now, he was going to find out why this luperci was so afraid of other lupercis. It was uncommon for a luperci to fear another, as in deadly afraid of any kind of luperci, not just a particular one. He didn't get the name of the canine further in the darkness, but maybe the white male should let the scared creature have his space to get used to the white male.

It was then that Pendzez heard the wolf speak out to him. Dog? Pendzez was slightly confused. What did the canine meant about 'Dog'? Was he referring about someone with the same name, like a nickname, or was he talking about a dog, as in a normal household dog. Either way, Pendzez answered both ways. "I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf and I don't know who this Dog is."

- BIOS - 07-17-2010

OoC: Sorry for the delay, I was kind of busy to answer fast and also I could not decide if he was going to answer or cry XD Greetings..! n__o


All right, that was a nice progress, saying that the one in the back is a wolf instead of anything else would make BIOS for a moment doubt about what he saw moments ago... HE wanted to doubt about it..! to believe that the sunlight in the beach made him watch something that he confused stupidly... Still trembling, of course, the dog turned his gaze just a little bit... Achieving to see the shadow of the "wolf" produced by the light coming from the entrance... He was maybe standing in the middle of the cave or further... Anyway, the fact was that the figure of the shoulders in that creature were still bizarre... Or was that just another delusion..? He doesn't wanted to find it out...

"H-How y-y-you call yourself a "wolf" with that body..??

Don't trick my mind more..! Please leave me alone..!"

That seemed like a rhyme doesn't it..? Well if it does it was just a coincidence, BIOS was so scared to even think about his words... but well, unless he was starting to talk a little bit more...

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-18-2010

Pendzez didn't know what to do to even try to convince the hiding creature to come out. He had no plan for the moment. So, he just turned around and walked out of the cave, but remained just outside of the mouth. "Ok, I'll just wait outside til you change your mind. I ain't leaving until you come out." He kept to his word. He waited outside the mouth of the cave for the scared creature to come out.

Pendzez still wanted to know why that this luperci in the cave was so scared of other lupercis. Wolves can be scared, but not down right, scared out of their wits. It was both highly uncommon and somehow strange. Pendzez hasn't met anyone who was like that. He just stayed, waiting for the creature.

- BIOS - 08-05-2010

Ooc: And once again, sorry for the delay... had to do some tasks for the university and I was in a hurry... :C
I hope we can continue with this... Greetings!


"Ok, I'll just wait outside til you change your mind..."

The "half-wolf" then said while his steps echoed gently, departing from it's current position and getting further from the dog who one again tried to the calm down…

“…I ain't leaving until you come out."

The voice unluckily traveled again through the entrance of the cave, reaching BIOS ears, making his eyes open wide and turning his blood and breath as cold as ice… “Trapped”… “In a prison”… were the first impressions for these words… He was being captive for a reason he could not understand yet… Or maybe… most “walkers”, according to his mother's tales, were wicked beings that usually rejoiced from other inferior beings suffering… uhmmm yes… that could be it..! That could be the reason he was being held like that..! Just seeing him trembling in terror exited the walker now outside..! And… he might have more in mind… just waiting for a moment of distraction or simple boredom and then… heavens..! What horrible atrocities could the walker do to this poor helpless little dog??

BIOS was thinking all of that while barely breathing, watching some times the wall in front of him and proving that, indeed, the “walker” was still there… watching cautiously for his prey and expecting any action that would make him shred the dog apart or just torture him before ripping his existence from this world..! But… what this poor and helpless canis could do..? Ambush the being? Stupid idea..! he would just awake it’s fury against him and, anyway, BIOS was so weak and thin to even think about it… Maybe to pass him running and try to search another place to hide..? How fast could the walker be with just two legs while BIOS has four..? Now that seemed like a more reasonable idea but… What if he got caught..? Dear… it would be all over then..! The idea was achievable but far to risky too..! BIOS preferred to consider it as one last option in the case there was nothing else left…

“Think BIOS, damn it Think..! What would mom do in such situation??” the canis thought and that was some fact that gave him, what he considered, the best idea available... a Lullaby... BIOS would try to sing the tune her mother used to sang to him when he had bad dreams..! That would make one of three results: Make the walker sleepy and give him the chance to escape; Impress the walker and make him spare his life; Or washing all the nightmare away in the case that was just an awful dream… BIOS finally stood up and slowly turned to confront his captor… He breathed deep and tried to clear his mind, any mistake would be unforgivable in that moment and so he was not up to forget the song or stutter, all or nothing BIOS..!

“Oh my boy why you're still awake?
Haven’t dreams come to embrace your mind?
Are you scared of something fake?
Your skin chills and the peace you can’t find?

Fear not child I am here with you now
Let me heal your cold with my warm
Close your eyes, let your dreams flow
With me no one will make you harm.

Fear not child the stars adorn the sky
Dancing lights will wash away the dark
Close your eyes, let the night pass by
Dream my dear, dawn will be soon back”

BIOS sang with his best voice possible the verses he remembered from his mother’s song (There were actually more verses and a title that only Moonglare knew), after finishing the third verse, he stopped a little and then looped again to the first verse to start over while seeing what was the being’s reaction…