and a crow brings me back
     There was no denying that age was encroaching on Gabriel. He was now five years old, having outlived both his father and grandfather. It was lucky, perhaps, he was half Lykoi. Without his mother’s stubborn survivalist blood in him he would have perhaps fallen as the other heads of the de le Poer house had. Granted, of course, Gabriel did not lead this house—that right belonged to a woman he had never met, and to a side of the family he would never know.
     Despite the age that threatened to creep in (he had not yet begun to gray) the warrior felt young again with his daughter at his side. He laughed aloud as her stomach answered for her, a deep thing that turned his body alive again. Picking up a quick trot, he began to lead her back to the second place she had ever called home (the first having long since been destroyed by his own hand). “Well I’ll see what I can find. How about you head up to the cave and get comfortable. With any luck you won’t run into your grandma,” he added, snickering. “She’d probably baby you to death if she got a hold of you.” At a place where the worn dirt trail forked, Gabriel nodded her onward and upward, and turned himself east. The aches and pains of battle were forgotten as he bounded off into the tall grass, intent on finding a decent meal.


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