counter balance this commotion
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I'm sure the award goes to me for now. XD
Wc: 253 ~

It was almost funny, the way the siblings clashed like this. These fights rarely took a toll on their long-term relationship, but it wasn't something they could avoid and learn from, either. Their personalities were too stagnant, too strong and everlasting to change, even for the sake of love. It seemed to be Ghita's special ability to bring out the worst side of her brother - who was a gentleman, kind, and deathly loyal. But it was the fault of the bratty younger sister that the two were squabbling now.

They sat next to each other still, close enough to easily be able to touch each other, and yet worlds away. Something was wearing away at Ghita's soul, however - the tigers had come tonight and were preying on her habits. Silence stretched between them, punctuated by Ehno's resignation, and stretching afterwards, creating a marble statue out of the werewolf. She didn't move, still wearing her stubborn frown and scowl, until the moments broke the dam she held.

"I'm sorry." The two words slipped out of her lips, quiet just like a breath on the wind. It was so out of her character to speak those words, it was a shock even to her to hear them in her own voice. But still, she barely moved, only fractions of inches at a time, until her ears had bent in a more apologetic manner, with her eyes peering at her brother out of their corners, almost asking for forgiveness. "I just... I'm scared."


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