I'm still here, dreaming


He liked how she remained open minded; eager to experience new things. There was always the possibility that this would not fall in taste, but change was worth trying to settle on good, stable preferences. He gathered the dry firewood together and was pleased when the woman followed outside and offered him a pack of matches. The young male did not reply, but his soft lavender gaze was grateful as he looked to her before focusing on lighting a small bonfire. Whenever he made use of old human made things, he could not help but marvel. It was strange that such a magnificent race no longer existed. Canines were slowly taking over where humanity had left, but they were nowhere near as advanced as the deceased race. With a merry crackling fire dancing, he turned to see Layla walk out of the front door, pieces of rabbit meat already cut up and prepared in filets. A surprised grin was displayed as he saw this. ”Well done, Layla, that’s perfect,” he replied, rising up and walking over to the bench where she had allowed her pleasant form to settle, bringing the seasoning with him.

The flavours were old and not as fresh and strong as they could be, but it definitely lifted the overall taste of the meat nevertheless. Salt and pepper was added to a few pieces, but there was also a beholder of lemon pepper that he replaced the ordinary pepper with. While his own cooking could not at all be compared to a chef’s, simple seasoning added a magnificent flavour to those accustomed to plain, raw meat. After a moment of hesitation, he found that he wanted to include her more. It couldn’t hurt to allow her to help. ”Now we place the filets in the frying pan and hold it over the fire,” He explained, though she had more than likely guessed what was to be done already. ”Make sure to turn the meat every now and then so that it doesn’t get destroyed.” Well, a burnt meal was not necessarily destroyed, but it damaged the overall taste. He retrieved the pan and held it out to her, a large smile apparent in his youthful face. The scene was hers.

Table by Veronica

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