I'm still here, dreaming
OOC -- <3

Layla was pleased to see that Conor was helping her to prepare a nice meal for her. She was glad to have this time with him.

”Well done, Layla, that’s perfect,”

Layla was so glad to hear some praise for the one she admired the most. She smiled and watched him carefully as he took the meat from her. She nodded and scratched her head a bit. "Umm thanks Conor. My mother taught me how to prepare meat. It's not that great..." She of course was being modest. She felt that bragging was rude to any pack mate. She then watched as Conor added the spices to the meat and prepared it for cooking. She liked how Conor knew so much about cooking. Perhaps it wouldn't be rude to learn a bit from him.

”Now we place the filets in the frying pan and hold it over the fire,”

Layla took a seat down next to Conor and watched him carefully as he began to cook the meat. She got up to grab a little more wood just in case the fire began to die down. She set them aside and took her spot in the backyard. She smiled as she watched him again.

”Make sure to turn the meat every now and then so that it doesn’t get destroyed.”

She nodded. "Thanks Conor, I'll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I cook a meal." She then looked around and saw the little table sitting out back. She smiled as the lightbulb turned on. She looked to Conor as she stood up. "I have an idea Conor. I remember seeing some place settings back inside. I'll go inside and get it and set it up out here. The weather's lovely and great for a meal." She headed back inside the get the place settings and began to set up the table in the backyard.

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