I'm still here, dreaming
OOC -- Sorry for the wait! I was out camping with family!

Layla whistled quietly as she began to prepare the table for their meal. She took a glance back to Conor every so often to see when he and the meat would be ready fro eating. She felt lucky to be sharing time with him just little after joining the pack. She'd have to make it up to him somehow. Surely some other time there would be something she could do for him.

Layla checked back and saw him coming to the table with the meat prepared. She smiled wide as she pulled open the seat for Conor. Normally it would be the other way around but it was her home and it wouldn't help to be polite to a guest in her home. She waited for him to sit before she took her seat across from him. She watched as he pointed out which meat was which.

”Alright. These here have normal salt and pepper, and these have lemon pepper.”

Layla nodded and tried one of the filets with the lemon pepper on it. She slowly picked up her fork and knife and began to cut it up. Taking a bite of it she smiled wide and then looked to Conor. "This is so delicious Conor. You're an amazing cook."

She took a couple more bites before turning back up to Conor. "So Conor, how are things with you?" Seeing as there was not much of a topic, she tried her best to start a conversation.

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