Wishy washy

WC: 329 (2 Points) OOC:!!! Big Grin


She continued her walk with her horse, when she found herself near a black wolf she’d yet to meet. She had seen her at the Ceremony, Liliana couldn’t help but stare at her, it wasn’t because she was different… because in some ways she was, it was the belly she had sported and Lili wasn’t sure if she was pregnant, or if she overfilled herself that day, but the smell of her pregnancy was quite thick in the air, and it excited Liliana, she loved puppies, and the excitement there would be some in the near future excited her, even if they weren’t hers. She was still young, just turned two in fact, it was amazing to think, but she was in no hurry to copulate with any random wolf. She wanted a special one, her virginity seemed to matter to her, and her mother had taught her it because she’d lost it to her father and gave nothing to any other male. Liliana smiled at the wolf in front of her, she seemed as lost in thought as Lili was. She didn’t want to bother her packmate, but she had yet to meet her and that gave an itching pleasure to get to know her.


she greeted, moving a little closer. Grace stayed where they stopped. She seemed to know something was quite different with this wolf, and the mare wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to come near the pregnant woman. Liliana respected that in the fact the horse was still pretty wild, and if she were an uncertain horse, she’d do the same thing. She wasn’t though, she was a part of the pack so she came up to about a foot away from the swollen bellied woman and stayed there. She was learning about boundries and personal space now that she was here, and she wanted to get a friendship started off rather than her being the idiot wolf that was around.

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