Rainbow Remedies


There was always something to find in Halifax, always. Anyone could spend an entire day and a half rummaging through the waste and artifacts that human civilization left behind. There was always one thing or another to pick up when visiting Halifax, even if it was a pair of nail clippers or maybe even a plunger, things that would seem useless to Luperci but might come in need in the future (who knew what to do with a plunger, it could be a brilliant interrogative tool when you threaten to plunge someone's eyes out of their head if they didn't tell the truth, or something like that). There was always something interesting to find in Halifax. Upon Talitha's recent return to her home territory, you would think she would at least spend a couple week's time behind the skull lined borders of the coyote and hybrid lands. As soon as she had the opportunity, there she would go, bailing out again on her father and Inferni like she never returned.

Not looking to run away again, her journey's purpose was to not only find some random junk at Halifax, but also there was a recent promotion in rank achieved. Praeses was what it was, and it was the equivalent to Inferni's scout and spy responsibilities. Her promotion was sudden and small, but Talitha was proud of her achievement nonetheless. It had only been several weeks, and already she was rising in the ranks, obtaining new responsibilities to herself. More than anything she wanted for Gabriel to be proud of his daughter for her successions, for she felt like she disappointed him on numerous accounts. It was time to make her name known, and it was time for once to start doing something productive and responsible. After her long journey back and forth between the outside and Inferni, Talitha was quite sick of traveling at best, but her promotion required her to scout for the benefit of Inferni, and scouting she would then do for the sake of responsibility.

After collecting random objects to store in a shoulder pack, there was something that pushed Talitha more East in exploration. Whether it was she could scent the clean air along the breeze or her wanderlust had not tired her yet even after her return, there was a curious and delightful smell of wildflowers at some point that drew her into a land with rolling, gentle hills. Everything about this place contrasted greatly from the North and the West, and everything here seem to be untainted by human and luperci civilization. Peaceful, tranquil, something you would assume could only be achieved in a day dream. Her stroll was casual and her hair flitting back to be tousled in the pleasant breeze, until in the distance there was a luperci and a very large specimen of wild horse trotting along next to it that made her stop. She was more amazed by the horse than the woman herself, but couldn't help to notice there was something sluggish about the woman, maybe even vaguely wounded. Who knew for certain. The edges of her flowing, lilac hued like dress flitted in the most gentle wisps of the breeze, giving her an almost very country-ish looking appearance.

Deciding whether or not to pass up this opportunity to be social, Talitha vowed to hell with it and decided to stride over to the two. Her tall and graceful legs carried her with swift grace over to them, with one hand digging around in her brown shoulder pack which would reveal a silver flask with some drink leftover. Even though alcohol was a precious artifact when one was at low stock, at least Talitha held some sense of empathy within in order to share some to those who looked like they would need a shot or two. Stopping at a comfortable distance (for it was clear this woman was wolf, and generally wolves made Talitha uneasy and apprehensive to be around), Talitha could now catch the dull gleam in her eyes, and willingly lifted her flask to her. Wolf or not, why the hell not? "Here, take a swag, you look like you need one. Try not to touch your lips to the rim, or backwash." Talitha said rather bluntly, hinting at distaste from contracting wolf cooties, but this was the nicest that any wolf would be able to experience Talitha as. There was no questioning to come from Talitha as to why the woman looked so dull and perturbed, but Talitha felt like her alcohol was some sort of secret weapon of an elixir, temporarily curing one's ailments for the time being. Plus, she figured it would be nice to work on her giving skills.


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