Rainbow Remedies



A mix of emotions rushed through the intoxicated female in an instant, the silver girl taking all of them in. The skill was coming in handy now a days when she chose to talk less and listen more. Confusion was fluent in her converser’s face, which Ever could understand clearly. Recently, her responses brought astray thoughts and actions, especially now when her haggard look seemed to attract others like fresh prey.

Taking a sip from the flask, the mistress’s eyes strangled for a moment as the hot liquid simmered down her throat. Ever took in a breath, unable to stand how a wolf could drink the alcohol so willingly. She had never drunken any of the sweltering beverage seen being downed by eager luperci, willing to drown their emotions behind sluggish and thoughtless actions. Thinking off the inappropriate way to bottle themselves with the bottle, another wave of fresh Yava drifted like the tufts of clouds across the Miracles girl and reminded her of her own mission to suppress her depression.

But the next movement from the Inferni woman caught her colorless gaze immediately. Amber gaze trailed to the creature, behind her; the sweet spring sunshine that had gotten the girl through the tough weeks of despair. Instinctively, her face hardened in defense against her closet companion. Again, slower now, emotions washed through the dark wolf’s face; most bewildering to Ever, being disappointment and disgust.

She had always there was a very distinct relationship between her and equines every since she laid eyes on the beautiful beasts. So when the Iferni member spoke of her affectionate, amiable, companion like filth, even the horse could feel her tense. For once, the sensitive, gentle girl flared her eyes a crisp aqua flame.

The stallion stays because he wants too.

Ever replied, voice betrayed her eyes; remaining calm. Suddenly, the friendly female seemed to be far away, unfamiliar. Lips set in a thin line, the silver pelt looked on.

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