
Hey! I am very sorry for the loooong wait Smile YAY A THREESOME! WC: 812

She could not sleep. No matter how much she forced her pale lids shut, they just would not give in. Behind the almost translucent covers she could still see dancing lights upon her eyes, just echoes of what was waiting for her outside. Belle knew that there must of been some kind of reason for her to have not fallen asleep, but she was trying to ignore that fact. What were in fact delicate, gentle snores coming from the corridor outside, she placed as the rumbling laugh of a monster out to get her- or the burping of a giant that had just swallowed somebody. She knew that she was far too old to belive in this nonsense, but all the same she was frightened to death, and she huddled to the corner of the petite bed she had always slept on. Looking around, the albino femme spotted a dark, flat substance just below her door. Belle shivered, believing it was blood, but she soon pulled herself together.

Silly girl. It is only the shadow of the door. It is only a shadow, only a shadow! Stupid, silly girl!

The arctic wolf jumped off the duvet, (For she always slept on top of the covers like a little cat) and stretched her weak limbs pathetically. It was no use. They just flopped around like two pairs of rabbit ears. Once again she cursed herself for being without opposable thumbs, and she gave a hefty shove with her nose towards the closed door that was barring her from freedom. Somehow, she knew this night was special. Something was out there, something good, and she would not miss it for the world.
The door squeaked, but did not budge.

"I do not have time for this! Open, godammit!"

She spoke aloud, before mentally cursing herself.

Talking to yourself? Whatever next?

The wolfess was no longer a little girl. She was still a child, but had grown more mature over the past few months. However- she could get quite anxious and moody at times, especially when she had not had enough sleep. The one-year-old had grown into an adolescent, though her former, childhood hobbies had not deserted her.
She was still an amazing athelete.

The little-woman pivoted with her hind legs after several useless attempts to open the door, and she hurled herself at the window successfully. It creaked open slowly, allowing her to jump on the large sill. And, how she had gasped. The night was beautiful! How could she had not realized? This was the reason her mind was begging her to stay awake! The scene before her was very hard to describe.; it was like black ink had been spilled upon a canvas of the world, for everything was covered in a dark hue. The texture of the air was exhilarating, and the wind almost blew her tiny form from its' standing position. What more, the dark sky swirled amongst millions of bubbling, vivid stars.

Those red, red eyes glittered with excitement as she took in the pitch-black yonder. She no longer felt tired... And what a simply perfect night to run! Powered by adrenalin and pure determination, the child-like figure pounced upon the lower window sill. Once she had met her first target the rest was easy- all she had to do was focus on the movements her body made.

Leap, dive, pounce. Leap, dive, pounce. Leap, dive....... pounce!

Her body mimicked the script in her head, and in no time she had rolled to the very bottom of the large mansion.

The arctic fey paused for a second, catching her breath, but no sooner than she had started to run, she bumped into two others, who were gazing at the night sky and some stars that seemed lower than usual. Belle gasped, pointing her nose in the direction of a 'star' that had fallen to the ground. She knew she must have seemed rude, but she did not have time for introductions at this very moment! She knew the pair were fellow crimson dreamers by their scent, and hoped they would help.

"Quick! A star has fallen! We must help it get back!!!!"

The young wolf had no idea that the star was, in fact, a tiny firefly perched upon a blade of shadow-bathed grass. What she saw was a tiny star. Belle had no idea that this close up stars would actually be much, much bigger: she thought they were as big up close as they were up in the sky. She gently raised her paw- flesh upwards- towards the tiny creature, and to her amazement it lifted silver-tinted wings and flew away. At this point she finally realized that it was a glowing insect, not a star. Usually she would have felt silly, but at this point, the white canis was too bewildered to care.

"What are they?"

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