Wishy washy

WC:469 (2 Points) OOC:ohhhh the irony

Liliana looked at the building, thinking, what would she need to make it homey? She’d seen signs, on some places she’d passed by, there was even a mat thing that someone had procured from an old human home, that said words on it. She couldn’t read but she knew what words looked like. So, maybe that was something, or color. She’d seen some very prettily colored homes.

I’ve seen mats that have words on them back when I was wandering, and there are some houses that have lots of color.

She suggested. Not sure what else to say about it herself. She listened as the dark wolf explained about the appaloosa being one of the first of the herd in Aniwaya. She perked right up when she heard the wolf wanted the three fouls trained, she shook her head excitedly.

I would love to help with that. And my time is with the horses, well the other animals as well, but I know the horses best. I can train them to do almost anything.

She said pretty proudly, then hoped she didn’t show too much ego, she wasn’t vain, but she was proud of the work she did because it meant keeping her mother’s work alive, because she was the one that had taught Liliana all she knew.

She sucked in everything that Ember told her about how it was like to have the pups in her belly, and that it really wasn’t as bad as it looked. Liliana had always been intrigued by the fact they grew their children inside them pretty much, and was excited for a day when she would be able to call herself a mother, but she was patient, and she was holding her virginity for the male that took away her heart. She was starting to imagine him, but it always turned out to be Nayati, though she really liked him, did she like him that much? Did he even like her? He seemed happy when they were doing things, but that seemed to be the wolf’s general disposition. Her thought was distracted by the question. She shook her head.

No I’m not, I’m waiting really, for the right mate, I have not found him quite yet.

She said, dreamily, but she could imagine herself with a few puppies and wondered how they would look, she being a mutt and all, she’d wondered if her mate would be a pure bred or mutt or something, and tried to imagine them, but couldn’t really get a good clear picture, but she seemed to be daydreaming in front of her host, she shook her head smiling.

I’m sorry I must be getting puppy fever or something, I’m really excited for you, if you don’t mind I would love to see them after they’re born.

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