bring only what you need to survive
Rachias had followed along ever since Gabriel had drug her back from trying to find Arkham. She'd hung back from the group, completely missed most of everything that they'd said, and kept to herself except for the brief moment that she'd sat close to Faolin. That had all changed once they had started moving though. Rachias had nothing to do with any of them now, only that she was being drug along with them to wherever it was that they had decided to go. Whatever the case, they'd made it, and Gabriel was suddenly addressing them over it. The caramel colored girl sat a good ways away from them all, only half listening to what was going on.

The one thing to catch her attention was the mention of treating wolves as hostile. In a way, Rachias took offense to the words, and frowned to herself where she sat. The rest of them might treat them as hostile, but Rachias wouldn't. Some of the wolves out there, whether anyone else liked it or not, were her family. The rest of them would wander off to look around, find dens perhaps, but not Rachias. She'd just be sitting there.


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