Take me on a magic carpet ride

Ren relaxed alittle when the wolfess confirmed the girls suspicions. When Jefferson arrived though she was able to sit down and wag her tail, mildly happy to see her old friend. However, when the other wolf appeared Rendall showed more intrest. It was good seeing old friends but even better making new. The woman looked him over then turned her gaze back to her friend. "I'm not the only one whose changed. You look much better."

She turned back towards Jefferson before gazing at the male called Arorun. "Hello, I'm Rendall as you can guess, I use to live with Anya before I left the Vally." As she said that the woman went over to the grey wolfess and nuzzled her fur affectionately like siblings would when after a long time apart. Though to her Anya was her sibling. She had been devistated when she heard of Anya's departure, however, it was good to see her again."So where have you been?"

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