we are all just prisoners here, of our own device

335 words.

Amaranth was still quite young to have a mate, and Niro seemed to have a lot going on with the women in his life. Vigilante knew of his children with Lolita, as Niro had told him himself, and he also knew about the fight that had happened between Niro and Anatoliy because of the Russo man's sister, news that he had heard from Haven, who had been the one to break up the fight. Though the Haskel man was fond of Niro and he was happy for his daughter, he could not help but be a bit apprehensive about the news. However, Mara was obviously happy, and the King did not doubt Niro's feelings for her, so he could not say anything other than positive words about their mateship.

Everything about her reaction had been expected, for the dog mutt knew the way that Amaranth felt about her mother, even if he did not understand the specifics. Vigilante had expected her to be angry and to lash out at the news, so her words did not bother him. He simply allowed her to finish, knowing that it would only anger her further if he interrupted her if he told her that she was wrong for feeling that way. He could not, for she had every right to feel the way that she did about her mother. The King just did not agree with her.

"You are allowed to feel that way," he said gently, "but I am happy." He had done everything that he could to be there for Amaranth and Kable when their father had not been, and he hoped that she knew that. Vigilante would be a good father to these puppies when they arrived. "I am excited to be a father again, now that you and Ever are out of the house. I have Kambujiya, but he still looks for his mother, and I do not know if she will come for him," he added. "I hope you will come see them."

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