Life alone may be over

welcome Big Grin 311: 3 points

Jace was wandering the borders. She had taken it upon herself to try and be useful despite her limp and her tattered ear. She walked in her optime form using a long and thin piece of wood as a crutch to walk with. Her paws sank into the soft snow and Jace could almost make herself believe that it was harmless but the residual pain in her leg was always at the edge of her mind. She hoped soon enough the limp would get better but she suspected it was bone deep and would probably remain even if it lessened. Her ears flicked around searching for any sounds of intruders or trouble.

She continued to pad along the borders, thinking about her meeting with Lucifer, which caused a mental shudder and scornful thoughts. She made a mental note to see if Kami and Adonia were around and talk to them about the roguish male, maybe they could suggest something she hadn't thought off. Maybe she could even find the Alphas and let them know. Her ears perked as she heard voices in the distance, she didn't recognize either one of them but she could smell the scent of the valley strongly, she altered her course to move towards the two voices.

She came upon the two males; one a silvery sable color and the other a white furred one. She didn't say anything as she limped closer and they were in conversation anyway so she nodded respectfully to the sable wolf that smelled of the valley and eyed the white one curiously, sitting down upon the ground a few feet from them. She winced as she saw that her pack brother was missing his leg and subconsciously rubbed her own injured leg feeling a strange kind of empathy for him. Her questions were held back though as she watched the two.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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