Joining- Windsong
Windsong looked at the cream-colored female warily, trying to decide whether she was a friend or a foe. She said, "Um... hi. I'm new here, actually, and looking for a place to stay. I came from far west, and for the past few months I've been traveling day and night, looking for a pack that doesn't keep skulls posted at their borders. You see, my pack died what seems like a long time ago and I've been alone for a while. I can hunt, and dance, and can draw a little bit too, but I'm not much good at fighting."
Her tail swished as she kept it low, trying not to seem like the proud, smart little brat she was usually. She lowered her head slightly, and said, "I'm just a little girl though, I don't know much about life, but I've seen enough blood and skulls in the past few days." Her fine grey fur shone silver as the light hit it, and her startlingly green eyes looked meekly out from underneath long silver hairs.

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