snakes and snails

She'd never had to physically reprimand a child before. Caillen had always been a willing, if not absentminded child, and he had done as he was told. Odette was obsessed with obeying her mother, and Elijah... Provided the poor fool knew what was required of him, he was eager enough to please her.

Elvira was different. She showed no moral compass, and for many days now Alaine had justified it with her age. But there would come a time when such excuses could no longer be made, and the harried mother would have to face facts. Nana, the docile broodmare, adored her simple son, but seemed to despise Elvira as much as the little girl in turn despised the horse. If she were to believe that the prey-animal had keen skills in observing the goodness behind Elijah's thickness, then so too would she eventually have to accepted that the mare's mistrust for her daughter was based on instinctual grounds.

Her anger changed her body into its Lupus form; Long limbs melting to shorter ones, arms into forelegs. It was a transformation that her children instinctively recognised but had yet to understand, or do, themselves. In her lupus form, the collie was much closer to her daughter. Perhaps a connection could be made in this way. "You have displeased me," She said in a strict voice, fluffy tail raised high, "And if you do not cease your growlings, you'll wake your brother." The urge to reprimand her daughter in a more natural, primitive way crossed her mind - A hard nip of displeasure had quelled her stubborn nature before. It would get progressively more difficult as the girl aged, though, and this was a tact she wanted to save till it was duly necessary.

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