Sing me a Song

No worries!

The young prince certainly thought himself to be very clever for having snuck away so quickly. Noah certainly did not know that Vigilante was there and merely out of sight, having had followed him from nearly the moment the boy had left the house. He usually stayed close to home, as Liam did, because their parents were none too fond of the idea of them running off on their own. Besides, he wanted to learn everything that he could about becoming a King, and he couldn't do that if he did not stay close to his father. As he aged, he would adventure farther away and make his own mark on the world, but he wished to learn all that he could by observing his father and his mother, too.

He had never seen eyes the color of Odette's before, but they were interesting. The prince hardly knew how interesting his own were, of course, as he saw them each day and saw them mirrored in Liam's own gaze. He had seen no one else with eyes of two different colors, but they did not seem strange to him at all. "Where did she go?" he asked, peering around quickly. He did not wish to get into trouble if Alaine came back and found them playing when he should not have wandered so far from home. "Do you want to play something while we wait?" It was not often that he played with anyone but his brother.


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