The waves come crashing in

Word Count → 3+ :: derrrp, alaine is here! c:

She had been upstairs with her children, sleeping fitfully. It was not often the Chien Hotel had visitors anymore, but the sound of the old gate screeching open to allow someone entrace was what roused her. The old hotel was made of thick slabs of dense, rotting wood - No small sounds from down below could be heard up in her chamber. For a long while, the woman simply lay with her two sleeping puppies in the nest of rags she had built for them on the floor.

A faint call reached her floppy ears. It came again, louder now, definitely masculine. She rose and went to the doorway, curious but not alarmed, until the final sentence rang up towards the second floor. "Help, she’s going to die!" Instantly roused from whatever remnants of sleep had been lazily dragging at her, the woman scrambled for her healer's satchel and dashed down the stairs, taking them two at a time.

She burst into the room, almost running into the young man who had moved towards the stairwell. Emerald eyes were cold and professional, and she gave him a quick once over - Not injured. He was not the one who required her help. Gaze moved past the male, alighting on the figure huddled deeper in the room. She was bundled in blankets, but the skilled Apothecary new instantly from the expression of horrified pain that she was the one in trouble. Crossing immediately to the girl, the healer dumped her satchel on the ground and kneeled before her, professional hands reaching to pull back the blankets so she could get a good look. "Calm down, sweetie. I'm here to help you. You're going to be alright," She cooed softly. Without glancing over to the male, she rose her voice and tilted her head to show that she was speaking to him. "Do you know what happened to her?"

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