The waves come crashing in

Word Count → 5+ :: <3

It was the girl who spoke first, a hopeless sob of gratitude that pulled deep sympathy from within the healer. She could see it in the other's eyes, such an intense pain - Whatever was wrong with her, it was slowly eating her from the inside out. When finally the young man spoke, his words were short and unsure; It seemed the girl was beyond being sensible enough to elaborate, though, and Alaine's mouth became a grim line as she considered this new information.

Drug dependency... Drug dependency. Rocking back on her heels, the Apothecary made a soft sound of repulsion mingled with pity. Whoever had forced the girl's addiction had done so very specifically, with an obvious attempt to maximize pain if she ever tried to break the addiction. Alaine was a herbalist specialist, and even as her mind raced through antitoxins and remedies, she was aware that for proper relief it was crucial to know the type of the drug.

If the girl was unable to tell her, then the pain she was going through would be dragged out. But now that the collie-woman knew what was ailing her, measurements could be made to ensure that she lived till morning. "Well, she is not going to die," The woman said in a brisk, firm tone of voice. Ivory hands moved to cup the girl's face, if she would allow it, so that she could examine the size of her pupils and the color of her gums. "Not if I have anything to say about it. But she is going to be in for a struggle, aren't you, honey," Towards the end of the sentence, her voice became a soothing coo once more, a gentle smile curving about pixie maw to match it. Emerald eyes returned briefly to the male in the corner, as she thought about what to do next.

"I want to give her a mild sedative... It should take the edge off of her pain, but it might have some nasty side effects-" She smiled, almost apologetically. The broth she had would most likely result in vomiting, but that was a natural result of the body's cleansing mechanism, and it was undoubtedly worth dulling the female's agony. "I'll administer it now... Do you think you could find a bucket of some sort? Oh, and her name - What is her name?" Alaine didn't know how much longer the girl would have all her senses; Withdrawal patients with such an intense reaction were prone to bouts of hysteria, and she wanted to be able to have some connection to the girl that might reassure her. Having rummaged through her satchel, the Apothecary produced an olive-green bottle of murky liquid. With an air of calmness, she offered it to the huddled lady. "Would you drink this, for me? It might make your stomach feel a little sick, and it surely wont taste very nice... But it should take away some of the pain."

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