shake in the knees
mall-caps;text-varientConfusedmall-caps;">IT'S ONLY cript;">FOREVER, NOT LONG AT ALL

Things had become strange. Where once there had been the ruined remnants of the strong Archangel's daughter, there was now the faintest traces of a healing heart. She smiled more as the days passed on, and laughter filled her life again as she painted landscapes and crafted new songs. Color had returned. Life seemed pleasant, hopeful, worth living. Quite a change from the morbid de le Poer who had crossed the world in the past, tarnished by the violent touch of a deceased uncle and a wrathful God. It was this new princess who found herself crossing the territory with a brightly painted skull in her hands, smiling ever so gently at the flowers and vines that followed the contours of the bone. Where there had once been a fierce member of a violent clan, there was peace. Things had become strange.

An unfamiliar howl rung out across the land as her delicate, paint-covered hands set the bleach-and-painted skull in place at the border. Those who sought to live within the skull-lined borders often felt the stinging tongue of the Aquila's eldest — and in her mind, only — daughter. Today, however, was different. In her good mood, she crossed the world in search of that who had called to her, crimson eyes filled with cheer leading the way. What she found caused the smile upon her cream-hued jaws to fade, for it was not a coyote seeking entrance. It couldn't be. He was much too large, much to wolfish, and much too nervous as he sat away from the skulls.

Thin arms crossed before what was becoming a healthy female torso and she allowed herself to hide behind the invisible borders of her home. "Do you need something wolf?" she asked, voice soft and curious, for she knew he must have wanted something. His coat smelled familiar, so similar to that of a Pixie and the outraged silver creature found within Halifax, but she had never seen him in her time returned; perhaps he came for some reason that transcended her most recent settle back into the lands of Inferni.

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