Patience is a virtue
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Thanks for the poke via inbox. Smile

He crept a little closer and the hare twitched. It was a tiny little movement but one that Sedition's icy blue eyes caught nonetheless. The hare was now on full "what the hell was that?" mode and he didn't need it to run now -- he was so close; closer perhaps than he had achieved in a while. Muscles coiled and ready he could smell the faintest scent of another nearby. Ignoring it he got ready to make his move. It was then that his cough decided to resurface and he felt the first bubbling and tickling sensation before the noise actually came out. The hare bolted back to its burrow and although Sedition naturally let his prey drive take over to chase it he was left standing outside of the hole, wide-eyed and peeved at his own inability to remain quiet. Cursing obscenities under his breath he turned back towards the others scent, irritation written like red magic marker across his face.

"Can you dig?" He asked, tipping his head slightly at the green-eyed wolf who stood there. He hadn't expected her to actually chase the hare but now that she was here perhaps she wouldn't mind helping in exchange for some of the spoils. Taking a few more steps towards the younger wolf he shook his head, feeling ashamed to be so blunt, so rude when it was nothing like his actual nature. "Sedition Wick by the way. Haven't seen you before." That's better, at least a proper introduction.


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