Was it all a lie?
Jasper hadn't been in his right mind when he ran into the female on the Twilight Vale borders. She'd been fine until the point that she had realized he was looking for Lucifer and then it had all gone to hell. When she'd offered him a way to make everything better Jasper had foolishly believed her and moved on to try and do so, despite how badly he just wanted to run away. It had hurt both because she had lied to him and because he had ended up in a situation that he didn't want to be in, and Jasper was a fragile one at that. Now, though, resting against Lucifer, he could feel the worries over the situation sliding away. Certainly it would come back to haunt him at some point, the pain wouldn't go away completely, but at the moment he was feeling better.

When Lucifer leaned down to kiss him Jasper moved his head forward, welcoming the feeling and moving it along right in to a very gentle nuzzle, a bold move for the shy male. "I thought something was wrong with me." He admitted quietly, and though the words of the other male were slightly reassuring, he was suddenly questioning the night that they had been together in his mind. Had it been because he was drunk? Maybe there really was something wrong with him. "I'm sorry I don't remember much.." He said quietly, suddenly ashamed of that as well. He'd tried so hard to remember, to remember because he knew that it had been good, but now matter how bad he wanted to he didn't seem to be able to piece it all together.


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