When all you got to kee[p] is strong

WC: 1060 Oh good, I'm glad you don't mind Smile

The ebony lady was lost in thought completely, she was staring at the ground before her, watching the flowers dance with the breeze that blew around them in the dusky light with a slight smile. These lands were beautiful, oh how she had missed them, she had made these lands her home for a long time ago, she missed them in a way, they had been filled with good and bad memories, when she had left the bad had entirely eclipsed the good, tainting these lands for her, making her heart ache whenever she thought about them. That was why she had had left, she had to, her son had been so broken when she had left, he had asked her to end is life, the one thing the ebony lady could never have done for him, Soran would have walked over burning broken glass for Conri, but he had taken her devotion too far, the red boy asking his mother to kill him had been the last straw for her, despite what he had done, she could never had committed such a crime, it had brought terrible memories of Rokus back, and she had been entirely unable to cope. So the female had packed up and left the lands, not looking back for an instant, she had intended never to return. But eneviatably the pull had been too strong, this had been her home for far too long for her to simply forget it, her blood lived here, her kin. The lady's feet had happily found their own way back here without much guidance from her brain, they had walked on an automatic pilot back here, and she was happy that they had if she was honest. She had not realised how much she had missed these lands until she had returned, and she had already seen so many wolves who she considered family, her grandson, Taliesin, Noah, the blood of her former mates and of course her reddish brown granddaughter that she was waiting for here, she so hoped that she would come. Their last meeting had not gone well, the red girl had turned her back on her grandmother, and although Soran did not blame her it still hurt the ebony female deeply, she wanted to have a relationship with her, she knew that she did not deserve it, not after what had happened in the past, not after what Conri had done, afterall he had tainted the family in her grandchildren's eyes, but he was not his mother, just as she was not him. She hoped beyond all that her grandchildren would see that in time, that they would allow her to be a part of their lives, she did not expect miracles, she was not about to start handing out advice and kissing scraped knees better (for a start they were too old for that), but she wanted something, anything, just some chance of redemption.

The reverie was broken by the sound of someone speaking behind her, the ebony lady jumped, laeping to her feet as quickly as she could, scattering pieces of dried rabbit across the ground. The female was nervous, this was a male that knew her, but she could not place the voice, she was wary of males that knew her, afterall her track record with males was not good, although all the males she knew that had harmed her were now dead, but still, she was wary, especially as she was on packlands where she was now considered a stranger. Then again anyone who was about to force her from the lands would not have greeted her with her name she was guessing, afterall most would have just said "get out" if they did not recognise her, even Mati had almost said that, before realising who the dark lady was, and then she had said it even more forcefully, that was still a thorn in Soran's heart. The ebony lady turned slowly, her eyes roving across the ebony male before her, she knew him, there was something about him. It had been a long time since she had seen anyone, so perhaps he had only been young when she had last seen him. Her emerald eyes fixed on his gaze for a moment as her made a teasing comment about having not seen her for a couple of years. And then suddenly it hit the ebony female, she did know him indeed, it was her former lover's adopted son. She had not seen the obsidian male for a very long time, but it was most definately him."Jazper!" She declared, smiling at him as the realisation washed over her. He had grown, he was an adult now, not the lean teenager he had been, his shoulders much broader, he now gained a marking across one eye as well. Soran smiled, gazing at him, how odd it was to have found so many wolves who she once had known or should have known before she had left. She was amazeed at her luck, having seen so many familiar faces and so many friendly new ones.
"It has been too long, you've grown so much, I barely recognised you then for a moment." Soran said with a little chuckle, visably relaxing now she knew she was in no trouble, her tail lowering and wagging slightly as her shoulders drooped and her face relaxed into a proper smile.
"How have you been? I expect a lot must have happened?" The dark female asked, gesturing to his facial markings. She was very glad to have come across him, in fact she could barely believe her luck, she had caught up with so many of Deuce's family, it was wonderful, it made her feel as if her former mate was still in the lands, although she had left she still remained in Soran's heart, it nudged a reminder to the ebony fae with every beat, and at least now there were physical reminders as well, here they were, her children, dotted about the lands. She was so glad to know they had stayed, it gave her hope that perhaps her middle litter of children were about the place as well, or perhaps even Conri, she would probably be the only one who would be glad to see him, but she missed him so, she missed them all.

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