The wind has bleached the colour from her stone

||Active Threads||

::chronological order-- oldest [top] to newest [bottom]:: (hover over title for {location}, ::description:: and [participants])

close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise

Such is life

rescue our friend

he can, just by living, damage me beyond repair

people create stories create people
||co-rank thread||

free to waste away alone


Bloodshot fireclouds in your eyes

Like the Squirrels in the Tree
||co-rank thread||

And when the troubles arive, we hold on tight

save a dream for me

all i want is to find an easier way

||Archived threads||

::chronological order-- oldest [top] to newest [bottom]:: (hover over title to see {location}, ::description:: and [participants])

close your eyes

In a world of pure imagination

i'm trying to welcome this change

Far from Today

Just a puppet on a lonely string

The past can't come back

A hollow little game//And you've won it

Venus in the morning

Career Day

'Tis thy gift to be free

This heaven is overrated

walking back towards your house

looking for a chance to stray

Inside her knitted sanctuary

taring in the face of danger:: [Gabriel de le Poer]">
there's a hole in your soul, like an animal

i don't know what i want, but i know what i don't

walk right in the sight of the gun


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