Bringing home the Bacon
The sun shone brightly and beautifully, shimmering perfectly on the fae's white fur. A smile was plastered onto her face as she walked happily with a bit of a bounce in her step. Today was going to be the day that Fia and Gunnar where going to hunt for the first time together! Oh how wonderful this day was going to be.

Prancing in her halfling form, the fae's eyes brightened even more when his scent was close by. Her tail begun to wag quickly, making woosh, woosh sounds as it batted at the wind.

The woman and Gunnar made a perfect pair, Fia being small yet loving, while Gunnar large and protecting. The two fit together like peanut butter and jelly. The thought made a small giggle erupt from the girl. Gunnar was brave and strong, fearless yet caring and loving. He may have a few scars and a raspy voice, but Fia didn't care at all. He was wonderful, more then the girl could ever ask for. How could she, she have gotten such good fortune?

The brute always made the girl smile when she was down. He always made her laugh, and he always made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. She felt...... special when she was around him. Silently the girl wondered if Gunnar planned to have a future together with her....if one day they'd become mates. Of course the head-over-heels girl loved the idea, but she was too afraid to bring up the subject. What if he didn't like her that much?

Shaking her head and ridding the thoughts, she made her way through the bushes and vegetation to reveal him standing there. Her heart beat a bit faster when she saw him, butterflies swarming in her stomach. "Gunnar!" She barked excitedly, bounding up to him and brushing softly against him. "You ready to get defeated by the master? She teased, grinning. Fia was a horrid hunter. Sure she knew a thing or two, but she wasn't very good. She'd probably fail horribly.

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