i wanna be with you

Word Count :: 000 :3

Samantha woke up in the morning seeing her mate, he seemed a little off today but she didn't question it. She gave him a warm embrace and when he got ready for a hunt, Samantha had decided to come along. Already guessing that the morning was going to be cold, she pulled on a pair of homemade fur leggings and a long warm cloak. She stood beside her mate, stood on her toes and gave him a small lick on the nose. "Are we ready?" She had taken her knife and a hunting bow, same things as Rain. She was pretty skilled with it, Able to take down prey. Samantha could feel it that Rainwater as not that happy. She had to catch up with him when they left the caves. "Rain...Did I do something wrong?" She was worried that he wasn't happy with her, she enjoyed seeing him happy instead. Shiloh had called her pregnant when she had last seen her, Sam was worried for a little bit for a while but she calmed when she knew that she wasn't. For a period of time she had dreamed of being pregnant, but many died from it and she didn't know if she would be strong enoug. She was much like a snowflake, delicate and fragile. However, the woman did want to have a family. There was many options for one, but she didn't know how to discuss it with Rain. She braided her hair this morning, so if she had to run, her mane wouldn't fly into her face. She put a hand on his shoulder and looked at his eyes. She did feel horrible for her lie, she shouldn't have done that. The wound wasn't that major, it was scarring now and soon her fur would grow back over it. She put her hands on his chest and buried her face in his fur, being close to him was special, cherished.

When she lifted her head, she took the bow in one of her hands and loaded an arrow. She lowered the bow and glanced at Rain. "I'm ready." Later if they catch something, Sam would help her mate cut the meat and preserve some, maybe keep some for themselves and the rest for the pack.

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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