i wanna be with you
Rain whined. She had done nothing wrong. Her only crime was loving someone like him. She cupped her face and whispered softly that they should wait on having a family. Deep down he wanted to leave Anathema to keep her safe. Shiloh might kill her to get revenge. He couldn't lose her that way. He just urged her to start moving, not trusting his words at the moment.
They made for the boarders, Sam already falling a rabbit or two, Rain a few raccoons. As they made their way to the boarders Rain heard the howl of a wolf and the roar of a bear. Rain ran towards the sound to find a mother wolf down under a bear who had wounds of its own. Rain shot at the bear, making it run off after five or six arrows lay buried in its flank. Rain had ran forward and took one look at the she wolf and knew she lay dead, crushed by the bear. He closed her eyes, prayed over her body and would bury her when he could.

It was the sounds of whimper that brought him put of the loss of what was a brave female wolf lay before him. Two pups came out from under the brush and Rain's eyes widened. They were so young, their eyes were still blue. Two weeks at the most the pups wobbled towards their dead mother, small and shivering. Rain ran forward as the dark chocolate colored one fell. He caught the little one and pulled it against him, checking its sex and finding it was a female. "Sam! Sam help me! I have found pups!" he said, hoping his mate wasn't too far behind him as he stooped and picked up the lighter brown white pup, finding it was a male. He held them up and put them under his arms as he remembered Amelia being almost as young as these two pups. He would not let them die like his sister. He was determind

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